Over 200 Club Losing it for the Holidays!!!(Open Group)



  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    It is soooo cool to be able to do that. I was able to do that the other night with my biggest pair of jeans and of course had to come out and show hubby!!!!! LOL

    I showed the trainers at the gym, but I had my bathing suit on so they wouldn't think I was a weirdo!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I know thanksgiving will be not a good thing for me, but we will see...I am not going to deprive my self but trying not to overdo it either....I am going to try eat good and exercise...we will see how that goes.

    I am proud though even i am struggling right now i am not totally giving up...in years past i would say let me just stop dieting and eating right until after the holidays, then i would gained everything back cause i would over enduldge...I am not doing that this year...i may have setbacks...but I WILL NOT BE BACK OVER 300....I REFUSE!!!!!!!!!

    To build on jib123... I want to see you fulfill the prophecy of the second paragraph. "but I WILL NOT BE BACK OVER 300..." and you will not, keep posting every day.
  • This is day 5 for me being on this website. So far it has helped me be in control of what I put in my mouth. My next step is start moving and groving!

    My husband was just diagnosed with tyoe 2 diabetes & high cholesterol. It was a real blow to him the other day and stressful. Diabetes run in both of our families but I have been lucky my sugar has been good every year I get checked. So in a few weeks my husband starts a diabetes class that I will be going with him so I can learn all about taking care of him, support and what he can eat. My cholesterol is a little high but my doc wants me to try and change my food eating to make it go lower. So, being on the life style change of food with my hubby will help me too. I don't like to call it a diet, just a lifestyle change. Sounds better to me!

    Our lifestyle has been coming home from work, dinner, TV then bed. Seeing it is so dark sooner I don't want to walk by myself. We do have two dogs we can walk too. I am willing to walk but I have to get him motivated to walk with me. Also, we have an Eliptical machine that we can blow the dust off of. I know with the holiday next week I won't get to much motivation as his family is coming to stay with us which I love them but they just like to sit around and watch TV. If it is during the day I would rather be going out and doing something than inside watching TV. But they are only with us part of the week so I will grin and bear it!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    So here's my second weigh in with the group:

    In last week's episode we heard Stephanie saying "11-13-09 Weight: 210.5 and my goal is to be down 4lbs by next weigh in" tune in this week to find out if she hit her goal....

    This week 11-20-09 drum roll please.... 206.5 down 4 lbs exactly! (cheer from the crowd) Thank you, thank you....yay ME!
    LOL - just a little goofy this morning.

    OK - so I had an idea how about with our daily check in, how about we add in one additional item "Tip for Thanksgiving Survival"

    So it would be-- Calories: Exercise: Water: Proud: Thanksgiving tip:

    What do you think?
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning all

    Welcome tigger2009, My husband found out he was a diabetic and had high cholesterol too. I can relate. But type 2 diabetes can be controlled really well. So there is hope.

    lildeb, do not be hard on your self. Keep heading in the right direction. Stress slows weight loss down. You can do this. Thanksgiving is only one day. If you are doing well all other days Thanksgiving is NOt going to sabotage you. You can do this. I am really proud of what you have done so far keep up the good work. Give your self a break and move forward:flowerforyou:

    snowflakes, good job have fun on your road trip

    stephanie, I like your idea. Great job on the 4 pounds lost, Check your percentage of weight loss, whoever has the highest percentage chooses our physical challenge for the week. Here is the calculator for that


    Well ladies, I am sick:sick: My daugter is sick, my other 2 daughters are recovering from being sick, my diabetic husband is sick and the only well person is my bouncing off the walls 4 year old son. He is considered high risk so he has had the H1N1 shot and the seasonal flu shot so he will probably continue to bounce off walls. This momma can never just go to bed and get better, ever!!! I think it has been 16 years since I was able just to go to bed and get better when I am sick:ohwell: My husband and I wanted a good size family and I love it. I just love to complain. I think the best job I have ever had is being momma to four.:laugh: :laugh: Anyways, wish me luck I will be trying to rest as much as possible

    Here is my check in

    Down 1 pound percentage of weight loss .39% I know I am not going to be the biggest loser this week.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member

    My husband was just diagnosed with tyoe 2 diabetes & high cholesterol. It was a real blow to him the other day and stressful. Diabetes run in both of our families but I have been lucky my sugar has been good every year I get checked. So in a few weeks my husband starts a diabetes class that I will be going with him so I can learn all about taking care of him, support and what he can eat.

