Over 200 Club Losing it for the Holidays!!!(Open Group)



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1209
    Exercise: 318
    Water: Way more than enough
    Proud: I'm really focusing on my goals & taking this one day at a time.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    2 pound weight loss this week! 242 last week 240 this week, 0.83% weight loss. Been getting harder for me to exercise this season, I was doing so good last spring and alright in the summer, now I feel that I am coming to a halt this fall. This season is always the hardest for me because my family loves to bake and throw parties.

    Calories: Below by 50
    exercise: Walk 30 min
    Water: 4 cups, drank a lot of tea no sweetener does that count?

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good Morning ladies.. today will be a hectic one for me. But, I am sure I will do just fine! It seems when I am busy it helps keep my mind off of food! :wink:

    Yes. Stephanie I do believe from what I read that makes you the one to choose the physical challenge for the week. So, what is it going to be?

    Well, I gotta get moving got to be at work in 90 min and I am still have to get ready. I will check back in after work! I hope all of you have a fabulous Saturday!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member

    Yes. Stephanie I do believe from what I read that makes you the one to choose the physical challenge for the week. So, what is it going to be?
    Yippie! OK so I've been thinking about this one. I want everyone to report in as soon as they try the challenge. Here it goes... You can either 1) try some form of physical activity that you've never done before and always wanted to try, or 2) do something that you haven't done in a very long time. Some examples: swimming @ the gym, try a group exercise class, buy a new workout DVD, go hiking, etc. BUT here's the catch, you have to try it at least TWICE within the week's time. GOOOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    scale says I gained a pound this week, no loss in 3 weeks. Think I hit a dreaded plateau :grumble:

    I will push through it!

    Yes...PUSH - PUSH
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I made it! passed my Thanksgiving goal today weighing in at 239.2!! (That's 1.2# less than yesterday!).

    Good challenge, Stephanie! I think I'll be biking outside for the first time since I tried it once 2 years ago (Of course I did it all the time as a kid). :smile:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Steph said:
    Yippie! OK so I've been thinking about this one. I want everyone to report in as soon as they try the challenge. Here it goes... You can either 1) try some form of physical activity that you've never done before and always wanted to try, or 2) do something that you haven't done in a very long time. Some examples: swimming @ the gym, try a group exercise class, buy a new workout DVD, go hiking, etc. BUT here's the catch, you have to try it at least TWICE within the week's time. GOOOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

    Does sex count for #2? ROFL :love: :love: :love: Been a loooong time!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK seriously though, I love the challenge Stephanie. I am going to challenge myself to walk OUTSIDE around the track at my school at least two days this week. With this crazy St. Louis weather I might only get in two days anyhow! Rain, rain, go away... :angry:

    If it rains, I will take my walk into the school halls. So far I have been making it to barely ten minutes (usually I stop a few times - gotta remember I am B I G). I know before when I tried to walk the track I couldn't make it around one time without stopping, so now I am going to make it all the way once without stopping. Wish me luck! :tongue:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Girls, I am still sick. :sick: I love the new challenge. I have a tae bo workout dvd that has been in my dvd collection for years I will do that and 8 mins abs and 8 min arms this week which has also been in my collection from years ago.

    Andrea, I am so happy to see you back. Congrats on the weight loss this week!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Jenn, you WILL push through, You always do. I have full confidence in you.:flowerforyou:

    lstpaul, where are ya girl???????
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I made it! passed my Thanksgiving goal today weighing in at 239.2!! (That's 1.2# less than yesterday!).

    Good challenge, Stephanie! I think I'll be biking outside for the first time since I tried it once 2 years ago (Of course I did it all the time as a kid). :smile:

    Congrats on that goal being met. By the way I LOVE riding bike outside. We live in a small town and my husband will take me on like a 10-12 mile bike ride and we cover the entire town from each corner:laugh: Burns a ton of calories too!!!!!!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi gals-

    Whaw hoo you all are doing great. Loved reading the posts from the past couple of days. This week challenge is getting me thinking what I want to do. Thanks Stephanie.

    Mamma 2 four: lstpaul posted right after my weigh in that she is having an anniversary get away with her hubby this weekend.

    awestfal are you missing in action?.... Hope you are well.

    Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
    calories: I stayed in range every day! Even with restaurant food. I am very proud of this!!!
    exercise: some everyday
    water: probably not quite, but close
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1223
    Exercise: HRM says 1120 burned. MFP says 925 burned (so I go with that) -- 45 minutes of walking/running dogs and 30 minutes of C25K (walking and running)
    Water: I'm getting there. I'm probably actually already there, but I'll drink a few more cups before I go to bed later.
    Proud: I'm proud that even though I went to bed super late (2am?) and got up at 6.30am to work with kids at the Y all morning (photo day for flag football), I still took the dogs for a walk/run AND, completed week1 day 2 of Couch25K. I'm also proud I hit my Thanksgiving goal a few days early. :drinker:
    I think I'm really doing this, ladies!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jlb123 - way to go on meeting your thanksgiving goal...woohoo.

    I will post my daily stuff later tonight as i think i will be eating something...still...as of right now i have eaten 1010 cals, and I worked out per MFP i burned 650 cals....I feel real good today....i actually took a nap allll afternoon. It was just what i needed to get my but in gear. This week was soo tough at work, wasn't sleeping well and getting up early and stressed all day....so to sleep and really sleep is what I needed.

    Trying to think what I will do for my different exercise...I too have some tae-bo dvd's that haven't used in years....or i may try walking outside. We were at target today and were looking at bikes , i saw one I would like to get, but I got to loose some more weight before i get it. I am hoping if I can meet my bday goal maybe i will get it in the spring. I am still soo large don't want to deflat the tires :grumble: . I just can't keep my balance alot on bikes with being soo large, but I will get where I can i know.

    This morning I got on the scale and it was 2lb down from yesterday so I am sure it was water weight...but I will take it...i am almost back down to what I was a few weeks ago.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Congrats lildebbie on the 2! I'd take it too! :happy:

    jlb - you go, girl! You ARE doing it!!! :happy: What is a Couch 25K?

    Momma - I hope you feel better soon. I know how hard it is to concentrate on weight loss when you feel lousy. :sick:

    Snowflakes - give me your secret to staying within calorie range even at restaurants! I am horrible at this!

    Andrea - congrats on the weight loss! :happy:

    I did good today:
    Cals: within range
    Exercise: 20 mins on bike with two resting periods in there
    water: not so good but the day is not over
    proud: I went grocery shopping tonight and did NOT come home with ice cream! :tongue:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member

    Does sex count for #2? ROFL :love: :love: :love: Been a loooong time!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Let's put it this way, my BF WISHES #2 counted as such :)
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Cals: a little over by about 500
    Exercise: 1 hour walking with the dogs
    water: only drank 1 bottle
    proud: I knew I was going to dinner w/friends, so I researched the menu ahead of time and planned the lowest cal meal, and then STUCK with it when I got to the restaurant

    Thanksgiving Tip: If your family serves "buffet style", walk around the food table before selecting your meal items. If not, look at your plate and decide which items you'll eat, and which you'll leave for the dog!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I know before when I tried to walk the track I couldn't make it around one time without stopping, so now I am going to make it all the way once without stopping. Wish me luck! :tongue:

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Here are my stats for today -
    Calories - 1330
    Exercise - 30 minutes on elliptical ( per mfp burning 650 cals)
    Water - got 48 oz..
    Proud - Lots today ....Watched my cals on the weekend, i have not been good about that, I wokred on saturday, haven't been doing that either...got 48 oz of water today...i know it iisn't 64 but huge improvement form the 0 -16 oz i have been getting.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Everyone's doing so great, and I'm happy to hear that you're all really thinking about your challenge :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    jlb - you go, girl! You ARE doing it!!! :happy: What is a Couch 25K?

    Couch25K is a training program that will get you from the couch (no exercise) to running 5K (3 miles) in 30 minutes in just 10 weeks.
    I was too out of shape to even be able to start the program but it only took 2 weeks of trying until I was finally able to do the first day training program (Week 1 Day 1) this Thursday. Week 1 training involves 5 minute warm up walk, and then 20 minutes of alternating 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking. Then I do a 5 minute cool down walk to make it an even 30 minutes. It's really hard for me right now but I'm so happy to actually be able to do it! It's definitely not easy but I feel *so good* when I'm done (well, except for feeling like I'm going to die. :laugh:).

    Also, I needed to update my calories from yesterday. Not enough sleep & all that running led to my falling asleep on the couch before my planned snack so I actually ate 1063 calories for the day. :ohwell:
    Needless to say, I had an awesome breakfast this morning because I was *starving* when I woke up (haha yeah right).

    Also my Thanksgiving tip is to get larger portions of green veggies and smaller portions of the high calorie dishes (stuffing, mac & cheese, dessert, etc). :flowerforyou:

    You girls are all so motivating and inspiring! We're doing a really great job!

    Momma, feel better soon! We need you! :flowerforyou:
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