Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    So I'm pretty new to this site; I just joined a few days ago and I saw this group and LOVE it. It's nice to know that support exists and others know what I'm going through.

    I am 6' tall and have been an athlete most of my life; after a knee injury in college, I had to quit basketball and as a result, BLEW up from lack of activity. I lost about 50 lbs last year, but am struggling to lose my last 20 to be my "ideal" weight. I feel like I'm constantly dieting and constantly "trying," but really, I'm not. Everyone tells me how great I look after losing the weight, I know exactly what I need to do in order to lose the rest, but I just CANNOT stop eating! Although my family and friends are pretty supportive, I can tell that no one really thinks that I'm gona do it.

    Today is a new day, however, and I am REALLY going to work at it. My goal: 175 by June 1st :)
  • Jenn-- All that kickboxing you're doing, I'm sure your indulgence won't kill your progress. And TOM--it's like Satan, the ultimate temptation. You didn't go to crazy, so count it as a victory! (And come to visit! I can be a temptress too! LOL!)

    Mandi-- Yep. I'm only here until the end of April (I fly out May 3rd) Hahaha, I would TOTALLY love a group reward vacay. Just cuz i'm not in PR, doesn't mean we can find a cheap all inclusive somewhere ;P Ahhh, to dream! Way to kick it on the treadmill--I can never do more than like, 15 minutes on one cause I get stir crazy.

    chera325-- Good luck with your goals! You can do it, and we're here to help!

    sarah_lee -- welcome welcome! Now that you've found us, you'll never be alone :)

    Ugh. Pool today was only half an hour, I kept getting killer cramps in my ankle. Pain in the butt. Doing yoga/pilates this afternoon. Happy today, just cuz. Hope everyone else is, too!
  • thica03
    thica03 Posts: 44 Member
    There are some things that I've learned pretty much since birth that I'm having a hard time shaking. Like 'clean your plate'- I was always taught not to waste food. Sometimes I catch myself eating even when I'm not hungry because I'm not 'finished' yet. I am training myself to take smaller portions and eat off of smaller plates so that I'm not leaving anything behind. Also, I was always taught that if there is free food, you eat it. Doesn't matter if you're hungry or not- it's free! Buffets, potlucks, parties in general... I eat even when I'm full! So now when I go to someone's house and there's food, I have been reminding myself to say 'No, thank you" and to hover by the fruit and veggie platters. :)

    Oh my those are my TWO BIGGEST PROBLEMS! something that helped - ali posted once that finishing all ur food will not help all those starving people out there. So don't feel guilty to stop when u are full andleave some on ur plate.

    This is a great way to look at it....Thanks, now I won't feel as bad!

    I'm anxious for my next weigh in Feb. 1st

    Goal: 165- 02/01/10
    Goal: 155- 03/01/10
    Goal: 145- 04/01/10
    Goal: 135- 05/01/10

    Final Weight 127 by July 1, 2010
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Alright, i have had a no weight loss week. Very disapointed but i think i know whats going on. I think i'm working out too much. I also know that on sunday i cheated, but that was one day and i did so much excerisce to try to even it out. What me and boyfriend have been realizing is that i have been dieting and then working it all off before i go to bed. At night i run on my elliptical for 1 hour on level 8 resistance. Its burns 1000 calories. So basically all my food gets taken out and my body is in starvation mode while i sleep and then i do it all over again the next day. Plus i also do a biggest loser workout in the same day. We also think that i could be gaining alot of muscle and that could be affecting the weight loss.

    So this week i am going to start a new type of program. I am going to stick to my calorie goal and do what the biggest loser 30 day shread suggested. I am going to do 45 mins of cardio and a strength excercise everyday along with dieting. My 45 mins of cardio is going to be my running elliptical. The strength excercise is going to be switching everyday between BIGGEST LOSER WEIGHT LOSS YOGA, AND BOOT CAMP. I want all my mucles to get their workout. NO MORE WORKING OUT BEFORE BED. I think pulling back on the excercise will help. At least i hope it will. Only time can tell. Wish me luck folks.


    p.s. btw michael lost half a pound this week.

