Demon drink - what do you do about alcohol?



  • weekends only and as long as I can afford the calories - don't exercise to make space for alcohol.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Plus, when I am drunk, I tend to eat absolute rubbish which would undo a whole week's work. I'm just not willing to take that chance.

    Sometimes alcohol acts as an appetite suppressant for me. At others, such as receptions with high calorie hors d'oeuvres, it removes inhibitions and I end up eating more.

    I like alcohol too much to give it up, but I fully acknowledge that if I didn't drink and didn't eat sweets, 80% of my calorie issues would be eliminated.
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I love white wine, I just drink less frequently. I never drank more than 3 glasses in one sitting anyway (HATE feeling even slightly tipsy), but now I have those 3 glasses on the weekends or when I go out, and not during the week :)
  • Endelle
    Endelle Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a lush lover myself. I haven't cut it out and will treat myself once when opportunity arises. but i try to track what i'm drinking and fit it in with my calories. I've also found that after losing some weight I'm not needing as much to get that happy buzz I go for with a drink. Been saving me some money too!

    Now I save drinking for social events or have one drink if i've had a very long hard day
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    I'm not a big drinker but when I do I stick to UNflavored vodka & tonic water (they DO make diet tonic water if you're concerned) or an "organic" Bloody Mary. Sometimes a glass of red wine if I substitute it for a serving of fruit with dinner. Good luck!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Alcohol is not nutrition.

    I don't think anyone is claiming that alcohol is nutritional, with the exception of certain red wines, which even then can only be consumed in small quantities. It does provide some benefits, such as relaxation, but it obviously has to be consumed in moderation.

    And of course it has to be logged. Everything we consume counts.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I enjoy cocktails, for the first part of my MFP journey I cut alcohol all together. As I got closer to my goal I loosened the reins and started have a nightly cocktail. Today is my 180th day here and at this point I have basically cut processed food out of my diet I eat as much fruit,vegetables, lean meat, and drink as much as I want with no ill effects. I have successfully held my goal weight for five weeks with no problems.
    You still have to make smart alcohol choices, like food. You can't drink a strawberry daiquiri, but you can definitely have a vodka and soda or two.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    :happy: do you do loads of exercise to make up for the calories

    Do this, once you figure out how much work it is to work off one drink you really won't feel like having a second.

    This has not worked for me yet...I am having a Summer fling with Jose and it is well worth the extra exercise, lower food consumption to enjoy a night with him...Now once Labor Day gets here I am quitting as I know it is not good for me and I really only enjoy it in the Summer around/in the pool :devil:
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    I have all but removed alcohol from my intake. But every now and again I will have a single glass of white wine. And I am talking like once every three months.

    However, I have grown fond of Fre Wines (alcohol removed wines) and its usually around 60-70 calories for 8 oz. It gives me the feeling of a glass of wine without all the alcohol and without all the calories.
  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    Two things I refuse to give and alcohol. I don't drink a lot, but on the weekends I will have a few shots of Jack, Jaeger, or a couple of beers. I just don't have any during the week, limit my alcohol to a few drinks on weekends, and try to save a few calories during the days I do drink to avoid going over.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I have cut back, I try drink that are lower in cal. cause it's all empty calories anyways. Like last night, I was really craving alcohol and only had vodka at my place and nothing really to mix it with. So I got my water bottle(holds 4 cups) put 4 shots in, the rest water and squirted some of my Mio flavoring in. It was actually quit tasty lol
  • therighttrack
    therighttrack Posts: 96 Member
    I add it to my daily totals. As long as you are not going over your limit, and you are still eating healthy I don't see any problems with it.
    We do so much to watch what we are doing with our eating habits, and exercise etc. - we have to make sure we take time out to enjoy our lives/friends as well, or what is the point!
  • RF3377
    RF3377 Posts: 97
    I used to go out at least twice a week drinking a lot on those nights but since starting this journey I have cut back to once a month if even and even now I wouldn't drink half as much on a night out as I would of before!

    Don't miss those nasty hangovers!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    work out and cut back
  • mrtoaster
    mrtoaster Posts: 90 Member
    As quite a few people have said its all about moderation.

    Personally I have always been a big beer drinker, but I have cut right down since joining MFP (seeing those numbers shoot up in your diary is not fun). Now I tend to only drink on more special occasions and the rest of the time I'll drive so the temptation is removed.

    When I do drink I don't limit myself to a set number of drinks, but I do strictly follow the rules below:

    1.) I can only drink if I will stay under my weekly caloire goal.
    2.) I log every drink
    3.) I have something healthy to ready to eat for when I get home.
    4.) No junk food the day after.
    5.) any phisyical activity to do whilst I'm out is not exercise (e.g. Walking to different bars)
  • esjaygee
    esjaygee Posts: 148 Member
    I probably have 5-7 craft beers a week, some of them can be upwards of 300 calories for a 12 ounce bottle, though most are in the 160-220 calorie range. I almost always stay under my calorie goal during the week but sometimes go over on weekends and holidays. I've been doing this since day one with pretty good results and for the most part they are my only empty calories. I'm in this for the long haul and if it slows my weight loss down a little I'm okay with that. :drinker:
  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    Moderation is the best approach. One beer, one glass, and no mixed drinks. And only a few times a week (I tend to have a glass of wine 2-3x a week). If there's a day where I know I'm going to have more than that, I tend plan my day around it. Eat really, really well. Exercise. Drink a lot of water.
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    I just gave it up, I tried to go out a few weeks ago but felt ill for 2 days after - so never again!
  • shanpwn
    shanpwn Posts: 66 Member
    I've cut back a lot over the years just because of job demands. I used to drink a lot, I was a bartender for years. But now I have maybe one drink a week. I stick to bourbon and diet ginger ale, red wine, and the occasional craft beer. I never get drunk anymore.
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 79 Member
    I like the Demon Rum :), and if I want to drink it, I just allow for the calories. I don't want it often, but when I's ok as I think I am learning a healthy way of life that I will be able to live with forever....not another Diet! :)