What motivates you?



  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    The way my body is changing keeps me motivated. I see muscles - every where - my boobs are finally bigger than my belly (and I have big boobs, too) - I have that lean confidence that comes with someone who is successful at completing their goals - I am strong and getting stronger each day - I no longer feel like I'm the ugliest girl in the world.

    Yes, all the hot people motivate me....but the hotter I get, the more I am motivated too.
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    Old pictures of myself, success stories on MFP, all the news being thrown at you about "Fat America" and the health problems associated with it, observing the process (watching my clothes fit better, seeing muscles forming), etc.

    There's something every day that motivates me. :) Whether something silly, like my BF smacking the tush going "wow" because of how firm it's gotten, or some near stranger telling me that they're "witnessing a transformation" or something huge like remembering that I no longer have to be on medications for a host of past medical problems.
  • jtakingcareofherself
    jtakingcareofherself Posts: 144 Member
    What motivates me? A lot of the topics and tools that people mentioned, including watching "Ruby" and reading weight loss books. But I also get motivated by how much fun clothes shopping is when you feel good about your body. It is so fun to pick clothes based on what you like and what is stylish, rather than what makes your behind, your thighs, your waist, your yada, yada, yada... smaller or what hides the not so pretty parts. Shopping is so fun when you're feeling body confidence!
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    ...waiting for some magical motivational unicorn to come and force you to start you will be waiting forever.

    Not true. I have a stable full of them. Just send me your checking account number and I'll send one to you. :wink:

    Oh, but the rest is true. You just have to move. Move more the next day. A little more the day after... can I say just do it or do I have to pay Nike something?
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    The spectre of my parents.
    The things I want to do but can't..
    The people who don't only think that I can do it, but also that I deserve the outcome.
  • Wow, thanks so much!! These are all awesome!!
    You just have to move. Move more the next day. A little more the day after... can I say just do it or do I have to pay Nike something?

    I move a lot!! I'm an exercise freak!! I get up every morning at 5 and work out for at least 45 minutes. My problem is I LOVE FOOD!!! And I know that diet is 30%gym and 70% what you eat -- well at least for me it. Because I've been working out hard for over a year and NOTTA!

    OK, so picture it is. GAH!!!!
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    I keep before pictures and then work my *kitten* off. Once I hit a downer or I feel completely unmotivated, I take after pictures and see how far I've come. It's really refreshing.
  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    I've toyed around with diet and exercise for quite sometime. The reason I feel it's working this time is I've made the conscious decision that I want it to work. Instead of thinking of all of this as a "diet", I'm thinking of it as a lifestyle change. I started with small adjustments to how much I was eating. Then I started an exercise program with a clear goal (Ease into 5K, similar to the C25K program). I post my progress on some of the boards here as well as Facebook. As a result, some of my friends have also started the program and we keep each other going. Moral of my story...YOU have to want it. :wink:
  • britt8808
    britt8808 Posts: 18 Member
    Honestly the progress motivates you. When I started dropping weight I hated life (food=my best friend) but as you get used to smaller portion sizes you start to discover it is not that terrible. Then once you pants start fitting looser and you start to see the positive results you are motivated to keep it up. I know you can do this (and before you say hey you only lost 8 pounds....I started at 184 and am now at 158).
  • sexy_RN88
    sexy_RN88 Posts: 58 Member
    The progress is really motivating! I make before/after pictures every week, comparing my Day 1 photo to my most current, and after only 3 weeks, I can see a significant difference!

    Also, I have a pair of jeans in my closet that I want to wear. I loved them and wore them 24/7 when I was a bit thinner...but I haven't been able to wear them in about 3 years! So whenever I get discouraged, I go upstairs, pull on the jeans, and think, "I bet these will fit in a few weeks!" I have to trim off about 4 inches from my hips to get them to button comfortably without creating a gigantic muffin top, but I'm getting there! On Day 1, I couldn't even pull them up over my bum!

    Once I fit into those jeans, I'm going to buy smaller ones to use as motivation--I'll repeat it until I can get down to where I want to be!