Does anyone else weight in every day?



  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    I do most days. On the down days it boosts the confidence, but if it goes I'm motivated to do better that day. I have noticed that lately the better I do the less I weigh in.
  • Yep most days try not to but I just have to no if I put on lol:) x
  • ni_co_lo
    ni_co_lo Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh in everyday just to see what my body is up to and to see how it reacted to the day before (low carb, high carb, extra water, more activity). But I don't stress over it. I like to take a shirtless picture at the same time each week in the same spot with my computer camer. It gives me a better idea of my progress, especially because we should be more concerned with body composition rather than weight.

    Friend me!
  • I know I would becomed obsessed if I weighed myself every day so the alternative is to not own a scale. I weigh in once a week at my health club.
  • lunnay
    lunnay Posts: 66 Member
    I weigh every day in the morning. :) I try not to worry if I'm up from the previous day, and just contrast it with what it was at seven days ago. So far I've been losing pretty steadily (after a week or two of adjustments I'm starting to favor protein-rich foods and vegetables naturally, instead of the usual sugary meals and snacks I used to have, and I have far less cravings), so going up one day (like today!) doesn't bother me.
  • JennsRAQ
    JennsRAQ Posts: 132 Member
    Yup - the body doesn't operate on a perfect 7 day cycle, so I weigh every day and track the trends over time. Mostly it's just curiosity and I love charts. I love seeing how my average weight goes down on daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

    This is me, too. I weigh myself on average 4-6 times a week. It does tend to fluctuate, which is only bothersome if it goes up several days in a row. Otherwise, it's fun to see the numbers on a regular basis. It is very motivating for me.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Generally not a good idea - especially when just starting down your road to transformation. Instead of weighing in pay attention to how your clothes fit. This will tell you something MUCH more important ... that you are losing inches of fat.

    Plus, by weighing yourself no more than once a month you will see bigger changes. And if you don't you will still no you are making progress by how your clothes are fitting looser.


    I prefer to take measurements
  • I do. Multiple times a day. In the am in the pm...before and after I poop! It's like you are your own science project.

    As long as you don't let the numbers bother you, then it's no big deal.

    Also - one of the reasons I do this is because I have the fitbit aria scale. Its a wifi scale and it automatically uploads it to your fitbit account, so you get a neat little chart to see your fluctuations during any specific period of time.

    ETA: that I don't bring my scale with me on vacation or anything like that lol! Not obsessive, I just like my handy dandy charts :)
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I do weigh in every day that I wake up at home - and log it as well. I travel monthly for work so I don't weigh in on those day, and haven't weighed in when I'm away on vacation or for other out of town things.

    I don't get keyed up about the daily fluctuations, but I do notice if it's higher than yesterday. I don't change much unless it's going up for several days in a row, then I'll start taking a closer look at what I'm putting in my mouth (I don't eat clean) or what I'm doing exercise wise.

    I'm about 15 pounds away from maintenance and daily weighing is part of my maintenance plan. I would like to get away from daily logging if I can at some point and use the scale and the way my clothes fit as a guage of how I'm doing. I have a 5lb range that I'm going to be comfortable with, and if I'm creeping towards the top of the range I will need to make better choices to prevent going over!
  • savnicolee
    savnicolee Posts: 7 Member
    I do. I am a nazi about calories and exercise, I want to know EXACTLY how well I'm doing at all times. That doesn't stop at the scale. I weigh the same time as you, because thats when I weigh the least. If I haven't changed much, or I've gained, it makes me a little disappointed but motivates me to work harder that day. And if I lose weight I get super happy and I want to keep doing well so I can have those same results the next morning :)

    It also helps me to realize how easy and simple it is to lose or gain a pound. You just have to stay on track and work hard if you want results!

    I may be a little crazy, but it's been working for me. It's been about a month/2 months (not exactly sure how long) and I've lost 16.4 pounds! Soon I'm getting a crazy scale that tells you every little detail possible about yourself. Lol. IM SO EXCITED! :D
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but Friday/Saturday is my usual "offical weigh in" day. If I don't weigh every day, I'm much more likely to slack.
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    I used to weigh in every single day but I would get so frustrated by the flucuating numbers that it kept me confused and anxious. Now I weigh once a week and it seems to be more accurate and I am much happier.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I do it because it keeps me motivated. If I don't weigh myself daily I tend to get lackadaisical about other aspects of my eating and fitness. I'm pretty good at looking at the scale as merely a measurement and no matter what the number says I don't attach it to my self worth.

    It is information that tells me if I'm heading in the right direction or wrong direction. Nothing more.
  • leo02098
    leo02098 Posts: 106 Member
    I step on the scale every morning. The numbers don't stress me out. I use it as a tool to know what I should be doing for the day...more water intake...less sodium...etc.
    I think it's only a bad thing if you're focusing on the numbers and not keeping in mind that daily fluctuations happen.
  • MrsMangler
    MrsMangler Posts: 63 Member
    I have the same morning routine. I have found it works for me. This way I can track every pound lost, rather than waiting for an "official weigh in." If I was a pound down on Thurday and my weight flucuated a pound up on "official weigh-in Friday," then I'm disappointed that I couldn't celebrate that one pound down. For me, that's when it becomes about the scale and not about how I'm eating and exercising.
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    I weigh every morning. Some will say this is bad, but it helps keep me motivated because I can look at week over week or month over month data to compare weight loss. I understand that certain uncontrollable factors can affect this number, but they will affect this number whether you weigh once a month of 30 times a month (I also weigh to estimate these variables, but that is different).

    Do what works for you and ignore the rest.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I weigh every morning. Some will say this is bad, but it helps keep me motivated because I can look at week over week or month over month data to compare weight loss. I understand that certain uncontrollable factors can affect this number, but they will affect this number whether you weigh once a month of 30 times a month (I also weigh to estimate these variables, but that is different).

    Do what works for you and ignore the rest.

    Concur!! Well put!!
  • thatyogagirl
    thatyogagirl Posts: 50 Member
    It's hard for me to stop weighting my self every day, but I think I doesn't work for me. It just gets me very anxious. I am going to try to do it every week.
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    I do, helps keep me on track
  • ItzPSGina62
    ItzPSGina62 Posts: 99 Member
    I think you are right. I had our trainer do my measurements BF% and BMI%. I still get obsessed with the scale. I weigh every morning after I shower and I have not seen it move this week. Sometimes it will flux 2-5 lbs. It freaks me out. It's more stressful. The first 30 days it was exciting because I saw constant dropping, until I started working out.