anyone weigh 200lbs or more?



  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    I'm around the 5'4" mark and currently weigh around 98kg (215lbs approx). I was around 102kg (the last time I recorded my weight before I started MFP seriously again so could have been higher). My goal is to get down to 80kg by the end of the year and lose another 10-15kg before my anniversary trip to Japan with my husband in April next year :)

    If you'd like to add me, go ahead!
  • nixxy74
    nixxy74 Posts: 106

    I started at 303 in 5ft 6 and I have lost 22lbs with a truck load to go so feel free to add me.:happy:

    jillian micheals podcasts really help too so make sure you download them!
  • cklapk1
    cklapk1 Posts: 63 Member
    yup i'm 220 and just starting college. figure it's a great time to turn my habits around (:
  • I'm 5'10", 278.8 and I just began my new weight loss journey today. Are you going to start a new group on here to help motivate one another? Today is my first day on here so I am not sure how this works yet. This post just caught my eye.
  • AnnaMGP
    AnnaMGP Posts: 60 Member
    @mskael- there is a group on here allready it's called 200's to fabulous =) I joined it a few days ago.
  • bdzivic
    bdzivic Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all. I'm 5'9 and big boned besides im at 312lbs. my end goal is to end up just under 200. turning 40 next week and its time for a change. i also have looked at alot of these groups and everyons so small already would like to be a part od a group that is in the same spot as me and working on losing and changing habits. so please add me thanks
  • I am 5'5" and weigh 242!!! We are so close! I need a pal to be accountable too! I just joined Saturday September 1st! :smile:
    Lets fight this together!
  • 4given4life
    4given4life Posts: 81 Member
    Yes, I fit the bill too. 5'5" and weighed in at 212 this morning. I've been totally demotivated lately, but looking to get back on track. I joined TOPS a couple of weeks ago to maybe help motivate me. I'm the youngest member there, but it doesn't matter if they give me support that I need. Anyone feel free to add me.

    ETA: I forgot to add how much I want to lose. I want to get down to about 138-140, but my first goal is 155 and I'll reevaluate then.
  • Stac2004
    Stac2004 Posts: 88 Member
    Add me too. Am 5'4" and started at 205. I am just aiming to take better care of me. Been a stressful couple of years and have not taken care of myself well at all. I am looking to get better control of the eating and get in some exercise as I have a very sedentary job. Count me in as I would be glad to share notes, etc.

    Rawbird I am exactly where you are and for the exact same reasons!
  • I'm 6'2" and 350, feel like the heaviest person on here but still in good spirits lol
  • You can add me too!! I am 5'5" and am currently at 233 lbs. I have already lost 6 lbs over the last 3 weeks. I have 4 little kids and need to lose this extra unnecessary part of my body so that I can physically keep up as much as I am doing mentally. I am at a point in my life where I need to permanently take control of my body or I worry that I may never learn how to conquer and take control of myself. I would love to join and have support to get down to about 120-130 lb range!
  • You can add me if you like. :smile:

    Im currently at 261 ( have already lost 14lbs) and want to lose at least 70 more. Will adjust along the way til i am comfortable with the way i look and feel.
  • Hi there everyone, I was looking at topics and stuff and there's a lot of motivational groups out there but I was wondering if anyone weighs over 200lbs and wants to loose weight with me. There's a lot who's under and I'm very proud they have got below or already was but I feel to self conscious joining as I'm much heavier than a lot of people and I don't need to get toning as much as some people are I need to loose the fat first. The lighter you are the more harder you need to work to loose more and tone so I can't really relate so I was wondering if anyone who weighs over 200lbs would like to help me build a motivational group and help us get under that 200lbs mark!

    I'm 5"4 and currently weigh 242.8lbs and my goal weight is 145lbs so I've got just under 100lbs to loose!

    i'M 5'3 and was really thin and muscular all of my life. I gained weight after my son was a year old, and it just kept going up. I got to 235 in April 2012 and decided that I was tired of wearing ugly clothes, didn't feel my age and didn't look like what I felt. I've so far lost 25 pounds (since May 2012) and 3 more since I started here. I don't have a traditional goal weight, because of my muscular build, but I'm going for something between 130-145, because that was where I was most comfortable and no one was asking if I was a druggie. Good luck and add me if you need to talk!
  • momgorz
    momgorz Posts: 29 Member
    I would love to join you, I am 5 5 and now about 227, so same journey. Add me to your friends list if you want.
  • I'm 6'2" and 350, feel like the heaviest person on here but still in good spirits lol

    Whether you are or not, I'm sure you can reach your goals and feel great. I love me a big ol' teddy bear :happy:
  • I started @ 307 and have lost 50 pounds so far. I have a long way to go. I would like to get down to about 175. I am open to new friends and meeting new people but I want to make one thing clear - I am not perfect. I fall off the food wagon now and then and I dont consider this a "diet". I am on a life changing journey to get healthier and become the best me that I can be. I know that sounds sappy. HA! I wish you all the best on your journeys and I would love to have your support and support you in return.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I'm 284 today down from approx 320.

    Add me is you like, But I must warn yu I am bluntly honest with answers and advise.

    Although I will support you.
  • Count me in. 260 here at 5 feet 9 inches tall I have over 100 pounds to loose.... I am ready to get and give motivation.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    There are a LOT of us on this site , and many seem to be having success, which is great!
    I'm 5'6 and looking to lose half my body weight (I'm quite a bit over 200).
    Just starting to have success ... please feel free to friend me.
    And anyone responding, please feel free to friend me as well!
  • I weigh 211 and I am 5' 4". Count me in.