i feel like dieting is taking over my life.



  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    Yep, obsessive, perfectionist, Virgo, or whatever you call it, I'm all in on that. Although I don't binge at all, I'm on the site logging food, water, exercise all day long. The deal for me is that my health and body were getting out of control, and I'd rather do this than be upset because I can't reach around or down far enough to wipe properly. Or how about having sores under a belly flap and underthe boobs? I'm done with that and I'm not going back there again. So much bad stuff happens to our bodies that never get discussed.

    Can I do this for the rest of my life? Absolutely, because I now know where I'm coming from and there is nothing good in that place for me. We can do this.
  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    thank you guys, i think that is part of the problem is i feel like i completely failed when my day isnt "perfect" calorie wise and so i get that mentality that since i went over 200 calories the day is shot anyways so i might as well eat everything i want and start again tomorrow.. ugh!!

    OMG THATS EXACTLY HOW I AM!!! And no one understands it!!! It'll be the end of the day and I'll eat something extra that I didn't plan on eating, and thats when it hits. I'm like "well I might as well enjoy my calorie overage and eat whatever I want now..." Then here I am feeling sick 5,000 calories later............

    Yep... that is exactly how I fall off the wagon as well.
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    Once I ate something I shouldn't have or went over my calories I would tell myself that I'd "ruined" the day so that gave me permission to eat whatever I wanted. I said that I would start fresh "tomorrow." But tomorrow never seemed to come because every day I was "ruining" my diet.

    I finally got to the point where I stopped making excuses and accepted that yes, I'd gone over my calories, but that I could start right that moment to make everything better by making better choices the rest of the day.

    So, if I had a couple of cookies as a snack, I no longer abandoned the diet and ate whatever I wanted. Instead, I accepted that I ate the cookies and made sure I logged them in, and then stayed within my calorie limit for the rest of the day. When I got to the end of my calories that was it, I was done eating, even if I hadn't had the chance to have the extra cup of unbuttered popcorn that I was hoping for.

    Today I had 1/2 cup of ice cream. In the past I would have given up on my diet and eaten more ice cream and probably even some m&m's. Today I just logged it and moved on.

    this what I try to do but last thing in the evening is my downfall peanut butter on crackers. naughty boy.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I sometimes feel like letting go -- I think this happens to a lot of people if not all. Something goes over the top and, waam, I want to eat that bar (or two) of chocolate. My daughter also goes through this. The issue is that it becomes negative eating. Binge -> bad thoughts -> guilt -> feel bad about self -> give up for several days and then all the win is lost. What has helped for me tremendously is to think of it as a voyage, I'm in the process, the day does not really matter, how is my week? 200 cals too many today? No worry, I'm still good for the week. Feeling good about myself helps me prevent the 200 becoming 2000.
    With my daughter we try to go for rewards rather than punishments - we have a bike ride we like, up and down to the river and across some beautiful land; this ride ends in an ice cream shop with a banana spilt (which is totally more calories than we use on this ride) but it's still a treat on a good week.
  • AvonLucyR
    AvonLucyR Posts: 124 Member
    I lost 5 lbs, then started MFP, now have lost 20 more lbs. My problem started when I adjusted my calorie count to 1200... I don't feel full when I only have 1200 and I am handicapped, so I am limited in my working out. I do really understand the frustration of having days go up and down. I have stopped weighing myself so often and am trying to get back on track. The days I have something awful (lately I've craved milkshakes) I've avoided logging which ends up with a lot more calories.

    Having said that, I know that this behavior is not very healthy. As a teen I was anorexic, and dieting is a four letter word for me. I can relate mine also to my emotions and realize, this is the part that needs more work. I'm trying to get in the mindset where instead of going all out and eating lots of junk when I "mess up", I rethink and come up with an alternative. For example...this milkshake craving could probably be satisfied with ice and fruit blended...and if I'm really craving sweets a little sweetner.

    I would recommend you try to think of things (besides food) that give you happiness. Sometimes that is difficult, but it can be done. I've stopped cigarettes, cut down on calories, lost the ability to do heavy exercise (or walking), and yet, I've lost 25 lbs. You've obviously done some great things because you have lost 90!! That's incredible!!!! Now, try to replace the constant thought of eating with some other things that will give you satisfaction. Even if you have a really boring diet that you repeat week after week in order to stay within your range and not spend so much time worrying about what to have, if you have other things to look forward to, it may make the whole diet thing fade a bit...Good luck to you!! Congrats on all of your success so far, and hope you find it gets easier - I think there are an awful lot of us working on this same thing!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mds81
    mds81 Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah the "ruined-the-day-so-let's-just-go-for-it!" trap is a doozey..

    Last year I started my first diet/exercise program properly. It was a 12 week course and I was cruising along for five weeks doing really well - 12cm/4.7inches off my waistline and 10kg/22lb lighter when all of a sudden it happened!..

    I was at a mates birthday and I said yes to a glass of wine - my first in 5 weeks. I felt so guilty I just decided I didn't deserve to lose any more fat so I binged and gave up the diet completely.

    Well a couple of months down the track I was right back to my original starting weight and measurements! Gutted. (literally lol :wink: )

    For me the trick is to understand that while the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak!
    To err is human and all that jazz, right? Realise that you DO deserve the results, and going over the calorie count here and there is fine. When you fall off the wagon just log it, pick yourself up and dust yourself off. No biggie, carry on!
  • AvonLucyR
    AvonLucyR Posts: 124 Member
    By the way, I looked back and you've lost OVER 90 and I also checked your pictures...you have made a tremendous transformation!! I hope you can find an answer that helps with the frustration of slipping back and forth!! You have done so very well and you look great!! Be Proud!! Yes, you are skinny again!! :happy: