Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BinaryFu
    BinaryFu Posts: 240 Member
    River314 wrote: »
    I need to come to this thread more often!

    Being on an extreme budget this past week has made me realize some things. I've over eaten. I've not gotten enough protein. I've had too many carbs. I've had more sweets cravings, probably because of the carbs.

    Very little money for groceries means no extras like the Greek yogurt I like to take to work. Since I'm the only one at home right now trying to lose, there are no special buys for me. It means buying more bread and processed meats because they're cheaper and can stock the pantry more.

    Any suggestions on healthier eating when you don't have money for healthier foods? It's pretty sickening that all the processed foods are cheaper than foods a person truly needs, like lean meats, fresh fruits, and fresh vegetables. Taste wise, fresh is better than frozen.

    Might sound crazy, but have you ever considered grow your own? Either start your own home garden or spearhead the campaign to start up a community garden where everyone can share in the bounty and the work.

    That would solve fresh veggies and maybe even fruit. Farmer's markets are great places to barter when you're cash poor - you bring in a load of something they don't regularly sell there, like for me it was always hot peppers...and people will barter with fresh fruits and veggies all day long.

    In fact, I recall harvesting a bumper crop of hot peppers one year and bringing them to the market. I left that day with three bushels of fruit and vegetables - far more than I could ever hope to eat. I took them to a family I knew who had a few kids to feed (after I had taken out the fruits and veggies I *could* eat) and they insisted on paying me for the bounty of food.

    I took that money and bought a few whole chickens, as I recall. :wink:

    A few pearls of wisdom I've always liked:
    • Where there is a will, there is a way.
    • One must only be smarter than the dilemma being presented.
    • The first presumption you must make should be that all presumptions are wrong.
    • To think outside the box is to assume you're actually inside to begin with. You might be stuck on the outside.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @Nikion901 - thank you for your post, it was awesome and necessary. Sword and Shield!
    @River314 - My sister started gardening and now she hardly has to buy veggies once the garden comes in. However, not everyone has garden space or time (tho you'd be surprised what you can grow in containers). If you have a smart phone download the grocery store apps for stores in your area, it will help you find the fresh fruit, veggies, and meats on sale, much easier than going from store to store. Set aside money for your own food - if you aren't healthy, who's going to take care of your family? They can do without some cookies and chips so that you can have your healthy food, and since you do the shopping (?) you get to decide how the money's spent.

    And don't be too proud to go to your local food pantry. Often local farmers will donate fresh eggs and produce to food pantries (my sister does), and if there are other things that you can't eat but your family can in your food pantry box, then you will have more money freed up to spend on what you need. That's what the food pantries are for, to help struggling families feed themselves. If things ever get better, you can repay the service you received in volunteering or with donations. @badnoodle & @BinaryFu gave you some great advice too. I'm saving that list from BadNoodle too, it's very helpful!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    @GOINSTD12- Hi Tracy. I am 5'7 and I started this journey at 268 pounds and now I am down to 190 something. The something because my weight is constantly up and down everyday. Sometimes it makes no sense like up 4 pounds in one day. Then down the next day. This is frustrating for me because I keep working harder but the results do not show on the scale. However, I have learned to take into account that depending on the exercises I am doing may help me to retain water in the muscles. This depends on if I am doing weight training or cardio exercises. I still have plenty of fat around my stomach and in my thighs. My goal is to reach the top end of healthy which is around 160 lbs. Immediate goal is to reach and stay in the 180's. Being active helps me with the weight loss. What you are dealing with right now is very hard and stressful and that will impact your weight as well. I hope you will find the time to take a short walk at work even if it is to get up and walk for 5 minutes every hour. It will help.

    An idea for those looking to create a garden without a lot of yard space. You can use a straw bale to grow a garden on your patio, deck etc. It really works. Good Straw bale gardening to get the idea on how to make it work.

    Michele- I am not very good at responding to the newsfeed and my friends on here. I provide more support on this thread when I am able to check in regularly. You are welcome to send a friend request with a note saying where you saw my name. That way I know who is making the request. Good luck with your journey it sounds like you are off to a good start.

    I was able to get in a 4 mile run since the sun finally came out this afternoon and it warmed up to the 70's. The run was a little slow but still a nice day for a run and just to be outside in the sunshine.

  • River314
    River314 Posts: 66 Member
    I love the idea of gardening, but was recently forced to downsize, and now live in an rv. So space is nil right now. Maybe once I get established in the park, a garden in pots may be possible. Until then, some of this advice I can definitely follow. I saw some ideas that will help me out of the rut I've gotten into. Full steam ahead!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Pick Strawberries Day!

    ”All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection.” ~William Faulkner


    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Slow tonight, but it's Friday night and everyone's busy. Just wanted to say I had a good day today, below my target calories and got in a long walk at lunch, so I'm feeling pretty good. This weekend if the rain holds off I'll get some yard work in, which is twofold good - burning calories and keeping busy and out of the kitchen! Plus my sister was kind enough to do some food prep for me - packaging some meat I got on sale, cooking and packaging a head of cauliflower and broccoli, and best of all, cooking a roast for me and packaging it so I can have it already cooked. I can't do much cooking at my house because the food odors give DH problems breathing, so my sister kindly does some for me at her house. I have the best sister!
    Well I updated my weight, I'm back up to 197. I really have to just take it one day at a time, make sure I get exercise every day, and spend less time in front of the TV so I'm not tempted to mindlessly snack. So I think I will make a "Tracy-do" list for myself, of stuff I want to get done (as opposed to what my DH wants me to do, which are 2 different things, LOL), and work on it one at a time. That will keep me busy and not eating. I'm 6 months behind my goal for this year, and if I don't do something now, I'm going to be tempted to give up and I don't want to do that.

    As a side note, I'm past ready to give up on this Misfit Shine. The first one gave up the ghost after just 6 months, and the company was kind enough to send me another one free. I've only had this one for about a month and it's already doing what the 1st one was doing, which is refusing to sync and update my activity. Plus last time it DID sync, it only gave me credit for 600 steps for an entire day, when I know I walked at least a couple of miles. Does anyone have a recommendation for a RELIABLE and accurate fitness tracker that has a good app and tracks more than just steps? Ideally I'd like one that's waterproof so I can swim with it, and if it tracks heart rate and has a watch feature it would be even better. But I don't want to pay $500 for it either......

    Wishful thinking I guess. Well, if anyone has any recommendations, I'd like to hear them anyway.
  • flabflipper314
    flabflipper314 Posts: 77 Member
    I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I need encouragement and accountability. I can't get out to get to any support groups. My dietician actually has phone consults with me because I just can't get to his office. He suggested these types of groups online. When we talked last, we looked at some of the groups here. I know this isn't a group, but he saw this one and told me to check it out. I don't have 100 lbs to lose anymore, but I have lost and gained back all my life. Several times it was very significant amounts. This time around I have lost 45 lbs, but it's taken me two years. This is the slowest weight loss I have ever had. My doc and the dietician both think it's because I'm very limited in my activity level. Right now my big goal is to lose enough to get my knees replaces. Right now they don't bend at all so I'm pretty much stuck in the house except for a few times a year when my friend can take me to doctor's appointments. I'm only 59. I want my life back. Right now I have the mobility problems that many elderly people have. I'm tired of it. I've been as high as 405 lbs 15 years ago and as low as 145 MANY years ago before I had kids. This time, I started at 285 and now weigh 240. I have been bouncing around up and down two pounds for several months. That gets me discouraged and I break down and eat unhealthy things sometimes. Well, this is already too long. I just wanted to say hello and tell a little about my twisty-turny journey. lol
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @GOINSTD12 - Tracy, Do you really feel that an activity tracker is a necessary appliance to lose weight and get healthy? I don't. I think the money you spend for one of those things is better spend on a gym membership that you will use, or for affording better quality food, or occasional paid services that make life easier. Well, that's my feeling on it anyway. But then, I don't have any extra cash available to be able to rely on convenience appliances like smart phones, fitness trackers, notebooks, etc. I still have a land-line telephone! LOL :)

