Successful toning/weight loss after C-section?



  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    Two c-sections for me as well and the results here are phenomoninal and makes me think I need to stop screwing around and get it done. Just curious do you have to do insanity forever to keep it? Strange question I know because I'm not looking to stop before starting but are you afforded a rest after completing insanity or must it be kept up to keep the pooch away?
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    I had c section almost 7 weeks ago i dont know how to start as im still sore and my bleeding stopped just 3 days ago. One dr said u can do excercise and one said no need to exshaust urself
  • I had a child on Dec 20, 2008, dec 15 2010, and twins on dec 2011... YEAH you read that right, 4 kids in 3 years!! it was DANG rough on my body, but I have been doing weights, yoga, and zumba. My tummy isn't all the way TONED yet (i've only been working out a few months) but it is definitely getting flatter and tighter. i don't know if it is possible to ever be totally tight again because i have so much lose skin, however one thing that has really help is doing swiss ball crunches with a weight plate. google that if you aren't familiar with that exercise. it has done wonders for my tum tum
  • voitdancer
    voitdancer Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks SlimShaylee, I'll try the swiss ball thing, will google it, never heard of it. Where do you find the time to work out, holy crap! Good for you and congrats on your babies!!!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Bump... I need this as motivation. :-) It's been nearly 5 years and I am ready for the pouch to go.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Two c-sections here, one in July 2009 and one in march 2011. Bumping for motivation...done P90X 8/5/12, starting Insanity 8/20/12, doing biggest loser DVDs in between. Still have 20+ to lose...
  • A_Shannigans
    A_Shannigans Posts: 170 Member
    There's a member here but I cant remeeber her exact name, she was like 156 lbs (like me) with the same c section pouch as me, and she now has a completly flat and toned tum and 125lbs. She did it in 7 months and did the Insanity workouts xx

    Would you be referring to me?! LOL!

    I started working out in January. I have had 3 CSections...twins July 2007, singleton July 2008, and singleton September 2011. I was between 155-160 when I started...not so sexy on a 5'1 frame :ohwell:

    *Tony Horton's TMT and 20 minute morning jog


    *I stopped after Month One and gained 10 lbs back


    I still have a lot to work on but I'm definitely stoked about my progress! Good luck to you lady ( :

    I just started Month Two yesterday of Insanity so hopefully my next progress picture looks even better! Hope this helps!

    Wow! You look great you SHOULD be stoked! Congrats!
  • Melzy71
    Melzy71 Posts: 150
    Makes me hopeful also even though I didn't have csecrions I did have 3 boys and I hope my tummy pouch goes away too. I just have to work at it and that I can do.
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    I had a child on Dec 20, 2008, dec 15 2010, and twins on dec 2011... YEAH you read that right, 4 kids in 3 years!! it was DANG rough on my body, but I have been doing weights, yoga, and zumba. My tummy isn't all the way TONED yet (i've only been working out a few months) but it is definitely getting flatter and tighter. i don't know if it is possible to ever be totally tight again because i have so much lose skin, however one thing that has really help is doing swiss ball crunches with a weight plate. google that if you aren't familiar with that exercise. it has done wonders for my tum tum

    I can totally relate...I had my first in Aug of 2005, my second in March of 2007 and my twins in Nov. 2009 :). My stomach is nowhere near the toned I would like and I have a bunch of extra skin left b/c with each pregnancy i was at least 40-50lb weight gain :(. 70lb with the twins. I'll have to google the crunches you were talking about and I am seriously wanting to start lifting but can't afford a gym :/. BTW, you look awesome as if you have never had kids :) lol.
  • I know this is an older post, but I just wanted to say that OnMyWay4 was the inspiration to get me off my BUM and moving. I lost 3 lbs this week :D I've lost 55 and have about 50 to go. I had plateaued and given up! Thanks for the pics!
  • OnMyWay4
    OnMyWay4 Posts: 264
    I know this is an older post, but I just wanted to say that OnMyWay4 was the inspiration to get me off my BUM and moving. I lost 3 lbs this week :D I've lost 55 and have about 50 to go. I had plateaued and given up! Thanks for the pics!

    Congratulations on your loss. Just don't give up or you'll have to start all over again! My husband rewarded me with a breast augmentation yesterday from losing all of my weight.
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    I know that it has been a while since this thread has been active, but question here!

    All the comments and pictures show women with horizontal (bikini cut) incisions... both of my incisions (2 c-sections 24 and 26 years ago) were vertical and now my stomach looks it is a butt (honestly after the first c-section it looked like a butt)... I've been working hard to lose weight but just can't get my stomach to tone down...

    Anyone else have this issue and still achieve a flat stomach? If so, what did you do?

    (Please don't suggest getting insanity, as I just don't have that kind of money floating around... I've been using for most of my workouts...)
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    I have had 2 C-sections and a hysterectomy. I got my abs back through gym, insanity and running. I don't do a lot of ab work but make sure I am engaging my core all of the time. Good posture really helps.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    i got as tight as I was gonna be after 3 months. worked out and etc. spent years with that pooch slight sag. had an otherwise fit figure. no men i ever dated after that cared aobut the pooch. i did. over 17 years later i got a tummy tuck. wish i'd done it sooner. the end.
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    Would need to lose a lot more weight before a tummy tuck would even be considered... but would also have to save up some major bucks to have a tummy tuck...
  • AmmyP
    AmmyP Posts: 33 Member
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