Tell something interesting / odd about your life.....



  • astrylian
    astrylian Posts: 194 Member
    Not exactly interesting events, but just strange details: I have jet black eyebrows, and dark blonde/golden auburnish hair with a thick random streak of jet black hair. My mother has dark brown hair, and my father has golden auburn hair like me. Like sectoral heterochromia, except with hair? Similar coloring to this, except totally natural:

    My father has gray eyes and my mother has dark brown eyes, while I have green eyes, so I am guessing there was a bit of confusion with all of the color genetics mixing. ;)

    My grandmother had 5 sisters and my step grandfather had 5 brothers, each sister married a brother, so they are all cousins by marriage.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have given birth to eight children. Six of them were home births. I should have nine but I lost the last one.
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    I'm a funeral director, which to me is not odd at all...but most people think it is....

    Glad I'm not the only one!

    I used to be one! :-)

    I want to be one...
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    In 10th grade, while taking my SATs for the second time, I got tired of reading the questions half way through so I wrote the letters A, B, C, D, E on the sides of one of my pencils and rolled it to get the answer. Whatever I rolled, I put down as the answer.

    I scored a 1510.

    (The first time when I actually read the questions, I got a 1050).

    That's just brilliant!! Well done!
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    I hated my philosophy class in college. It was boring and I didn't care about at all. During finals week, I had 3 other finals for to study for that I did care about so I didn't study for Philosophy. I'm glad I didn't because it ended up being an essay test with one word on it: Why? I said WTF I'm not writing an essary on that. So my answer, WHY NOT? I got a 90%.

    That's amazing! Should've been a 100% :happy:
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    BUMP ^
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    Back when Elizabeth Smart was missing I had a dream abut her one night. They found her and I was with her in the ER of a hospital. She had been pregnant and had a child while she'd been missing, and she was crying, and begged me not to tell anyone. I stayed with her in the room and we talked for quite a while. I told my then-husband about the dream when I woke up.

    Later that day I was out shopping for baby clothes, and my husband phoned me to tell me that Elizabeth Smart had just been found.

    I live in Salt Lake, and before this all happened I used to walk to work and pass the guy who kidnapped her several times a week. He would always ask for money.

    Woah! That's crazy!
  • addaline22
    addaline22 Posts: 114
    I have 22 tattoos, yet 29 stars.
  • sunshine2212677
    sunshine2212677 Posts: 88 Member
    i think i'm the only person stupid enough to break their own ribs doing crunches :blushing: (they were cracked already, but back then i was a skinny gym addict rather than a fat food addict lol)
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    i have been on the brink of death several times during my childhood due to asthma. it's a miracle that i'm alive, but there is no light on the other side.
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    I don't remember what year it was, sometime in the last couple years anyway, I had a dream about a massive flood covering 3 states, 3 nights in a row. After the third night there was flooding throughout many states, including TN.
  • omgiacobbi
    omgiacobbi Posts: 88 Member
    I used to do paranormal investigations with my friends when I was 17-19. I had a still camera, a video camera, and an EMF. I've got evidence of actual paranormal activity, and one picture of an actual apparition. That same night that we caught the apparition, my friend's car started acting up. A month later, it stopped working (wouldn't turn over) and she took it to 4 different mechanics. No one could figure out what was wrong with it.

    I can't wiggle my toes separately. If one moves, they all move.
    I also just discovered that my second and third toe on my left foot are a part of the same joint. Not really webbed, per say, but like it was one toe that split down the middle and became two.
    (and yes, both of my second toes are longer than the rest and I also love bacon!)

    I tried to kill myself 4 times between the ages of 14 and 22. Obviously I was caught each time, thank God.
    I was a prescription pain killer addict from the ages of 19 until 22. I've been clean from everything for almost 2 years now. I rarely take aspirin.

    I make people speak in tongues when I sing during praise & worship.

    I have never broken a bone.
    My parents have the same birthday (June 4th), and they are two years apart. My parents and I all have birthdays in June (2 weeks apart), and my brother and sister have birthdays in March (2 weeks apart).

