Introduce yourselfs



  • Hello every one !! Sorry it has taken me so long to introduce myself. By the way I LOVE this group!
    Anyways my name is Victoria I like to be called Vicki. I am 22 years old I work for the sheriffs office I love it but I sit at a desk 8 hours a day so you can bet your bottom I am not active :( . I am 5'3 and I currently weigh 226. Two years ago before getting with my fiancee I weighed 150-170. I have never ate correctly and I have had self image problems for as long as I can remember. Finally meeting the love of my life ( DJ my wonderful fiancee we live together in a lovely town home with our lovely pup Kilo) I got comfortable I could finally look in the mirror and be ok with me and who I was and instead of changing I just settled ( not truly being happy just ignorant bliss for a bit). MY fiancee is the nicest guy I know so when I started packing on the pounds and wearing sweat pants out on dates he would not say anything. One night he asked me to wear jeans and that he loved me and jeans and sweat pants were only ok in fast food joints. Sooooo I went in the closet and non of my pants would even come over my hips. Big wake up call there walking out of the bedroom to tell the man that means the world to and supports you no matter what that you cant fit in any of your clothes is hard. A major breaking point into depression of course he said it was fine and I was still gorgeous and amazing and the only person that meant anything in the whole world. OHHH and did I mention I am also a binge eater I can eat well for breakfast, lunch, and snacks but when dinner hits or I am alone ( because my fiancee works nights) or something happens to upset me I eat and I can eat up to 2500 in 20 minutes. Embarrassing and horrifying. I am hurting myself badly. So here I am telling you my story and telling you I need to change I want to change. But unlike everyone keeps telling me it is not easy its hard. I guess anything worth having is supposed to be hard though. My goal is to be at least 150-190 ...
  • hi, im julie. im a 34 yrs old staff nurse from northeast england. im 313lbs and 5' 6'' so have a lot to lose. i have joined mfp due to my future sis in law sareyezz23 who is doing sooo well.

    im aiming to lose the majority of my weight before may 2014 when im getting married in greece :) i cant wait :)
    im also losing the weight for my son i want to be a mum that gets involved and doesnt have to sit on the side lines.
  • hi, im julie. im a 34 yrs old staff nurse from northeast england. im 313lbs and 5' 6'' so have a lot to lose. i have joined mfp due to my future sis in law sareyezz23 who is doing sooo well.

    im aiming to lose the majority of my weight before may 2014 when im getting married in greece :) i cant wait :)
    im also losing the weight for my son i want to be a mum that gets involved and doesnt have to sit on the side lines.

    Thanks juls!!! Love how ur getting involved and it's ur first day! And thank u.

    We are all doing well and lets help each get that bit further :)
  • Hello every one !! Sorry it has taken me so long to introduce myself. By the way I LOVE this group!
    Anyways my name is Victoria I like to be called Vicki. I am 22 years old I work for the sheriffs office I love it but I sit at a desk 8 hours a day so you can bet your bottom I am not active :( . I am 5'3 and I currently weigh 226. Two years ago before getting with my fiancee I weighed 150-170. I have never ate correctly and I have had self image problems for as long as I can remember. Finally meeting the love of my life ( DJ my wonderful fiancee we live together in a lovely town home with our lovely pup Kilo) I got comfortable I could finally look in the mirror and be ok with me and who I was and instead of changing I just settled ( not truly being happy just ignorant bliss for a bit). MY fiancee is the nicest guy I know so when I started packing on the pounds and wearing sweat pants out on dates he would not say anything. One night he asked me to wear jeans and that he loved me and jeans and sweat pants were only ok in fast food joints. Sooooo I went in the closet and non of my pants would even come over my hips. Big wake up call there walking out of the bedroom to tell the man that means the world to and supports you no matter what that you cant fit in any of your clothes is hard. A major breaking point into depression of course he said it was fine and I was still gorgeous and amazing and the only person that meant anything in the whole world. OHHH and did I mention I am also a binge eater I can eat well for breakfast, lunch, and snacks but when dinner hits or I am alone ( because my fiancee works nights) or something happens to upset me I eat and I can eat up to 2500 in 20 minutes. Embarrassing and horrifying. I am hurting myself badly. So here I am telling you my story and telling you I need to change I want to change. But unlike everyone keeps telling me it is not easy its hard. I guess anything worth having is supposed to be hard though. My goal is to be at least 150-190 ...

