Looking for Nike Fuel Band Friends



  • Hey everyone. i've been using the fuelband for about a year now. feel free to add me: isallg00d80
  • msflynnbly
    msflynnbly Posts: 46 Member
    Gonna start requesting you all, I need Nike friends x
  • calilocal20
    calilocal20 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me Screen name: Calilocal20
  • nkovacs1954
    nkovacs1954 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm actually kind of curious. I use a pedometer and at one time used a HRM. Not training for anything other than smaller sized pants and shirts…maybe a 5K with my daughter.

    What does the Nike Band do? Better that any others (are there others?)
  • panda984
    panda984 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me: alex984
  • Anyone who would like to add me can gkennedy5, Gail kennedy not sure what it comes under the search.
    I've had my band for 6 days, it's really getting me motivated. Would love to have some friends to compare/ compete against. Hopefully make me work harder each day:-)
  • hi,i tried to add a bunch of you,
    feel free to add me:popopejump
  • Just got Nike+ Fuelband SE :)
    Please add me: Mortenth93

    I play soccer so people who also play would be great! :)
  • Hi guys, greeting from Indonesia here.
    Just bought my fuelband SE few days a go

    Pls add me my screen name : Agooze / Agus Judodiharjo

    Im doing desktop work most of the time, so i need friends to keep me motivated

    Thanks all
  • just got my fuelband se last month, I love it! add me slimjim_1988 or Betsy Joseph :smooched:
  • Still killing it on Nike Fuelband come add me. Jmg1411@gmail.com
  • ullejr
    ullejr Posts: 3 Member
    Been using my fuelband for about 2 months.
    Add me "ullejr"
  • Really like my fuelband!! Need a group and more friends. Add me. Plz. Kyle Tubbs. Just look up the name . See ya
  • louzziej
    louzziej Posts: 15 Member
    Just started with this fuelband! I love it, but I guess motivation from friends would help.

    Find me by: Marlous Ladan or marlous.ladan@gmail.com

    Mby any dutch users too?

    I'd love you to add me on nike fuelband! And MFP friends are always welcome too :)

    Here my blogpost of the day (last friday) I got my fuelband!!

    http://louzziejfood.blogspot.nl/2014/02/foodlog-28-febuary-concept.html (just to get an Idea who i am ;))
  • Hey! I just got myself a Nike Fuelband a few days ago and it's really motivating me to get more active, but of course it's more fun with friends (and none of mine have one, haha).

    So feel free to add me: lucasjamali

  • hopper602
    hopper602 Posts: 204 Member
    Ive had mine for almost 2 years and have worn it fairly religiously. Some LEDs no longer function but can still determine the text/numbers.

    email - ckyevanjay@hotmail.com
    nike+ id - hopper602
  • hopper602
    hopper602 Posts: 204 Member
    im at 1.5 million pts : )
  • I'll have mine for a year in July and wouldn't mind joining up with some others to keep pushing. Toss me an invite: Walston80
  • Ruben_244
    Ruben_244 Posts: 258 Member
    Add me Rudwin Cabrera
  • doesn't exist