Burn 1000 calories a day and my weight is not moving :-(



  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    i burned 1000 calories in one day too and didnt lose weight..................... left the dam grill on too long . but illl eat it black illl eat it black
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    I don't know what the problem is....

    I haven't lost anything in the last two weeks.

    Any ideas? Advice?

    I thought I was doing everything right.

    I won't comment on calories in calories out but if your water intake in your diary is accurate, with your cardio (30DS and 50 mins~ walking/running), and the summertime where you live, you may want to drink more water.
  • leesee88
    leesee88 Posts: 54 Member
    bump! great tips!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Here are your NET calories for the past week:

    Missed several days

    Here is your water intake:
    Missed several days logging

    The numbers don't lie.

    You are not eating enough. If you want to work out to the intensity that you do, you will need to fuel that body. Right now you are working on fumes...you are thin and have no extra reserves....

    What do you think is going to happen?

    Eat more, drink more. Mind your NET calories.
  • txrosenthal
    txrosenthal Posts: 1 Member
    How much sleep are you getting at night?
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    i burned 1000 calories in one day too and didnt lose weight..................... left the dam grill on too long . but illl eat it black illl eat it black


    great joke - this is just like my (weird) sense of humour
  • michelleesther
    michelleesther Posts: 72 Member
    I think the calories for exercise on MFP are way too overestimated. If I ran (not walked) for 60 minutes I would really only burn about 350 cals. If I half ran/half jogged for 60 I would probably only burn about 250....and I am 200 lbs.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    My exercise is limited, all I can do is walk or do a video. I don't have a gym membership.

    How are you estimating this 1000 cals? It seems really high given your weight/this comment.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I would suggest upping your calorie intake from 1200 to 1300 and then eating half of your exercise calories back. If your exercise caloires burned are correct then I think you aren't eating enough so give it a try because you may be at a plateau.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Any chance you are double dipping your HRM calories? For instance, let's say you'd burn 10 calories just by existing. In that same minute, you do 10 jumping jacks and it tells you that you burned 20 total calories. You wouldn't want to "eat back" 20 calories, because 10 of those calories are already accounted for in your BMR.

    I walk 35 minutes a day and only burn 125 calories according to MFP. No running in there, but still, I'd be surprised if you burned that much even walking and jogging.
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    Here are your NET calories for the past week:

    Missed several days

    Here is your water intake:
    Missed several days logging

    The numbers don't lie.

    You are not eating enough. If you want to work out to the intensity that you do, you will need to fuel that body. Right now you are working on fumes...you are thin and have no extra reserves....

    What do you think is going to happen?

    Eat more, drink more. Mind your NET calories.

    Wow, when you point it out like that, it makes so much more sense. Thanks
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    You only have 12 more lbs to go to get to your goal weight. That's gonna take strictly accurate intake/output measuring habits and some heavy lifting. Use the 60 minutes you're wasting with the walk/run to pump some iron instead.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    Reduce sodium and bad fat. Try to get your sugar mostly from fruit and not processed sweets or baked goods. If you eat bread, go for the good stuff that's full of whole grains and not processed grains. Good fats from nuts, avocados, etc. Stay within your % of carb-fat-protein.

    Calories are a HUGE part of the story, and doing the above not only will make you feel better and give you better energy, it will also help you avoid water retention that masks weight loss, which is common when you're working your muscles a lot and during that time of the month.

    Honestly, if you go 4 weeks without losing so much as half a pound, you're probably overestimating your burn or underestimating your intake. Metabolisms can be faster or slower, but you're never going to have the metabolism of a dachschund. Documented "metabolism damage" is from very, very overweight people or people who have suffered anorexia for many years having trouble adjusting their calories upward without gaining more than expected. It doesn't really apply to yo-yo dieters who eat 900 calories for two weeks, burn out, and start eating 2500 and shout that they've hurt their metabolism because now they're gaining weight.

    Changing up what you're doing is a good tip, as is eating a healthy amount to lose weight. Go to fitnessfrog.com and find your little-to-no exercise TDEE. Subtract 500. Eat back exercise calories (if you can be confident you won't overestimate them). This is a pound a week loss. Your body weight fluctuates based on current water carriage and how long it's been since you had a bowel movement, among other things. Sodium, period, alcohol, processed foods, all of this can cause you to retain. Water retention can look upwards of 2-3 pounds on the scale. So, if you weigh in one week and you're 150 pounds, you follow the plan, you still might not get on the scale a week later and see 149. You might see 148, 151, 153, or 150 again. A pound is hard to see in scale terms.

    As the fish say, just keep swimming.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    My weight is lower but my HRM burn with 30 day shred is 125 cals at level 3. If I run at 6 mph, I burn about 475 in one hour. My guess is that your calorie burn is overestimated
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    You're working out a whole lot and not eating your calorie goal. I think you need to eat more calories. I may be wrong, but yesterday, you only managed to net about 700 calories. Maybe you should try adding in some peanut or almond butt

    I LOVE almond butt!!! :love:
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    I think the calories you are burning are off. I am 150 lbs and when I do the 30DS my HRM usually says between 200-250 calories each time (depending on which level I do). Plus you do need to eat back at least most of your exercise calories.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    What did MFP set your calories at to lose? I would go with that and eat back no more than half of what you are eating back now. My guess is that 1700 and 1800 calorie days are maintenance days for you. If they set your limit at 1200, 1500 may be a good exercise day limit. OR, change your activity settings (not to the highest one though) and eat that number, don't eat back exercise calories.
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    You only have 12 more lbs to go to get to your goal weight. That's gonna take strictly accurate intake/output measuring habits and some heavy lifting. Use the 60 minutes you're wasting with the walk/run to pump some iron instead.

    Noted, I love this idea. I'm not doing any cardio this week. Only 60 minutes of strength .
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You could always be gaining muscle, muscle weighs more than fat. Maybe try to take measurements instead of weighing yourself.

    This has been suggested a couple of times and there are reasons why this could not possibly be the case:

    She is a woman without testosterone.
    She is eating in a deficit (theoretically)
    She is doing all cardio and no resistance training.

    To gain muscle she would have to:

    Eat in a surplus with lot's of protein.
    Do lot's of resistance training

    And even then it would be hard with the lack of testosterone but it possible with focus and dedication to gain maybe 1 1/2 to 2 lbs per month. In 2 weeks?? Ain't happening.

    OP, I think you've got your answers. Your HRM is not wildly accurate to begin with. It needs to be reset based on your new data. Then I would take 30% to 40% off whatever it tells you as that is likely the margin of error. Also, studies indicate the most of us underestimate our intake unintentionally. Those factors could add up to little to no dietary deficit.
  • redheadlynn
    redheadlynn Posts: 28 Member
    Have you seen Bodyrock.tv?