Be honest



  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    Mainly to look good and not get diabetes.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I *might* run a lot to spend time alone (i.e. away from my kids :wink:)

    And, well... I like when my husband can toss me around a little :blushing:
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    I don't have children. I'm doing this for me, me and me. Overall, I'm more interested in my physical and mental health than the way I look, but the changes I have seen have been a welcome side effect!

    I just realised one day that I couldn't get away with my unhealthy eating habits forever and I didn't want to end up with chronic disease. I love life too much to have it cut short by something I can control (to a point). Hopefully, the changes I have made will help alleviate the effects of nearly a decade of not so good choices, but I can say I tried and my life is so much more enjoyable now. It was great before, it's even more awesome now!
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I want to look good, and eat healthy since my family all seem to be having heart attacks lately. I just hope to be a good healthy role model for my daughter.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    I work out for ME---and myself, and I!
  • mommylog
    mommylog Posts: 13 Member
    I love the workout high ;) and I like looking lean and toned. And of course I like being stronger and faster and not out of breath all the time! Looking good naked fits in there too... ;) And of course like everyone says, I wanna be able to eat that little goodie and not have it hurt me later! ;)
  • I'm with you! I am totally working out for myself, and don't feel the list bit guility for doing it. Some people who use their kids for an excuse to doing everything could POSSIBILY be insecure at what people may think of them as a parent. Not me, proud mother, but I need my time and confidence too.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I just started going to the gym this week. When I told one of my co-workers she said “ oh that’s good, your son needs you healthy”.

    Be honest, why do you work out?

    She was just trying to be nice... even if she wasn't. Her heart was in the right place.

    Why do I work out? To look good. As simple as that. I'm not hiding that fact, either. (See my profile.)
  • Well, I am pretty obese, so at this point I really AM doing it for my health more than looks, and especially to be there/be a better example for my kids. I'm pretty shocked that a co-worker would say that to you though. It's not like you had that much to lose - certainly not a health-threatening amount. And even if you did, it's a pretty tactless comment to make - like a backhanded compliment, suggesting you're somehow less of a parent if you're not fitting into a size 6 or less. I'd say as much to them, honestly. People just need to think before they open their mouths and let stuff like that out of them.
  • willhare
    willhare Posts: 44 Member
    There are a variety of reason for me.

    I mean, of course part of it involves the vanity aspect, but looking good is just the byproduct of me aiming for other goals, like: a) being healthier, b) feeling good, and c) conditioning for things like playing soccer and running. I partially tore my ACL years ago, but I'm too competitive and enjoy the fun of playing sports way too much to give them up, so I try to keep my weight down and my body conditioned so that I'm not fatigued enough to let my somewhat-weakened knee fail me again because of me being out of shape.

    In the end, though, I simply enjoy working out. Some people like fishing or playing video games. I legitimately enjoy pushing myself and the feeling of accomplishment when you're done. To borrow from Nike's brilliant ad campaign right now…I love trying to "find my greatness"
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    My kids played a role sure, I want them to see their mom healthy. But it was an escape for me. I was in a miserable relationship and I found that working out and focusing for once on myself made me happy and I eventually gained the courage and self esteem to leave a bad situation before my kids got hurt .

    Now my motivation is about how I feel when I workout and eat healthy. How my friends have been inspired and how I can wear cute clothes I always wanted and look good doing it.
  • tzeoli86
    tzeoli86 Posts: 75 Member
    To be honest, I'd say its about equal parts staying healthy to be there for my kids and wife and looking good.
  • marinesweetheart
    marinesweetheart Posts: 25 Member
    I meant to quote the first comment, but I messed up. lol My kids made me fat too. lol I was a size 5, had a little four pack going on before I had my first. It took me 2 years to loose weight and get back in shape after her. We welcomed our 2nd this March so I'm back at square 1. I just want my body back after the sacrifice. lol BUT I love my kids and wouldn't trade them for the world.
    I do it mainly for myself. I want to feel great and look good. I have two kids to keep up with I don't need to be huffin and puffin AND I have a closet full of beautiful wardrobe that cost me a lot of money just waiting for me to wear it again.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I work out cus it makes me feel good but I also work out because I hope my kids mainly my daughter will see this and catch on. I say this because she is built like me and without working out and eating healthier choices, she will ended up like me, and I don't wish for her to. So yeah part of me does this for my children. I want them to live by example.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    To look hot and mack dudes. Are there other reasons?

    No no other reasons :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: No seriously, no to take medication and to feel good
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I work out so that I can be un-fat. Then I will work out to be strong for things like acrobatic sex and riding my motorcycle.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    To look good and feel good.
  • to be more confident. my self esteem is really low. to prove all the people that called me fat, and be like nah. i look better than you. :)
  • To look hot and mack dudes. Are there other reasons?
    this too
  • I do it because I feel incredible after my workout. I constantly beat myself up, because i'm leaving my daughter in gym's childcare, or with my husband almost daily (for about 45 min or less). I continue to tell myself that a happy momma equals a happy family. But it's hard to get over the guilt. Anyone else feel this?