    @flabflipper314 - Hi, and I hope this thread gives you the impetus and feeling of being involved in a group to help with your need and desire to lose weight. I'me in my 70's and have had knee, and skeletal issues for the past 50 years, so I can feel where you are coming from. And I agree ... it is much harder to get and stay trim when you have mobility issues. There is something else to consider, however ... and that is the fact that is recently being confirmed in media I have read ... it is easier to stay slender than to get slender because our own body fights us. Our body wants to stay the same and will work toward that end. We can lose weight, often not as much as we would like to lose, and then the body will just stay there and over time will start to regain again. That should be a sobering lesson to anyone who is currently careless with their food intake and is starting to pack on pounds. For those of us whose 'ship has sailed' and we did, in fact, get heavy/ier than is good for us ... we need to forever keep up the struggle to keep the momentum going. It's like a chronic illness that will be with us for the rest of our lives, and the sooner we recognize that we can never 'go back' to careless eating and sitting around instead of working our muscles hard on a regular basis, then we will remain or go back to being much larger than we want or should be.
    .... So .... this is not to discourage you. It is to throw cold water onto any thoughts floating around in your head that once you finally lose some more weight you can rest on your laurals because you won't be able to ... so don't start now!
  • flabflipper314
    flabflipper314 Posts: 77 Member
    edited May 2016
    @GOINSTD12, I don't think that I have ever given an indication that there is any thoughts floating around in my head that once I finally lose some more weight I can rest on my laurels. In fact, the reason I want to get my knees replaced is so I CAN be more active and CAN do things I can't do now. I miss out on so much with family and get togethers because my knees don't bend and all so I can't drive anymore. I can't even get into most cars. I WANT to be active. I WANT to be able to be on my feet for longer than a half an hour without there being so much pain. I WANT to be able to do more of the housework that I used to do. Right now I do everything I can do and I push myself sometimes more than I probably should just so I can get something done. Thanks for the message. I really don't think I need any cold water to wake me up to the fact that this is a lifelong battle.

    Oh, and I do agree with you that it's like a chronic illness. For some it's a matter of discipline. For others it goes much deeper and food is an addiction that we fight. Unlike drugs or alcohol, we can't detox and go cold turkey on food. No pun intended. lol So there are those issues for some of us. I'm happy that you have the drive to be healthy. I'm hoping to get that drive.
  • AlyssaAnne03
    AlyssaAnne03 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi I'm new to this discussion. I was able to get to about 160 before my wedding in 2014, that is lean for me. Then I got pregnant in October and had my daughter July of last year. I gained a lot and I'm now sitting at about 260. I hate my body and I need to get back down to 160ish. I can't be confident or happy with my body when I'm overweight. I've been eating clean for about a month now but only got really serious this past 2 weeks. And my body does NOT want to let the fat go. I didn't lose anything this past week despite my calorie deficit. I have a background in personal training and nutrition... I know how to do this but it's not working like it should and I'm so overwhelmed by having to lose so much. The most I've had to lose before was about 40lbs.

    I need to get a treadmill or something but we are broke and of course it's hard to get in any cardio with a baby.
    Here for support mostly
  • flabflipper314
    flabflipper314 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi I'm new to this discussion.

    Hi, Alyssa. My daughter just turned 30 and she has had five kids. She is on Trim Healthy Mama and has lost 50 lbs she put on after having her kids. I'm not promoting the diet. I'm just trying to encourage you that it is possible after having kids. I admire you for admitting your problem when you are a personal trainer. That's not an easy thing to do. Just know this. Not everyone gains a lot with their pregnancies, but a good many do these days. That's what I did. In my instance, I have been heavy all my life and lost large amounts and gained large amounts. Not good, I know. But, it was worse when I was pregnant. I ate healthy, but I ate way too much.

