I'm glad I don't like...



  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I'm glad I dont like cheap food... I mean its hell on my budget but McDonalds, Burger King & Wendy's have no power over me...

    I will go out of my way to stop at Panera, 5 guys or chipotle though... YUM!

    Also cheap candy & chocolates & cake... blah! I MUCH prefer higher end chocolate & cake so its easy for me to pass up the cheapie stuff that people bring into the office :)
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Recently I have found that I no longer have a taste for greasy fast food!

    And sometimes I am glad that I am allregic to cow's milk, which means creamy dishes and ice cream are a no no. Knowing that I am going to be in extreme pain helps me avoid these things which are in general also pretty high cal.
    Othertimes, I just really miss them.... oh ice cream and alfredo sauce how I loved thee!
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