Can I Get Honest Opinions On P90X...



  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I've been using the P90X program off and on...I believe it's helped with my results.


  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    you can torrent it and try it out.... if you love it, buy it
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I love love love chalean extreme. I'm a little over half way done, seeing great results and its a lot less time than p90x .. an hour at the most and thats only one of the days.. Plus 2 rest days.
    I would try something else if you didn't like power 90! a friend of mine is doing ChaLEAN Extreme and loves it!