What is your HONEST reason for losing weight??????



  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    i'm sick of hating the way i look and not having any self-esteem/confidence, especially as i've always been fat and was bullied a lot
    Plus I'm short so i look stocky

    I want to look good naked and in clothes, not cringe at photos of myself and get upset by them and feel good in my own skin. i also want to feel/be fit and healthy, not loosing breathe unless doing something strenuous, as well as having people think and say i look good too!
    So vanity and health
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    my hip hurt a lot along with high cholesterol. Really that is what started it.

    Next in line i have this bag under my eye...it's going away now and I was sick of being the "fat" friend.

    so mainly health...then vanity kicked in and now why do I maintain...I gave all my bigger clothes away, I like lifting weights and I look pretty fine.

    ETA: whenever vanity was the main motivator I lost that motivation and yo yo'd a lot...my health really kicked it into gear for me.
  • ladyblue100
    ladyblue100 Posts: 37 Member
    I want to work towards having abs and being able to kick some butt!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    To begin with, it was about feeling healthy again. I had previously lost a lot of weight and regained most of it and I felt really unhealthy. As I've carried on, and become more physically active, it's about being able to maintain and increase that level of activity , particularly in relation to pole dancing.
  • 692ecs
    692ecs Posts: 33 Member
    i have 2 reasons:

    1. I want to look and feel good about how I look, rather than constantly worry whether something is going to fit and how bad it will look.

    2. My weight is affecting my fitness which in turn affects my job. I really need to get both sorted!
  • loveless_me
    loveless_me Posts: 115 Member
    To look and feel sexy naked.
    I hate being the ugly chubby girl, I look like I am 6months pregnant because of my belly fat.
    Its also something to work towards, it gives me a goal. I want to be hotter than my friends, I want to be sexy for my boyfriend.
    Also my whole family is obese, my granny, aunts and uncles, my mother and recently my older sister has put on more weight. I don't like to look at my mother and say one day ill look like her, so I've started now, to try to keep my weight in control.
  • ChasingMyBliss
    ChasingMyBliss Posts: 803 Member
    I am tired of feeling "plain" all the time. I want to look and feel "extraordinary". I want to wear WHATEVER I want, and know it is going to look good. I want to feel strong, vital and healthy, and know my body will be ready to take on any challenge I ask of it! I want to be the best roll model I can be for my boys. I want to give a big, fat middle finger to a MS diagnosis and live my life exactly as I want for as long as I can.
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    I want to be comfortable in clothes.
    I want to look acceptable in a bathing suit.
    I want my husband (23 yrs younger than I) to be proud of me
    I want to be able to exercise for more than a couple minutes without feeling like I'm gonna die
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm all set with my fupa, and muffin top.

    What a beautiful horse!

    It's all about the fupa for me now. I've declared a war to the death on it. Mine or its. And it's going down!
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I am fat....
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Look good naked. I won't try to to hide it, it's straight-up vanity. It's why I started and it's why I continue. All other health benefits are strictly icing on the cake. :wink:
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I am tired of looking at myself in the mirror and hating myself.
    I want a baby but I don't want my weight to cause problems.
  • gaz1023
    gaz1023 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 48 years old and headin' towards menapause. I would love to lose 25 lbs before I turn 49. I know it will be much, MUCH, harder to lose it after I'm 50ish.
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    A mix of vanity and athleticism. I want to be very comfortable in my own skin (currently I can't sit alone in shorts without feeling shameful and gross), but I also want to run marathons, climb mountains, etc.
  • bidimus
    bidimus Posts: 95 Member
    To carry less weight when I run which in turn will allow me to run further, faster, and easier.
  • MrsUptonOgood
    MrsUptonOgood Posts: 1,897 Member
    I want to put on a fitted t-shirt and not have disgusting fat rolls showing or look like I'm 4 months pregnant!! So sick of looking gross.
  • sivilmeow
    sivilmeow Posts: 9 Member
    To stop going up in pant sizes and so that I can do everything that I want to do. I live in a beautiful area (nc mountains) and would love to be able to take advantage of it and hike and whatnot without getting so sore and out of breath :)
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    My hypothyroidism.
  • ad2422
    ad2422 Posts: 16
    to look good :)
  • Gnarles2
    Gnarles2 Posts: 48 Member
    It's all about looks honestly. I want to fit into certain clothes and not dread going to a beach.