I need Nike+ Running friends



  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
  • I have changed mine from what it says above. it is puffling0503 now x
  • Been running off and on for the last year or so and trying to get serious and lose some weight. I can be found on Nike+ as JEKinNC.

    Looking to add some friends for challenges and to keep me moving. I average about 50+ miles a month when I'm motivated.

    Be on the lookout for a Nike+ invite from me.
  • PS running around 3-4 times a week, trying to aim to do 100+ miles/month
  • amymatic
    amymatic Posts: 1 Member
    Send me friend requests on Nike+ -- search for Amy Bell. Pic is me, brown hair & glasses on a mountain in case there are lots of Amy Bells. I usually run 5-7K, 2-3x/week. Looking for wintertime motivation to get out in the cold!
  • valeriejo
    valeriejo Posts: 14 Member
    I'm always looking for new friends and new challenges on Nike+!!! Add me valeriejoleen
  • Hello all. I would love some more people to compete with/cheer on. Please request me and I'll accept. Look for the name Matthew Lyons. I have the orange and white Texas Longhorn logo as my pic. I TRY to run a few times a week, between 3-5 miles each run. Thanks!
  • Need more friends on Nike+ too, hit me up: my UN is: gerard185
  • rememmber
    rememmber Posts: 2 Member
    Add me! I am lonely =D
    Screen name: "Boris_Mocialov"
    Happy running to everyone
  • Im on there :) Jennie Liss Murphy
  • Also looking for friends on Nike+ Running to keep me motivated :-)
    Feel free to add me.
    Screen name: Guthry
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    I want to play tag too:):)
    Please add me!

    This will be fun !
    Feel free to add me as a buddy on mfp too
  • Looking for others to keep me motivated...I run 4xweek average run 3-4 miles.

    eduktorhs smith
  • Looking for extra motivation in marathon training.

  • I have just started running with nike+, but it will be pleasure to keep in touch with you guys there !
    Feel free to add me:
    nickname: Emily_04

    See you there :)
  • reevely
    reevely Posts: 3 Member
    Training for a half in March!

    Sn: Reevely
  • Just started and want some competition, cheers and motivation

    Username: millarsd

    hyperlink: http://nikeplus.nike.com/plus/profile/millarsd/
  • Download the app recently and i want to find some friends to have on app to stay motivated and run ! Feel free to add me : lochte30000. :)
  • sazzyanne14
    sazzyanne14 Posts: 77 Member
    In the process of adding friends on my app. If I miss anyone out please add me.

    I am a competitive person so it will help me a lot to have friends on it.

    My username is: sazzy14