    I am a major binge eater too! I dred my days off where I know I have nothing going on because I don't attempt to make something healthy half the time because it's too much effort so I don't eat for ages then
    I get hungry and go for a food hunt and it's usually something in a packet full of sugar or fat to give me the quick energy boost. A habit I'm trying to get out of. Haven't don't it in a few
    Weeks though. Thank you for sharing ur story takes a strong person to open up like that so I can already tell u have the determination! Also thanks for loving my group. Makes me smile knowing I've done the right thing :)
  • Whew.... just read through everyone's introduction before me and WOW! So great to meet you all! Interesting how many of us in our 30's... or round thereabouts... not ALL of us, just interesting how many of us.

    I'm 33 myself... will be 34 in October.

    I've struggled with my weight ever since I hit puberty and whoa nelly that happened early for me :-) I did NOT have good role models when it came to nutrition and only so so when it came to fitness... I was raised by a single father... he did the best he could... TRULY. Heck... it's amazing I didn't starve... guess that's why I learned to cook so well... which was, has been, my downfall for a long time... on top of that... I had a grandma that I love ever so dearly, but talk about mixed messages... would constantly push the crash diet thing, super conscious about her weight AND mine... and yep... I ended up TURNING to food... which it's taken me HOW LONG to figure this out??? I now REALLY see it... my grandma is 86 now... works out with a personal trainer three days a week... but then wait... comes home and snacks on crap... and I mean CRAP.... it's nuts.

    ANYWAY.... sorry this will get long... BUT... here goes...

    My late husband was SUPER thin, had some allergies that affected his nutrition... but aside from foods he had to avoid, he could eat and eat and eat and it was hard to keep him UP to a healthy weight... I on the other hand... am quite opposite and to be honest... he loved me no matter how I looked... was awful about enabling me turning to food... etc.

    Then he was killed in a car accident while driving our kids to school... I had a LOT of anger... and I mean a LOT... it's a long drawn out story... but through it all I used exercising as a way to work off my aggression... because thanks to a complete idiot... I almost lost my whole family... yeah... that can make a person VERY angry... but I have two girls to raise... can't exactly LOSE it... Got to keep on.

    I became COMPULSIVE about exercising... but never really did get the eating "right" thing down ever.... I was just exercising like a FREAK... and I mean that. Yes I was trying to eat well... but I see now that I was delusional about that too... LOL

    All the same I lost a LOT of weight and was probably in the best shape of my life... which was great... and I ended up meeting another phenomenal man... and I remarried. (I have to say... I count myself as the most blessed bride... WHO on earth meets and marries TWO amazing men ever??? Yep... THIS girl! LOL)

    SO... onward... well... our "Brady Bunch" (which we are literally in the sense that I brought 2 girls, a dog and cat... to his two boys, dog and cat home) also came with stress... and what did I do INSTEAD of continuing to exercise compulsively??? I turned BACK to food... old habits die hard....

    NOW.... my husband... he is more "fit" than I am... but admittedly also LIKES to eat... so we were not good for each other there for a bit, but THANKFULLY this one DOESN'T enable me with turning to food... at least MOST of the time... we've had our moments where as soon as *I* get serious THEN he seems to want to pick up doughnuts... but HE also gets serious... and he's currently on track to run a 5K in October... he runs three times a week min etc.... so yeah...

    On top of that I had HUGE "issues" after meeting his model thin sister... and mother and so on... and talk about a complex... I'm like wow... I'll NEVER live up to these ideals!!! A, I'm only 5' 3" on a GOOD day... and B, I've NEVER been that thin... ever.

    Don't ask me why I have these issues... who the freak knows.

    Anyway... I don't like being heavier than my husband... that really bothers me. It always bothered me with my late husband... but with him there was a REASON... like... no way COULD I be thinner... as in his issues... which kept HIM so thin... but my husband NOW??? Um... he's 5' 11" and "stocky" though not FAT... and it's like... NO I should NOT be BIGGER than he is... and that's REALLLLY been bugging me.

    SO... why am I motivated NOW??? Several things... my girls are getting older... 14 and 11... I started seeing my older daughter doing the SAME things I was doing... O M G... talk about eye opening... BUT she decided that she SERIOUSLY wanted to play Volleyball in high school... and I told her that IF she was going to try out she had to commit her last summer to these training camps, because this is very competitive now and it's a cut sport. She did it... got in GREAT shape... lost over 2 dress sizes AND she made a freshman team! WOW!

