Don't eat these 5 foods???



  • Good Grief ,dont hate! This is supposed to be a supportive site. We are all on here because, of poor choices and lack of portion control. People who eat fruits and veggies never have to join these sites. I try and eat clean for the most part. If it does not come from the ground or have a mother you probably should not eat the food. All the processed foods is what causes the problems in the first place. None of us will die without bread,sugar, cake, cookies, chips, and fruit juices...... Just full of sugar. If eating these things works for you, more power to ya. I dont care if you eat them or not, they just dont work for me.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    I agree that having a calorie deficit despite what you eat will cause you to lose weight. I also agree that since you are restricting your calories that you want to eat the most nutritious food possible. Eating smart becomes much more important now. I would not make any foods on this list my daily staple. But, I think some of the statements attached to these foods are silly and even inaccurate. There are so many benefits you receive by eating as healthy as you can while losing weight; energy level, mood, hunger control, overall health, muscle build and protection, etc.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    You can have anything you want at Alice's restaurant..except Alice

    Walk right in it's around the back
    Just a half a mile from the railroad track

    Best response Winner!!!
  • I'm at the weight that I'd like to be at, maybe a pound or two heavy, but my body is still not as lean as I'd like. The only way I feel to get there is by reducing sodium, sugar and fat.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    I don't trust anyone who can't spell 'granola.'
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    Sure. I'll also sell you some ocean front property in Arizona.