    And, before I keep rambling, when I had to get my wisdom teeth removed (all four at the same time) they put me on laughing gas to calm my nerves, and I started to have an out-of-body experience before they put me under. I could feel myself leaving my body. When I explained that to the technician, she went ahead and put me under. Damn her.
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    I've been hit by cars five times, and was once run over by an ambulance.

  • my second and third toe on my left foot are a part of the same joint. Not really webbed, per say, but like it was one toe that split down the middle and became two.

    Me Too!!! LOL
  • jenniferedwards123
    jenniferedwards123 Posts: 13 Member
    I have a birthmark on my left elbow area that my youngest daughter inherited. She has the same one. My oldest daughter has a white birthmark on her stomach near her bikini line. All the time I tried getting one in the tanning beds and hers is natural. Lol

    I had an extra pinky toe when I was born. The doc removed it with a piece of string (it had no bone).

    I dreamed how my youngest was going to die before she was born. She was supposed to die at 8 months. She is still alive and I worry constantly.

    I took ambien to sleep when pregnant with my oldest, One night I didnt fall asleep and was terrified of a taco bell cup. I decided then and there that no matter how many sleepless nights til her birth I wouldnt take any more. The cup described my death from start to finish and how he was going to gut me and kill my unborn child. Terrifying isnt even a word to describe how scared I was. It is funny now, but still scares me. LOL.
  • omgiacobbi
    omgiacobbi Posts: 88 Member
    I have a birthmark on my left elbow area that my youngest daughter inherited. She has the same one. My oldest daughter has a white birthmark on her stomach near her bikini line. All the time I tried getting one in the tanning beds and hers is natural. Lol

    I had an extra pinky toe when I was born. The doc removed it with a piece of string (it had no bone).

    I dreamed how my youngest was going to die before she was born. She was supposed to die at 8 months. She is still alive and I worry constantly.

    I took ambien to sleep when pregnant with my oldest, One night I didnt fall asleep and was terrified of a taco bell cup. I decided then and there that no matter how many sleepless nights til her birth I wouldnt take any more. The cup described my death from start to finish and how he was going to gut me and kill my unborn child. Terrifying isnt even a word to describe how scared I was. It is funny now, but still scares me. LOL.

    My mom and I have the same freckle on the palm of our right hand, right in the same exact spot. It's crazy.

    I always hear these weird stories from people who have taken ambien. I will never, ever take it based on that alone.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I've been hit by cars five times, and was once run over by an ambulance.

    Was that all the same incident? Would make for an interesting tale.
  • jenniferedwards123
    jenniferedwards123 Posts: 13 Member
    I have a birthmark on my left elbow area that my youngest daughter inherited. She has the same one. My oldest daughter has a white birthmark on her stomach near her bikini line. All the time I tried getting one in the tanning beds and hers is natural. Lol

    I had an extra pinky toe when I was born. The doc removed it with a piece of string (it had no bone).

    I dreamed how my youngest was going to die before she was born. She was supposed to die at 8 months. She is still alive and I worry constantly.

    I took ambien to sleep when pregnant with my oldest, One night I didnt fall asleep and was terrified of a taco bell cup. I decided then and there that no matter how many sleepless nights til her birth I wouldnt take any more. The cup described my death from start to finish and how he was going to gut me and kill my unborn child. Terrifying isnt even a word to describe how scared I was. It is funny now, but still scares me. LOL.

    My mom and I have the same freckle on the palm of our right hand, right in the same exact spot. It's crazy.

    I always hear these weird stories from people who have taken ambien. I will never, ever take it based on that alone.

    I went 10 straight days of no sleep before I asked my doc about giving me something. She gave me the lowest dose because I was pregnant. I quit that night and even on insomniac nights I wont take anything. This was also before they had the Controlled Release one so maybe that fixed it...I still aint gonna take it! lol
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    I'm allergic to liquor (not joking)

    oh wow!!!!

    I worked with someone like that. She would break out in hives.

    Yeah, same thing happens to me. It's really no fun.

    does this include beer and wine?
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    i'm a descendant of martha washington