How often do you guys weigh?



  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    i try to step on the scale every morning. before breakfaast

    Same here. Just like to know whats going on. Only record on Mon.
  • Krcanderson
    Krcanderson Posts: 12 Member
    About 2 or 3 times aday, just not after dinner lol
  • Bfrank0926
    Bfrank0926 Posts: 2 Member
    Twice a week. I weigh in on Wednesday to make sure I'm on track, and Saturday which is my official weigh in.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    "officially" once a week, but I usually sneak a peak midweek to see what's going on ...
    Me too. Of course naked in the am after I go potty lol...
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    Daily, in the morning after a wee and before I eat.
  • torrmairi
    torrmairi Posts: 64 Member
    I weigh a few times a day, but I also have a cheap, crappy scale as opposed to a really precise one. I know I should be focusing on what I'm eating instead, but I get antsy about it.
  • Lyssie71
    Lyssie71 Posts: 15 Member
    I weigh myself religiously every morning. I don't always record it....but it helps me keep in check and to realize that today I may need to be more mindful of my water intake, etc.
  • becki1815
    becki1815 Posts: 51 Member
    Every single day, in the morning after going potty. That's "my" weight, the only one I care about. When I was at my most psychotic, I was doing it 3 times a day, writing it down every time. But I did break that habit once I hit my goal weight.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Every two months or so. Seeing the numbers drop dramatically from the last time I weighed myself is a huge motivator for me. If I were weighing myself every week I'd get discouraged, I think.