    I am at 190.5 pounds right now
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Jenn – LOL. Oh, please mail away! Hahaha. I’m about ready to take the damned thing out into the backyard with a baseball bat and go all ‘Office Space’ on it…..

    I’ve used the WiiFit while watching TV before. You can do the ‘free run’ while watching TV and the remote will coach you. Didn’t know you could do stepping while watching TV as well, though- thanks for the tip! I’ll have to check it out.

    Glad to hear the kickboxing instructor kicked your butt! That’s the way to go! As for treating yourself- it’s all good. I do that once in a while. Sometimes it’s the only way to kill the craving! And if you were under on your calories, all the better!

    kaytbognar – The Polar F6 (the one I ordered) is waterproof! Totally sealed. The problem with it, though, is that you have to send it back to the manufacturer to have the battery replaced because if you do it yourself, it will no longer be waterproof.

    Unfortunately, it still hasn’t arrived in the mail…. Grrr! The last I heard it had cleared Canadian customs on Monday morning so now Canada Post has it. And they don’t seem to be updating the tracker, so that’s all I know. I know it’s somewhere in the country- so hopefully I’ll get it today or tomorrow. I’m getting so impatient to play with my new toy!!!

    As for a waterproof MP3 player- that sounds awesome! Since you spend so much time in the pool, it would be perfect for you! What a nice treat. Maybe even a reward for yourself. Like, “If I reach X goal, I will buy myself this!”

    What I love about pilates is ABSOLUTELY how much focus is on the core. Pilates works my abs like nothing else I’ve ever done. And it’s so low-impact, it’s just bliss. I’ve been finding my left knee has been a little sore the past few days and I’m wondering if it’s from all the running, jumping jacks, etc. that JM has me doing in my fitness routine. I may have to take a break from her for a while and focus on exercises that are a little easier on the knees, until the ache goes away. Don’t want to do any permanent damage!!!

    sarah_lee – Welcome! Hope you find MFP (and this group) useful in your weight-loss journey!

    Mandi- I finally managed to read the re-cap for TBL, and it was pretty good! I’m sorry I missed it, lol. However, sleep… ah, blissful sleep. It was definitely necessary! I hope you enjoyed your walk on the treadmill!

    chera325 – Glad you found your way to us, and welcome! Congratulations on your substantial weight loss- I know you’ll kill those last 20 pounds in no time!

    No much to report today. Did well on my calories and exercise yesterday! In the past 3 weeks, I’ve only skipped one JM workout…. And that was due to exhaustion caused by TOM. Not too shabby, I don’t think! Feeling pretty darn good. Hubby keeps talking about how sexy I am looking and it makes me feel GOOD.

  • Good Morning!
    Jenn- I had a McFlurry on Tuesday night!! :( I felt pretty guilty afterward... but got back on track yesterady and today. I def. got the craving out of my system too... my TOM is due ANY moment today, boo! Oh, and I had a bunch of jalepeno chips that night too.
    Carrie-you will love your polar F6! Just be sure to get the chest strap wet before you start... otherwise it won't read.
    Welcom to the newbies, hope you like it here!
    Sarina87- hope you have better luck w/ your new workout routine... that is weird you didn't lose at all. Sometimes weight comes off in waves, I know mine does!
    Its almost the weekend! I hope I can be good, we have a wedding on Saturday to go to so I am know I will be having a few drinks...maybe more than a few lol! I'll be seeing a lot of people from high school that i haven't seen in a long time so I wanna look great. I am going to get a mani/pedi Saturday afternoon so I am REALLY looking forward to that! Have a great day everyone!
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    I'm 24 - 5'8" and 200lbs as of today(as of 21 days ago, i was 210 lbs.)

    So I'm trying to get down to 135-125 (check my profile, see my virtual weight loss models, and before photos, that I just TOOK TODAY! ackkk.)