    I began this journey of losing weight at the beginning of the summer... as I said to myself... how can I ask my daughter to do these things that I'm not doing MYSELF??? On top of that I was already starting to feel a lot better after some weird "girl issues" early in the spring... but after having my girl part blow torched (no more periods! YAY for the Novasure!) I was getting better.

    Then there's my younger daughter... she's 11, has Epilepsy... and given some medication she's on... is heavier than she should be for her age and height etc... yet she LOVES to be active... this poor girl... so when we go to this path and she jogs... how could I NOT be inspired???

    I want to be sexier for my man too... let's face facts ladies... I don't care how many times I tried... I never ACTUALLY felt that I was/ am "sexy" at my size...

    But regardless of all of that... I'm doing this for me first and foremost. Life is way too short... I proved to myself in the past that I could do the sweating... I think I needed that kick in the rear... the need to get out aggression and I'm thankful that I KNOW I can survive the sweating... LOL Trust me... there was a time that if I even thought the word sweat... I would have said HELL NO! Now though... it doesn't scare me so much... but I don't think I would feel that way without having had that experience.

    What's the difference THIS time? I'm way more focused on nutrition... that's something else that was inspired by watching my kids... but I've taken enough interest to START researching... and I have to admit... now that I'm focused on healthy food... yes the exercise helps... but truly it's amazing how I feel... I never felt like this before... ever. I honestly had no idea. I never thought I would be able to kick the soda habit... but I did... and it's changed my whole outlook... food tastes better... I can hardly believe it!!!

    Ok... that's probably enough for now... I'll talk about anything and everything... I'm also a talker... just glad to be here. So glad to meet you all!

    Here's my stats before I sign off for now...

    Start weight: 242
    CW: 216.4
    GW: 145

    I've got it broken down in goals for myself...

    200 or less by October 21 my birthday!
    Thanksgiving goal weight is193
    Christmas goal weight is185
    Valentine's goal weight is171
    Easter goal weight is161
    Mother's Day goal weight 150
    Last day of school May 29th goal weight is my ultimate GW of 145! That's how I want to kick off summer... but it doesn't stop there...

    Then my goal is to get TONED and IN SHAPE before my 35th birthday 5 months later... that way I can be in truly the best shape of my life.

    Setting these goals has helped... I've NEVER done a "timed" goal before... and it started for me with joining a group here to lose 50 Lb's by Christmas... I joined a long while back and it's been motivating for me... but when I truly mapped it out with what is POSSIBLE that is when I started SEEING the dream... it's losing less than 2 Lb's a week... completely reasonable. So I asked myself... IF I could do this... how would I feel come the start of summer??? OMG... I can't even fathom it yet... but I want it SO bad... SO BAD! So... doing what I can.

    I guess what I would ultimately say to any of us... is your dream IS possible... your dream IS worth it!

    So nice to meet you all... God BLESS you if you made it through that intro... LOL and let's rock this shall we???

    What an inspiring person!! I thought i was reading a novel! U ever thought about writing? I was hooked onto ur story. I can relate about the whole emotions thing. My emotions have deffinatly been the reasons for my yoyo weight. I'm only 24 so i can't say I know how u feel with ur late husband and being angry but I can still see it all.

    I've been with my gym for over a year now and used to go and hen eat crao like ur nan does. I got to a point where I was like I'm paying money to maintain a weight I don't want to be!
  • TM2794
    TM2794 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, my name is Tara and I am a 21 year old student. 20 days ago i joined mfp weighing 240 lbs, I am now 220. My ultimate goal is to weigh 130 lbs, so I still have a ways to go! I've always struggled with weight even though i played sports my entire life. I was extremely active and healthy, but always "thick". Senior year i was injured, couldn't play sports anymore, got a bit depressed and gained nearly 100 lbs! I've decided to stop self-sabotaging myself and get my life on track again! I'm done watching myself get bigger and bigger. Also, i am getting reconstructive surgery on my left knee very soon (sept 10th) so i am currently relying solely on my eating habits to lose weight. Once i am recovered i plan to become a beast in the gym again! :)
  • hiya everyone!!!

