House guests



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hmmmm not a very gracious host! They are elderly for godsake!
  • Well so guess I have to figure something else out. I could clear a spot in the guest house but that is my husbands gym. He isn't going to like that but I suppose it will work. There is running water and everything.

    wait a minute, you have a guest house and you were considering putting them in a tent in the yard - Oh I see, this is a troll post! You're just trying to be funny and now see how long you can drag this out. Well played, well played :drinker:

    Guys, I'm kinda slow :yawn:

    It's ok. ::patshead::I appreciate you. Now watch a dozen people not see this and keep yelling at me about making my grandparents sleep in a tent. Like I would do something like that. Sheesh.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    So my grand parents are coming in town and need a place to stay. They asked if they could stay in our spare bedroom but I JUST had it redone into a playroom (Adult) and I would prefer for them not to see it. I don't want them thinking bad of their grand daughter. So I was thinking of telling them that it was under construction and locking the door. Then that leaves them no place to stay. Do you think it would be ok for me to offer them a tent and they could sleep in my yard in the back. I have an air matress they could use as well. Thoughts?

    Give them YOUR room, and you sleep in the PLAYROOM maybe ?



    lock the playroom and you sleep in the tent.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    So my grand parents are coming in town and need a place to stay. They asked if they could stay in our spare bedroom but I JUST had it redone into a playroom (Adult) and I would prefer for them not to see it. I don't want them thinking bad of their grand daughter. So I was thinking of telling them that it was under construction and locking the door. Then that leaves them no place to stay. Do you think it would be ok for me to offer them a tent and they could sleep in my yard in the back. I have an air matress they could use as well. Thoughts?

    Give them YOUR room, and you sleep in the PLAYROOM maybe ?

    This. A hundred times this.

    This is the common courtesy thing to do when you have important guests. You always give them the master and take the crummy guest room. (Unless you have a nice guest room).

    This is so obvious an answer that this thread is obviously just:


    Agreed. I mean, seriously ... what kind of person offers their elderly grandparents a tent in the background? This is a joke, right?

    ^^^^ I'm thinking perhaps this is a joke. Troll maybe?!
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    Well so guess I have to figure something else out. I could clear a spot in the guest house but that is my husbands gym. He isn't going to like that but I suppose it will work. There is running water and everything.

    no extra rooms yet a whole guest house....use the guest house.
  • sfburdett
    sfburdett Posts: 83 Member
    Question is if you did spend the weekend in the playroom would you be sleeping anyway!
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    My grand parents are about 90 and I don't even want to think of them using that room. Plus that is gross. Old people do not have sex.

    hmm its ok to put them outside in a tent, with an air matress? So they would be like camping? (young enough to camp but not have sex?) I hate to ruin your delusion, but old people DO in fact have sex. Go work in a nursing home on the night shift. haha.

    I have a better idea, tell them the room is under construction and lock the door. The YOU stay in the tent with the air bed, and put them up in YOUR BED? By your way of thinking, its not like they will break in.your bed :). Or put the air bed in the living room and any of you stay there. Or put the air bed in the play room and YOU stay in there. Tell them it is under construction and you would feel better if they took the comfort of your room. While you stay in the play room. Just make sure to keep it locked... One last suggestion: Tell them your place is being fumigated during that time, and all of you go to a hotel?
  • I so agree!!! attention getter ;[ why would u even ask a dumb question like that? if u get to be 90 do u want ur grandchildren to put u in a tent with an air mattress?? come on now, this is a joke!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Well so guess I have to figure something else out. I could clear a spot in the guest house but that is my husbands gym. He isn't going to like that but I suppose it will work. There is running water and everything.

    no extra rooms yet a whole guest house....use the guest house.

    Can you not read? It's her husband's GYM!
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    <circles around, still looking for cameras> Well done op!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Well so guess I have to figure something else out. I could clear a spot in the guest house but that is my husbands gym. He isn't going to like that but I suppose it will work. There is running water and everything.

    no extra rooms yet a whole guest house....use the guest house.

    Can you not read? It's her husband's GYM!
    People are so quick to criticize. Not so quick to read. Sad world we live in :frown:
  • <circles around, still looking for cameras> Well done op!

    Thanks. My inbox is flooded with people wanting to see pics of my playroom.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Oh Lord, I think I just lost brain cells reading this whole thing. It's a good thing I have a broken ankle and nothing better to do. Yikes. I'd say get a life and quit trolling, but I read the whole darn thing so I guess I'm just as bad.
  • Oh Lord, I think I just lost brain cells reading this whole thing. It's a good thing I have a broken ankle and nothing better to do. Yikes. I'd say get a life and quit trolling, but I read the whole darn thing so I guess I'm just as bad.

    Oh you! I am from Iowa as well. Nothing else to do here.
  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member
    Oh Lord, I think I just lost brain cells reading this whole thing. It's a good thing I have a broken ankle and nothing better to do. Yikes. I'd say get a life and quit trolling, but I read the whole darn thing so I guess I'm just as bad.

    Sorry about your ankle. I broke mine ( all of it, 3 bones) and I was in bed rest for 8 weeks. -- Enjoy the trolling :D
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I didnt state that I don't keep it locked. Kids can not get into the room. They are 2 & 5. They can't reach the handle. But thanks for insinuating that I am a bad parent.

    Not a bad parent but perhaps a shtty grandchild

    Nah your not a bad parent. Bad parents live not far from me. .. Load, hit and pass the bowl in front of your school age children... if they happen to be sitting next to you, accidently pass to them. THAT IS A BAD PARENT.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Oh Lord, I think I just lost brain cells reading this whole thing. It's a good thing I have a broken ankle and nothing better to do. Yikes. I'd say get a life and quit trolling, but I read the whole darn thing so I guess I'm just as bad.

    Oh you! I am from Iowa as well. Nothing else to do here.

    Lol well I'll give you that!
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    HEHEHEHEH.....and now she has a guest house... I LOVE Trolls.

    It's not a guest house. It's a work out room for her husband. You don't want to make him hate his grandparent-in-laws by making him give up his personal space. That's rude!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Oh Lord, I think I just lost brain cells reading this whole thing. It's a good thing I have a broken ankle and nothing better to do. Yikes. I'd say get a life and quit trolling, but I read the whole darn thing so I guess I'm just as bad.

    Sorry about your ankle. I broke mine ( all of it, 3 bones) and I was in bed rest for 8 weeks. -- Enjoy the trolling :D

    Thanks. Not the way I would have liked to spend my summer, but I guess as a teacher, better now than during the school year. I'm on week 8 today and at least 3 weeks no weight bearing yet. At least I'm entertained!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Don't pay extra money for a hotel when clearly you have the space in the playroom. Set them up in there with the mattress, and show them how to use some of what you have! Obviously since you have parents, they have had sex before. !!!