    I'm starting the p90x dvds TODAY!
    I'm SICK to death, and I mean really really sick, of being the fat friend.
    Not a single friend of mine weighs over 160.

    30 Days - (Lets roughly say, end of February for good measure!) I would like to be 185.
    60 Days - 170
    90 Days - 150

    :) wish me luck ladies! I would love to wear a nice swim suit, or a cute wife beater and shorts this summer.

  • Carrie-- the F6 one with a chest strap? can you wear that in the pool? What a drag about having to send it in to get your battery changed. Blark. Hope it gets there sooon for you! CP is a pain in the butt sometimes. Good idea about making the mp3 player a reward! Maybe I'll get it for myself when I break 170 and hold below that for a week. I'm not far off, but it's been a real challenge for me to get down below that.

    Also, if your knee is bugging you pay attention to your feet and hips. Sounds funny, I know, but knee pain (ESPECIALLY with working out) usually come from biomechanical stuff above or below. The knee is such a fragile joint compared to the hip (which is a serious ball in socket, surrounded by lots of muscle and very strong connective tissue--while the knee is a gliding joint that is held together by muscle and tendon, but doesn't have that incredibly strong, inherent structural integrity that the hip does) a lot of knee injuries are related to tight hips. I have fierce knee problems because I have incredibly weak ankles, and SUPER tight hips, so I know your pain. Resting them is important if you're feeling pain, also icing them can help, but paying attention to your biomechanics and trying to balance out the muscles in your lower body is going to be most beneficial in the long-run (haha) for your knees.

    Anyway, a few things that I think about when I notice knee pain:
    - Am I square on my feet? Someone once told me to think of the sole of your foot having four corners: inside and outside heel, and the corners of the forefoot, at the base of your big and little toes. Paying attention to equal weight dsitribution between these four "corners" will help to decrease stress on any one group of muscles in your lower leg. Having your lower strong and equall contracted helps to ensure stability below the knee, so that it's not twisting and stressing the ligaments by being pulled more in one direction than another.
    - Am I square in my hips? Ideally, you want your hipbones to point dead foreward like headlights, weight balanced evenly between left and right. Also, trying and think about if your individual hips are rotating inward or outward (this can be kind of subtle to get your brain around at first...)
    - Am I hyper-extending my knees? A lot of times I feel like my legs are straight, and they are, but in reality they're almost "too straight"--there should be a very subtle natural bend to your knee, a "microbend" some yoga teachers and massage instructors I've had call it. It's important because it helps impact and pressure from your body's weight/activity translate through your limb much more evenly, instead of just jamming into the knee, if that makes any sense. If I notice too much pressure in my knee, I usually check in and try to add just a tiny little bend and it usually take some stress off. Especially if you're doing jumping jacks, trying to land with a bit of a bend to your knees might help cut some of the impact.

    Anyway, I hope that helps, and makes SOME kind of sense. In addition to my own knee problems, I've helped a number of people rehab from knee injuries and replacements and it's not pretty; imagine spending an full minute to painstakingly descend a normal sized flight of stairs, when someone else would skip down it in a matter of seconds. The toll serious joint injury takes on your whole lifestyle is brutal and frequently underestimated and I'm pretty passionate about education and prevention of it, so sorry if I'm a little overzealous :/
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome sara_lee and justsalad! You'll really like it here!

    Kayt- Well I'm still all for a reward trip/get together. I think it would be fun if we all met up when we lost a bunch of weight!!

    Jenn- Don't worry about succombing to temptation. I just wrote in my blog yesterday about how I totally binged on Chinese Tuesday and felt ridiculously guilty. It's a treat not a habit so you are just fine!!

    Sarina- I think both of your guesses could totally be right. At least you see the problem and are fixing it! Like pattitricia said, weight loss can come in waves. Don't be too discouraged. You are working hard!!

