I have "only lost" ..... (Insert pounds here) BUT!



  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    What a genius idea!!!

    I have only lost 40 pounds


    I have eliminated foods that make me sick

    I can breathe


    Some days I have the energy to run
  • I have only lost 24 pound
    I can slide my jeans off with undoing them
    My face looks more heart shape then round
    Have more energy and no longer am a sofa spud
    My watch and rings are loose
    My legs look longer in tights
    My arms are toner- no jiggle

    I look better and feel better at 50 then I did at 40! Yippee:happy:
  • I have only lost 5 pounds but......
    I am so much more motivated and in such a better mindset
    I am finally doing it the right way without diet pills or crash diets so it will actually stay off this time
    I have completely stopped drinking pop
    I can already see a difference from losing the 5 pounds and the bloat from the pop
    I am proud of myself because I know I am going to be so much happier and healthier for my kids
    I will actually wear my jeans this week. A week and a half ago I wouldn't put them on because they were so uncomfortable
    My very competitive husband not to be outdone has cut back a ton on the pop and is eating much healthier. I LOVE him just the way he is but for cholesterol and health reasons it will do him good to eats healthier and I want him to live forever:)
  • Thats amazing!!!!
  • I have only lost 10 pounds, but I was able to pick myself back up after failing already. This might be the time I go all the way.
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    I have only lost 25 pounds but.....

    Now I am down 2 pant sizes
    Now size Large shirts are too big
    Now I can fit into my skinny jeans!
    Now I can lift heavy!
    Now I can avoid cookies, chocolate, any sugary cravings
    Now I have so much more energy!
    Now I look forward to going to the gym!
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    I have only lost 3 pounds but...

    I feel better - no more heartburn, reflux or GI issues (this from going veggie as well)
    I can wear my favourite pants without the button popping on them when I sit down
    I've had to tighten my belt two notches with all my other pants
    I seem to found a way around my eating issues and feel like I have found a way of eating that I could definitely live with for the rest of my life
  • dreamchaser12
    dreamchaser12 Posts: 223 Member
    Oooo I love this!!

    I've only lost 15lbs but...

    I've gone down 1 shirt size, and 2 pant sizes!
    I feel fantastic!!!
    My confidence has increased!
    I'm physically stronger and can see muscles! :)
    I've grown to love exercise and how it makes me feel! Best high ever!!
    I'm challenging myself in ways I never thought I would before!
  • wickednitsch
    wickednitsch Posts: 29 Member
    I have only lost 1 pound in the past month, but...

    I have been in the gym 22 of the last 30 days.
    I have entered and become a regular of the (previously intimidating) free weights section of the gym.
    I am down 3.5 inches.
    I have stuck to a weight lifting regimen and learned the lifting basics and can lead myself in a strategic workout.
  • Neecie910
    Neecie910 Posts: 11 Member
    I needed this today!!! :happy:
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    I have only lost 116lbs, but I......

    Am now a size 3/4 INSTEAD of a size 18/20!
    Can now wear Medium/small tops instead of 2X!
    Can do 60 real manly push-ups rather then 2 or 3 girly push-ups.
    Can sit in the bath tub and not feel like there is more of me in the tub then water.
    Can see how beautiful I really am without all the fat on me.
    Most Importantly --- I have fallen in love with being myself and I have done something that so many people only want to do. I may have 15 more pounds to go, but I'm smaller now then I have ever been and I feel amazing!

    Bathtub thing mad me laugh so much, but true!
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    I have only lost 41lbs, but I...

    Am at XL, not XXL
    Am a 36 waist, not a 40
    Have smaller wrists than before (need to get watch link taken out)
    Can run longer distances without stopping (5 miles+)
    Have less body pains
    Have a reason to flex in front of the mirror
    see the light at the end of the tunnel

    Have a reason to KEEP fighting everyday, I am doing this for ME and no one else, and dammit 41 lbs is pretty damn good all on my own!
  • mojolo7
    mojolo7 Posts: 36 Member
    I have only lost 18 pounds, but...

    My clothes are fitting better.
    I don't really miss watching TV.
    I don't mind seeing myself naked.
    I finally have enough energy to tackle things that have been on my to-do list for more than 3 years!
    I can (and do) slip, and completely fall off the wagon, and get back on track again without having to "start over".

    Most importantly, after 3.5 months I am STILL EXCITED about losing the pounds I have left, and I'm even excited about the work I will do to get to my goal (and maintain)!
  • trance79
    trance79 Posts: 22 Member
    I love this thread!
    I have only lost 17 lbs since Jan, but Im down to a size 10 pants from a size 14.
    My shirt size went from a size XL to a Med. (think I lost some boob, but thats okay lol-They were too big for my frame).
    I have more confidence.
    I feel strong and have more energy.
    I have inspired people around me.
  • I have only lost 31 pounds but....

    My wedding dress needs to be taken in at least 2 sizes (the consultant who sold it to me told me not to buy it smaller because "everyone says they will lose weight and most people don't"....

    I wore shorts for the first time in public after YEARS of sweating in jeans in the florida heat.

    My face is the shape it is supposed to be; not surrounded by excess fat

    I fit into a size 12 everywhere, and it actually isn't just a fluke due to a brand running big.

    I don't need to turn to food when I'm having any issue other than hunger itself (most of the time! i work on it everyday)

    I feel so much better in my skin. 30 pounds to go, but extremely proud of the first 30 gone.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    I have only lost 22 lbs, BUT I......

    Am now a size 14 INSTEAD of a size 16/18
    Can now wear Large tops instead of XL
    Am finally out of the 200s
    Can see a more defined waistline
    Have less back fat than I did 22 lbs ago :drinker:
    Have more energy and strength to complete my workouts
    Drinking more water than I ever have in life
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    Love:heart: Love :heart: this thread! Way to keep it postive :love:
  • missjones93
    missjones93 Posts: 74 Member
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have only lost 20lbs but:

    I am wearing a size 6 or 8 instead of a 10 or 12
    I feel 100% more sexy and confident
    I can run 5km!
    I make smarter food choices
  • samantha8jean
    samantha8jean Posts: 18 Member
    I've only lost 100lbs, but this is the smallest I've been since probably before middle school!
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