Help me save me from myself!



  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    Therapy, dude. If anyone can help you save yourself, it's a you. And therapy.
  • Evasavealot1
    Evasavealot1 Posts: 76 Member
    First, you need something that truly motivates you to stay on this weight loss plan. Secondly, Clean house of all unhealthy food or snacks you don't want to eat. This happens to me all the time. You might want to change your environment because it sounds like your getting triggered all the time. I get triggered by what I see and I want to eat it; I have even stopped watching commercial. If its out of sight then it's out if mind. Also keep yourself busy with anything, work or exercising classes. When I'm sitting at home and I start to crave something unhealthy I'll go to the gym.
    I hope this help.
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    Ditch the shakes and eat proper food!

    It's mind over matter, you control what goes into your mouth, no one else!

    really! you can do this totally... we are all here for each other - friend request on its way....
  • Slim7Dee
    Slim7Dee Posts: 17
    Are you ready to get down to it and lose the weight, or just telling yourself you need to but aren't motivated enough? How much do you need to lose?
  • Evasavealot1
    Evasavealot1 Posts: 76 Member
    Keep up the great job.
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    Ditch the shakes and eat proper food!

    It's mind over matter, you control what goes into your mouth, no one else!

    Perfect advice!!!! Those shakes are nasty! Real food is where it's at!
  • 115perfection
    115perfection Posts: 109 Member
    Don't "quit cold turkey", if ya know what I mean.

    Make small changes first. Eventually work up to eating 80% pure, healthy food and 20% what you want, within your calorie allowance. I find this is the best way to lose weight and feel satisfied. Eventually, you will learn to love food that is good for you :)
  • abbiekgurl
    abbiekgurl Posts: 22 Member
    It really is a mind over matter. A lot of people have posted great tips. I may have overlooked this one, but next time you crave something, have a glass or two of water prior to any eating. It will help you feel a bit fuller, plus helps get in those 8 a day!

    If that doesn't help, try adding what you are thinking about eating to your calorie counter prior to indulging. It will give you visibility and may make you think twice about how many calories for the day are wrapped up in these cravings. (And if you still can't resist, it may help you plan accordingly for the rest of the day. It's how I handle my "treat of the week" (normally pizza)).

    The cravings are hard, but if you stick with it long enough they will not be as strong or common. Your body will adjust, as this should be a life change and not a short-term fad, and you will start to actually crave healthier foods.

    Stick with it and good luck!
  • MrsW214
    MrsW214 Posts: 7
    Thanks everybody for all the great advice. I think I need to switch my focus from making big changes to making little ones. A few people suggested just subtracting one thing at a time and that may be helpful, baby steps. Also, I have considered dropping the shakes but my problem then is what to replace it with. I guess I need to do some more research on breakfast and lunches that are quick, healthy, filling and actually taste good. Because if I don't like it there is no amount of motivation in the world that will get me to stick with it.
    Thanks again and I will definitely be taking another approach to this and hope that helps.