Still tryin' to lose the baby weight!!! Anyone else?!?!



  • My son just turned two on August 4th and I weigh about five more pounds now than when I first had him. I also have a set of six year old twins. Its hard and I would really like to be a part of this club to keep me motivated.
  • lololol....I needed that laugh. :laugh: 38 really?!
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    I officially weigh less than I did after I delivered my daughter who will be 4 in November (I actually gained almost 40 pounds after I had her.): Now I just have to lose the weight from when I was pregnant with my son who will be 8 in December. I gained 65 pound with him and never really lost it.