    I've really been watching my sodium intake the past couple of days. I really really think that is the kicker. I've backed off from weight watchers a bit and started recording my calories and sodium instead of points. I really hope this helps me stay on track and gives me a more accurate picture of what I need to do. Yesterday for some reason I couldn't eat all my calories which normally isn't hard to do at all. Kind of weird!! We'll see once what happens. It would be super nice to see at least a 2 on the scale this week. I just have to be good over the weekend!! Talk to you ladies later!

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    26 years old, 5' 3", 155. My Dr told me I should be 115 (40 more to lose) but I would be happy being 130. I have been at this a year now and I feel healthier than I did in high school! I love that I can keep up with my kids better. :drinker:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I'm 24 - 5'8" and 200lbs as of today(as of 21 days ago, i was 210 lbs.)

    So I'm trying to get down to 135-125 (check my profile, see my virtual weight loss models, and before photos, that I just TOOK TODAY! ackkk.)


    I'm starting the p90x dvds TODAY!
    I'm SICK to death, and I mean really really sick, of being the fat friend.
    Not a single friend of mine weighs over 160.

    30 Days - (Lets roughly say, end of February for good measure!) I would like to be 185.
    60 Days - 170
    90 Days - 150

    :) wish me luck ladies! I would love to wear a nice swim suit, or a cute wife beater and shorts this summer.


    hey girl, I think p90x is a great way to kick start ur weight loss journey. @ 5'8" u are super lucky to be so tall and I know u will look way thin @ 150. U are kinda lucky that ur fat storage is the way it is cuz then u can really focus on losing in the abdomen area where as I have to lose my big hips, thighs and big arms ON TOP of my belly. haha.
    Good luck!
  • 22 years old, 5'7" and 218. I was 190 when I was 18 so I've always been a little heavy but very active. I've never hated my body and my parents were great about keeping my self esteem up, I just hate not keeping up with my guys friends that are 10 years older than me!! I managed to put on 35 pounds during college working towards my degree in engineering and pretty much not taking care of myself at all with a diet of energy drinks and whatever I could get ahold of during 3AM study groups. Now I've got the job I wanted so badly now I just need to get active again! The high cholesterol level was a kick in the rump and scared me pretty bad!

    I really love the idea of this website and its really helping me get a grip!!

    See ya around!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Kayt thanks, that's what I was thinking! I am always severly under my calories anyway, but I'm told not to worry about it on this diet, just that what I eat is low G.I. So I'm not thinking the McFlurry did much anyway...any I'm sure I'll burn it right off at Kickboxing tonight anyway! So are you at a resort there then? It sounds like paradise! And I think you deserve that waterproof mp3 player, you've been working soo hard and it would make your time in the pool even better!

    Carrie - What's your address?? If you want me to send it send it to me in a PM. I have an extra...then you could take your frustrations out on yours with that baseball bat!! Congrats on your loss girl, your pics look fantastic, you must feel great! I think that you have to earn the stepping one on the Wii, it's just where you go side to side to choose the length then you can choose if you want it quick or slow...i did it quick one day during a show and ended up pulling a calf muscle, lol, so make sure to stretch well! I didn't know you could do it with the run too, I can't run for that long though, bad knees, the longest I can go is the island run, and I do that against Dr's orders, lol! That really sux that your HRM hasn't shown up yet! Gotta love the Canadian Postal System!!

    Patti that's actually pretty funny that we had the same cheat! Don't feel guilty, I'm not! Just move on :wink: We both have the TOM excuse, lol..hard to resist! Have fun this weekend, I'm sure you'll look fantastic!

    Mandi - thanks, I read your blog, well written, and I agree!! Normally when I indulge its the Breyers Fat Free, but this time was a treat for sure, a once in a while deal! I hear ya about not being able to eat all of your calories...I eat sooo much food and don't come close most days, its just that most things I eat are healthy and low cal, it makes it very difficult! :grumble:

    I'm sneaking out early today so I'd better go do some work! Ttyl
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    Im 22 and just started this.. Im OBESE.. I hear.. 5'3 and 210 pounds.. I need to lose ATLEAST 50 pounds in the long run to be just in my normal..
  • Hello everyone!! I hope you are all having a great day!