    I can understand exactly where you are coming from. My husband also has type 2 diabetes (was diagnosed about 3 years ago). My son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes back in 99 so, if I can be of any help please just let me know. I know for us the support from others was what made it not so scary! it seems like between my husband, son and a few of my clients I am constantly exploring new education regarding diabetes!
  • Thanks for vote of confidence dealing with my hubby!

    Momma2Four: Thank you too! Hope your household gets well soon! :smile:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Thanks momma2four, it's 1.9% lost this week
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Weight loss percentages

    Snowflakes- .75%
    Dawnannw- 1.06%
    Jlb123- 1.39%

    For those of us who are putting our weight loss in now please copy and paste the above percentages and add your name/ percentage to the bottom. The idea is so we can see at a glance who our biggest loser is at the end of the day. Then the biggest loser can post their challenge for the week, which begins tomorrow
  • This is day 5 for me being on this website. So far it has helped me be in control of what I put in my mouth. My next step is start moving and groving!

    My husband was just diagnosed with tyoe 2 diabetes & high cholesterol. It was a real blow to him the other day and stressful. Diabetes run in both of our families but I have been lucky my sugar has been good every year I get checked. So in a few weeks my husband starts a diabetes class that I will be going with him so I can learn all about taking care of him, support and what he can eat. My cholesterol is a little high but my doc wants me to try and change my food eating to make it go lower. So, being on the life style change of food with my hubby will help me too. I don't like to call it a diet, just a lifestyle change. Sounds better to me!

    Our lifestyle has been coming home from work, dinner, TV then bed. Seeing it is so dark sooner I don't want to walk by myself. We do have two dogs we can walk too. I am willing to walk but I have to get him motivated to walk with me. Also, we have an Eliptical machine that we can blow the dust off of. I know with the holiday next week I won't get to much motivation as his family is coming to stay with us which I love them but they just like to sit around and watch TV. If it is during the day I would rather be going out and doing something than inside watching TV. But they are only with us part of the week so I will grin and bear it!

    I understand exactly what you are going through. My husband was diagnosed with both Type II and high cholesterol back in 2003. Hang in there. It is a controllable disease.
  • This is day 5 for me being on this website. So far it has helped me be in control of what I put in my mouth. My next step is start moving and groving!

    My husband was just diagnosed with tyoe 2 diabetes & high cholesterol. It was a real blow to him the other day and stressful. Diabetes run in both of our families but I have been lucky my sugar has been good every year I get checked. So in a few weeks my husband starts a diabetes class that I will be going with him so I can learn all about taking care of him, support and what he can eat. My cholesterol is a little high but my doc wants me to try and change my food eating to make it go lower. So, being on the life style change of food with my hubby will help me too. I don't like to call it a diet, just a lifestyle change. Sounds better to me!

    Our lifestyle has been coming home from work, dinner, TV then bed. Seeing it is so dark sooner I don't want to walk by myself. We do have two dogs we can walk too. I am willing to walk but I have to get him motivated to walk with me. Also, we have an Eliptical machine that we can blow the dust off of. I know with the holiday next week I won't get to much motivation as his family is coming to stay with us which I love them but they just like to sit around and watch TV. If it is during the day I would rather be going out and doing something than inside watching TV. But they are only with us part of the week so I will grin and bear it!

    I understand exactly what you are going through. My husband was diagnosed with both Type II and high cholesterol back in 2003. Hang in there. It is a controllable disease.

