primal/paleo vs an "overall healthy" diet... convince me!



  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member

    I took a "diet break" a few months back... but when I restarted I was eating almost 2k a day anyway, so I haven't felt the need to. And I wanted to do a full recovery week this week from the tri, but EXERCISE IS AN ADDICTION, and I am struggling to stay away from the gym! lol

    (I appreciate your help, btw!)

    So if I understand you correctly, you've been training 6x a week for 6 months straight with no breaks? If that's a case I would try to take a full week or more off from exercise and eat at maintenance during that time. When you resume set a moderate deficit and see what happens

    That's EXACTLY what i was thinking, but I ended up at the gym yesterday, out of compulsivity, and had the worst workout ever. I researched recovery times, and realized I TRULY DO need a break.

    Thanks again!

    LOL, you are a culprit of your own enviable discipline! But breaks are a very healthy thing to do- even if you don't enjoy taking them.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    The Paleo diet has a lot of different interpretations. I guess if you looked at my diet it would be considered some part of Paleo. If my daily food was put on a large plate you would see 80% vegetables; mainly leafy greens. You would see chicken, fish, olive oil, almonds, flax seed (ground of course) and some fruit. If you looked at calories you would find that about 75% come from fats. But, good ones! Occasionally I would add a non gluten grain like Quinoa but since I'm in fat burning mode I usually leave that out. I used to be in a high protein mindset but, with the help of my nutritionist/trainer's input, I have adjusted that. The bodybuilding culture of the past few years has put too much emphasis on protein as a panacea in my opinion. I used to eat 1.5g/pound I weighed. That was crazy.

    Funny thing is, I already eat mostly veggies, fruit and lean meat! Most dinners do not include a carb. But, I do eat organic bread, brown rice, splenda, creamer and conventional cereal on occasion. So I guess it wouldn't be a HUGE change.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Sidesteal and Acg67 know their stuff.. great friends to have!
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    The Paleo diet has a lot of different interpretations. I guess if you looked at my diet it would be considered some part of Paleo. If my daily food was put on a large plate you would see 80% vegetables; mainly leafy greens. You would see chicken, fish, olive oil, almonds, flax seed (ground of course) and some fruit. If you looked at calories you would find that about 75% come from fats. But, good ones! Occasionally I would add a non gluten grain like Quinoa but since I'm in fat burning mode I usually leave that out. I used to be in a high protein mindset but, with the help of my nutritionist/trainer's input, I have adjusted that. The bodybuilding culture of the past few years has put too much emphasis on protein as a panacea in my opinion. I used to eat 1.5g/pound I weighed. That was crazy.

    Funny thing is, I already eat mostly veggies, fruit and lean meat! Most dinners do not include a carb. But, I do eat organic bread, brown rice, splenda, creamer and conventional cereal on occasion. So I guess it wouldn't be a HUGE change.

    I agree. Not much tweeking. To go totally Paleo you need to get a huge club, walk around and growl, lol
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Yes, in case a vegan wants to throw something at you. Or, a mammoth. One or the other.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Here are some websites where you can read up on Paleo/Primal so you can make an informed decision.

    If you want some serious information:

    Loren Cordain “The Paleo Diet”
    Robb Wolf “The Paleo Solution”
    Mark Sisson “The Primal Blueprint”
    Mark Sisson “The Primal Blueprint 21 day Total Body Transformation”
    Gary Taubes “Good Calories, Bad Calories”
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    Here are some websites where you can read up on Paleo/Primal so you can make an informed decision.

    If you want some serious information:

    Loren Cordain “The Paleo Diet”
    Robb Wolf “The Paleo Solution”
    Mark Sisson “The Primal Blueprint”
    Mark Sisson “The Primal Blueprint 21 day Total Body Transformation”
    Gary Taubes “Good Calories, Bad Calories”

    woah, thanks!!!!
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Hey there!

    So I am playing around with the idea of switching to a more primal diet (no grains, processed foods). I would like to shed the last of my stubborn fat and have gotten some feedback that this is the way to go.

    BUT: a few concerns...
    1. I eat pretty high protein and I'm worried about loosing my cottage cheese, Greek yogurt and whey.
    2. Isn't it pretty low carb? Ive lost weight and gained weight because of the "damages" caused by LC.
    3. Aren't the choices very limited and costly?
    4. Is it really worth it? and WHY?

    I eat my own way and what works for me..... Apparently it is pretty much Paleo style except I still have Greek Yogurt and I still have my Whey shakes daily ... I also enjoy beans ... I friggen love making black bean salad !!!!(apparently your not supposed to eat beans or nuts ... one or the other and I love my almonds)

    I suggest finding what works best for you ... trying to fallow some strict lines of "what you can or cant have" is a set up for failure. Take all the good stuff from every "diet" ( I hate the word diet) and make your own way of eating, have foods that you still enjoy and just make good/healthy choices.

    The only site i know on Paleo is
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Hey there!

    So I am playing around with the idea of switching to a more primal diet (no grains, processed foods). I would like to shed the last of my stubborn fat and have gotten some feedback that this is the way to go.

    BUT: a few concerns...
    1. I eat pretty high protein and I'm worried about loosing my cottage cheese, Greek yogurt and whey.
    2. Isn't it pretty low carb? Ive lost weight and gained weight because of the "damages" caused by LC.
    3. Aren't the choices very limited and costly?
    4. Is it really worth it? and WHY?

    I eat my own way and what works for me..... Apparently it is pretty much Paleo style except I still have Greek Yogurt and I still have my Whey shakes daily ... I also enjoy beans ... I friggen love making black bean salad !!!!(apparently your not supposed to eat beans or nuts ... one or the other and I love my almonds)

    I suggest finding what works best for you ... trying to fallow some strict lines of "what you can or cant have" is a set up for failure. Take all the good stuff from every "diet" ( I hate the word diet) and make your own way of eating, have foods that you still enjoy and just make good/healthy choices.

    The only site i know on Paleo is

    FTR, there is no issue with eating nuts if you are eating Paleo. It is in fact recommeded.

    I think Sidsteal summed it up pretty well in his first post. It is a healthy way of eating that may be a little too unnesesarily restrictive.

    Acg67, pretty much nailed what to try to break the plateau. I totally get where you are coming from. Just recently, I had been on about a 3 month plateau. Was losing fat an developing muscle with strength training and some cardio. Working out 4 to 5 day per week. But it made no difference if I at 1600 calories or 2600 calories (my TDEE), the scale didn't move. 2 weeks ago, I got bronchitis and was knocked out of working out for almost 2 weeks. After a week, I started losing weight again. Down about 4 lbs in 2 weeks. Was eating at a 500 calorie deficit.

    Today was my first day back in the gym since a week ago last Thursday. Make yourself stay home for a week! Honestly, I don't think eating paleo will make a substantial difference is breaking your plateau unless it causes you to reduce calories. When I tried it for a little while, it didn't for me. LOL, I can eat plenty of calories whether I'm eating clean or not!! Makes no diff!

    Good luck!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    One way of 'diet' doesn't work for every human. I'd say- give it try for a few months and see if it's for you. Maybe slightly modify it to fit..

    Thee best way to know if it works for you is to try it.