    Maybe you should just relax for a bit and take a big breath. I know the feeling of hating your body. I've said that so many times. But, we shouldn't say that. Self-loathing is not a good thing. So, don't even think about the exercise right now. Not the hard cardio that you know is good as a trainer. Concentrate on loving the little blessing you have. Maybe just try to do a little more each day than you have been doing. By that, I mean picking one project you want to do. Clean out a drawer that you've been meaning to do. Clean the oven. Just little things that you don't do on a daily basis. I know it seems there is never enough time with a little one. My daughter has told me that it's a matter of her focus. She won't allow bad thoughts about herself and her weight get the better of her. Come here as often as you can and really just enjoy life no matter what size you are. It will happen. You will lose it! Now I have to re-read what I typed so I can follow my own advice. HEHEHE
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @GOINSTD12, I don't think that I have ever given an indication that there is any thoughts floating around in my head that once I finally lose some more weight I can rest on my laurels......
    Oh, and I do agree with you that it's like a chronic illness. For some it's a matter of discipline. For others it goes much deeper and food is an addiction that we fight. Unlike drugs or alcohol, we can't detox and go cold turkey on food. No pun intended. lol So there are those issues for some of us. I'm happy that you have the drive to be healthy. I'm hoping to get that drive.

    It wasn't GOiNSTD12 that said those things ... it was I ... and I didn't think you really had any thoughts floating around about resting on your laurels ... you only said "That gets me discouraged and I break down and eat unhealthy things sometimes." .... good luck
  • flabflipper314
    flabflipper314 Posts: 77 Member
    edited May 2016
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @GOINSTD12, I don't think that I have ever given an indication that there is any thoughts floating around in my head that once I finally lose some more weight I can rest on my laurels......

    It wasn't GOiNSTD12 that said those things ... it was I ... and I didn't think you really had any thoughts floating around about resting on your laurels ... you only said "That gets me discouraged and I break down and eat unhealthy things sometimes." .... good luck

    I apologize @GOINSTD12. I'm still trying to figure out the order of things with the quotes. And Nikion, I'm very sorry for misunderstanding your post. It's so easy to misunderstand in text because there is no way to hear how a person is saying something. Usually I take that into account when reading on message boards. Re-reading what I typed, I see that I was being very defensive. I was reading your message as a finger-wagging at me telling me I'd better wake up and smell the roses if I think when I reach goal I can go back to the way I was before. I sure know that's not true.

    I guess I'm not getting off to a very good start here. A bit nervous about doing this, but thank you for being so gracious. There was no good excuse for the tone of my post. Have a wonderful evening.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @GOINSTD12, I don't think that I have ever given an indication that there is any thoughts floating around in my head that once I finally lose some more weight I can rest on my laurels......

    It wasn't GOiNSTD12 that said those things ... it was I ... and I didn't think you really had any thoughts floating around about resting on your laurels ... you only said "That gets me discouraged and I break down and eat unhealthy things sometimes." .... good luck

    I apologize @GOINSTD12. I'm still trying to figure out the order of things with the quotes. And Nikion, I'm very sorry for misunderstanding your post. It's so easy to misunderstand in text because there is no way to hear how a person is saying something. Usually I take that into account when reading on message boards. Re-reading what I typed, I see that I was being very defensive. I was reading your message as a finger-wagging at me telling me I'd better wake up and smell the roses if I think when I reach goal I can go back to the way I was before. I sure know that's not true.

    I guess I'm not getting off to a very good start here. A bit nervous about doing this, but thank you for being so gracious. There was no good excuse for the tone of my post. Have a wonderful evening.

    Don't worry about it ... reading my post quickly I could see why you took offense at it. I'm just sort of bummed out lately because my own body is struggling to gain back what I previously lost and I've, naturally, grown an interest in reading topics about how our own bodies fight us to retain their original status once we've gained.

    It's something I always suspected ... otherwise why would there be so many of us who are 'starting once again' on the weight loss journey. Those articles I find (some of which came from MFP blog Hello Healthy) helped me to feel better about my self and understand better why the old habits I thought I'd replaced with better ones were resurfacing after a lengthy struggle to maintain my loss. I was on the verge of giving up myself and had to pull deep inside myself to come up with any will power to keep at this. And so do many of my sister-women on here also.
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    This journey is as much an emotional one as it is physical. It requires from each of us some brutal honesty, discipline, and perseverance. As with other addictions, the first step is admitting that you have a problem. For me the wake up call came two fold - I realized I was buying the largest size clothes in the store and if I kept going I wasn't going to fit in those any more. The other was a picture of myself with a group of friends and family. I looked at it and I realized that I took up twice as much space as anyone else in the group. I had no clue. Shortly after that I was staying at a nice hotel where one entire wall of the bathroom was mirrored. That was kind of a "scared straight" moment.