    I wish I had more to report on here like the rest of you but the only thing is I ate too many calories at lunch today! I think. Is it bad to eat more at lunch and less at dinnertime as long as I stay within my calorie range?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Okay pitty party is now OVER!

    I have done good today, diging my new breakfast i am not hungry at all i am sure it is the more protein...doing 1 english muffin + 1 serving of red fat peanut butter...I feel like i am being soo bad, but it is the same as some ceral and same cals......eating lunch now, under 300 cals...feel like i am doing good todya.

    I also got my but on the elliptical today, i didn't want to but i feel great now i did. They have a small little gym here that is like 10.00 a month...i am thinking of going..iwanted to go to the big one opening but it will be like 80.00 a month for me and hubby, this one is like 10. I am sure it doesn't have childcare and all that jazz, but something to change up my routine so i don't get bored doing the ellip every day.

    My weaksness at thanksgiving is dessert...I am going to try find some yummy low cals ones...if anyone has recipies for those please share :smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I wish I had more to report on here like the rest of you but the only thing is I ate too many calories at lunch today! I think. Is it bad to eat more at lunch and less at dinnertime as long as I stay within my calorie range?

    As long as you stay within your calories. It is probably better to eat more at lunch. My mom use to lose weight by doing what she called the King, prince, pauper diet.

    She ate like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch and a pauper at dinner. It worked for her.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Okay pitty party is now OVER!

    I have done good today, diging my new breakfast i am not hungry at all i am sure it is the more protein...doing 1 english muffin + 1 serving of red fat peanut butter...I feel like i am being soo bad, but it is the same as some ceral and same cals......eating lunch now, under 300 cals...feel like i am doing good todya.

    I also got my but on the elliptical today, i didn't want to but i feel great now i did. They have a small little gym here that is like 10.00 a month...i am thinking of going..iwanted to go to the big one opening but it will be like 80.00 a month for me and hubby, this one is like 10. I am sure it doesn't have childcare and all that jazz, but something to change up my routine so i don't get bored doing the ellip every day.

    My weaksness at thanksgiving is dessert...I am going to try find some yummy low cals ones...if anyone has recipies for those please share :smile:

    Good jOb. So what have a pc of desert for thanksgiving. Make sure you stick within your cals until thanksgiving and stick to them right after. You should be fine. That is my plan and I feel like it works for me.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Today was a long day.. one of those days that do not go as planed and every corner you turn there is a new surprise. However, my day went pretty well.

    Calories... did very well
    Water.. still working on the last of my gallon
    Exercise 60 minutes
    Proud... I am proud that I made time for myself today and got a massage! My calves feel so much better now!

    Tomorrow is going to be crazy busy so I am going to head to bed a bit early tonight to prepare for the new day!

    Night ladies!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Weight loss percentages

    Snowflakes- .75%
    Dawnannw- 1.06%
    Jlb123- 1.39%
    Zorahope - .63%

    I LOST THREE POUNDS! I LOST THREE POUNDS! :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Six more to go to get to my starting weight! ROFL :drinker:

    I can't wait for that damn ticker to MOVE!

    Did well today. Cals - in range; exercise - 30 mins split three ways. :wink: ; water - all of it; proud: that I didn't give up this week! I am soooooooooo happy!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Feel i like did a good job today.

    As of right now I am under 1200 cals.
    Exercise - 20 min on elliptical
    Water - 16 oz
    Proud of - getting my mind set back to do this.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    How do you guys get those little orange goals under your ticker?

    lildeb - I am so proud of you! Look how you turned your day around! :flowerforyou:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    So do I get to give out the challenge?

    Calories: Went over, but that's ok 1 meal in a restaurant in the last 8 weeks
    Water: 60+ because I knew I was going out to dinner
    Exercies: Yes, Zumba
    Proud: I don't feel guilty about going out to dinner and I'm ready to get right back on program tomorrow
    Thanksgiving Tip: Eat only the foods that you would not normally have throughout the year
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    scale says I gained a pound this week, no loss in 3 weeks. Think I hit a dreaded plateau :grumble:

    I will push through it!
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