    Welcome to all of the new people! Every day I'm seeing more and more great people to talk to.

    carrie- You are one organized lady. I can't bear the extra dishes to pre cook everything:laugh: but I have customized some of the food at my work so that I am eating stuff with less crap in it and I am a huge fan of the special k chocolate protein shakes. They are yummy and so good when I just don't have time.

    Jenn- Glad to hear you are having so much fun with kickboxing still. And the wii fit sounds pretty fun. I haven't spent the money yet. I always find something that I want for my hubby or daughter more, and I have the elliptical. I am caving though on the hrm and getting one this month since I earned a pretty nice bonus last quarter.

    mandi-How is the lower sodium going. Did you find anything helpful or anything that you liked? Keep pushing away at it. My husband is having the same issue right now. He went from being 2500 over to 1700 to 1500 and he's down in the 200's now. Practice makes perfect. I love deli meat and soup, but I've had to cut both of those out because of sodium. Mrs. Dash has a bunch of great spices without salt.

    Kayt- Glad to hear you went for a hike. It sounds like it was gorgeous! I am really jealous. My basement wall isn't getting any prettier but I'm such a baby when it comes to cold weather.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome to all the new ones!! Glad you're here!! This group is great for support and motivation!!

    Keri-Well I'm actually WATCHING it now. At least for the last 2 days I've been keeping a close eye on it, trying not to overdo it! I'm the same as your husband. I was doubling my intake on a normal day. Yesterday I was way under and today I was only 300 over so we'll see how it goes, but I'm trying so that's the best I can do for now!! I think Jenn mentioned Mrs. Dash too so I'll have to look that up. My downfalls are that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Chinese food and soups, both of which are very high in sodium. I don't know if I'll have to look for different recipes or just stop making them so often. We'll get her done!

    Ok so ladies, I'm really out of the loop and I've heard you all talking about HRM's...What exactly are they again? Sounds interesting. I think I might have to get me a food scale as well. I'm horrible at eyeing ounces for pastas or protein. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone a little bit and trying some seafood. I absolute loathe fish (unless it's fresh and beer battered :embarassed: ) However, I bought some crab meat and some shrimp and found that I really like them alot!! Does anyone have any lunch/dinner ideas for either of these things. I'm new to the seafood thing!!

    Have a great night everyone! I've got to go prep for my Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice cuddle time with the hubby! Glad I got my workout done already or I'd be one tired gal!!
  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    Ughhh! I'm so mad at myself/frustrated! I decided that today I am REALLY going to put forth my efforts in doing exactly what I have to do. I went and worked out after work, I feel that I ate reasonably less and better than I usually do, but I went over my calories by like 186 calories. This is the issue I've been having; I try to restrict my calories and eat fiberous and more filling foods, but I am seriously hungry like, ALL the time! Now I feel guilty that I just ate a bowl of cereal, but I opted for that over some other snacky stuff (that would have been less calories) because I thought it might keep me full til bedtime.

    Any suggestions? :(
  • kera_c
    kera_c Posts: 6 Member
    hi there everyone, my names Kera and I'm a 24 year old stay at home mum to my little boy who is now 19 months. Started at the beginning of Jan at 200lb and am hoping to lose around 70lb.

    Joined up at the gym last night and spent half an hour on the treadmill - just waiting for a call now to set up my personal training sessions I've treated myself to - am aiming to take part in a half marathon walk in June to raise money for cancer charities and so need to get into better shape to be able to achieve this!!

    look forward to talking to you all and letting you know how I get on tomorrow when I weigh in (missed last weeks weigh in because I was soooo poorly with this cold that is going around at the moment)

  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    TO CHERA 325: ugh I am ALWAYS hungry, and then when i eat til I'm "full" it's like, well awesome, I can't eat for the rest of the day unless it's something small like a banana! I think if you drink more water (or green tea) you fill up better?
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    You guys seem like a great group! I would love to join, if its not too late!
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