    I started making a list in my head of the things I wished I could do - fit in the seatbelt on an airplane, ride the rides at an amusement park, go to a sporting event and not have to apologize to the guy next to me because I was spilling over in to his space, walk up my driveway without getting out of breath, play on the floor with my grand kids... The list has become a bucket list of sorts - and I've been ticking off items as I accomplish them (nailed the airplane seatbelt back in March!) I've also been adding items as new things start to feel like possibilities.

    It is rewarding to see the numbers on the scale decrease, and difficult to realize that there is still a long way to go. Every once in a while someone will compliment me on my progress. I'm learning to take the compliments with some level of grace, but in the back of my mind I am thinking about the 75 pounds I still need to lose - not even half way there yet... so much more work to do...

    That's why I come here - because everyone else here has had the same challenges and has some idea what this journey is like. Sometimes I add something to the discussion, but mainly I read and laugh and comiserate. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't, but I always learn something. Hopefully all those of you who are coming to this group can find what you need!
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    @goinstd12 I have a jawbone Up Move. it's not waterproof and doesn't do heart rate monitoring, but it is good for steps, and i payed $30 on Amazon, and another $5 for the wristband attachment. It has a watch feature, it tracks sleep and food, syncs with MFP. I don't like the food tracking, it's a weird part of the app but it will drag over things from MFP. It "rates" your food, and i don't agree with their system, so i ignore it completely. I had a smoothie and it only gave it a 2 out of 10, like really? But the steps and sleep parts are great for $30 spent.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    Sorry I've been so MIA lately. I have been trying to keep up with reading posts, but I'm knee-deep in grading right now, so not much time to post and zero time for personals. I will be a much better MFP in about a week. LOL

    Just wanted to let you all know I'm still here and update my goals:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 40/59 Junior Research Papers
    2. x/10 Final exam speeches

    Fitness Goals for the month of May:
    Visit gym minimum of 8 times 2/8 HA!
    Run at least 25 miles DOUBLE HA!

    You vs Year Challenge:
    148 k done/ 852 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but I mowed the lawn
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but did some yard work
  • flabflipper314
    flabflipper314 Posts: 77 Member
    celtikgirl wrote:
    It is rewarding to see the numbers on the scale decrease, and difficult to realize that there is still a long way to go. Every once in a while someone will compliment me on my progress. I'm learning to take the compliments with some level of grace, but in the back of my mind I am thinking about the 75 pounds I still need to lose - not even half way there yet... so much more work to do...

    I wrestle with the same thoughts, celti. I've never been in the community part of MFP even though I've been a member for years. I really need some uplifting. I have lost 45 lbs, but it took me two years. I've never lost this slow in my life and it's because I'm not very mobile anymore with bad knees. I want to lose more weight before I get them replaced so the rehab isn't as hard on me. I have other health issues also affecting my mobility, so sometimes I get down thinking that I'll never get there. I've tried to NOT think about my goal as getting knees replaced. Who wants to have a double major surgery. That scares the heck out of me.

    Anyway, I'm hoping that when we get down and start thinking negative thoughts, we can all help each other to celebrate the good in our lives and the wonderful creatures God made us regardless of how much we weigh. Let's do this!
  • flabflipper314
    flabflipper314 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi guys-
    Sorry I've been so MIA lately. I have been trying to keep up with reading posts, but I'm knee-deep in grading right now, so not much time to post and zero time for personals. I will be a much better MFP in about a week. LOL

    Just wanted to let you all know I'm still here and update my goals:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 40/59 Junior Research Papers
    2. x/10 Final exam speeches

    Fitness Goals for the month of May:
    Visit gym minimum of 8 times 2/8 HA!
    Run at least 25 miles DOUBLE HA!

    You vs Year Challenge:
    148 k done/ 852 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but I mowed the lawn
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but did some yard work

    The important thing is that you keep trying and your ARE moving at least some during the week. That's a wonderful thing.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Had an interesting article come into my email today that I thought might be informative to others on here. It's about your diet personality ....