    my sister (sareyzz23) has been banging on about this group for ages now and here i am! i think i must be the heaviest person here tho :/

    my name is louise im 31 im the eldest of us 4 siblings! im from reading UK im 176cm tall (not a clue how much that is in feet) and i weigh 358 pounds as of my last weigh in 2 weeks ago. i have a fiance (joel) who is very supportive and is trying to lose weight himself. i have a 13 year old daughter (abigail) from my previous marriage who is tall skinny and blonde so u can imagine how envyous i am of her? haha! the worst part is... she eats twice as much as i do and weighs a whopping 98lbs grr!

    i have always been a 'chunky' girl growing up and i always weighed the same weight in stones than i was age so when i was 15 i weighed 15 stone and gained a stone every year. no idea why or how but i did a 30-45 minute paper round every morning on my bike and i cycled everywhere! i think if i hadnt i would simply be dead by now!

    at 16 i had a boyfriend who liked me for me and not for my size. i stopped cylcing everywhere so much when he passed is driving test at 17 and shortly after that i fell pregnant so cylcing in my mind just wasnt an option so i put my bike into retirement and never got back on it again.

    i had abi just 4 days before my 18th birthday on the 4th of july and had discovered i went from a size 18 to a size 24 in just 9 months and i was devastated. i got the saggy stomach and boobs and i felt really miserable and the pounds continued to pile on and i tried everything! weight watchers, slimming world x 2, the weetabix diet x 2 and even tried the atkins diet for a week but the food bill was too expensive and i felt like i was about to die so i canned that one pretty quickly.

    in 2002 i had a (PE) clot go to my lung and shortly after what was diagnosed with PCOS and i was just 21 years old. i wanted a change but didnt know how or what i could do to make things different.

    the boyfriend who i met when i was 16 married me in 2005 but we divorced 18 months later because the marriage part was a fix everything solution only it didnt and thats when i met joel through playing world of warcraft. (yes we are nerds) without him i think i would have gained even more weight through depression and he was someone i could talk to about anything that was on my mind. on my days off i would go visit him in staines and it was a 45 minute walk from the train station to his house so for me it was a bit of a trek but i did it anyways. suddenly it was if my PCOS wasnt even there and i started getting my monthlys back for the first im in over 5 years! this is the change i needed in my life... more exercise and more living! unfortunately after he moved in i gained a little more weight feeling good in my new relationship the weight wasnt what was on my mind.

    christmas 2009 was my heaviest weight. i dont know what it was but it was well over 400lbs and it was not feeling nice at all. i couldnt get on any scales without an error message and was frustrated so i bought some scales and kept standing on them once a month during my every other day diet where i would eat no more than 500-750 calories every other day and it worked! i dropped right down 350lbs in 2 years without doing very much exercise. this year tho it wasnt working as well as i liked... maybe it was the food i was eating because it wasnt varied enough? it was basically a muller light for breakfast a weight watchers meal for lunch and another one for dinner. (the calories were right there on the box and they were convenient) so for months i was flailing and had gained another 20lbs until my sister put this app in front of me in may/june time when i got my iPhone.

    i want to see my daughter grow up and get married and never have to worry about her weight. i want to get married to a wonderful supportive man who has given me and my daughter everything but most of all i want to live! what im doing right now isnt living its just existing and its only me who is holding myself back!

    Start weight: 400+
    CW: 358
    GW: 235 or lower at least
    EGW: 180
  • well...I think im the only bloke here >.< I am the brother of the group creater, the brother of the previous poster and the soon to be husband of Juls (geordiescot).

    My name is Ben, I greqw up in Reading but am now in the north east, have a stunning bride to be, an amazing son but a weight problem. When i was growing up, sports were always a major part of my life! (talking 4 hr football matches lol) but when i hit 16 i discovered women and that was it... down hill from there.

    I am trying to make a bit more of an effort to get ready for this wedding in 2014! and ofc being as supportive as i can to my special lady!

    Currently weigh 16.1 stone (the heaviest was dec 2010, 19.13 stone) started this properly last week and apparently i have lost 40lbs (7 last week) before i even got going!

    Would like to weigh something in the region of 12-13 stone (basically my BMI) so a little way to go yet!

    I am very active, walking on my days off and cycling 5 miles a day 5 days a week to work and back (i'm too lazy to walk and busses are boring!) this alone is what im basing my diet around!

    and now i can't think of anything else to say..... lol


  • chrisd928
    chrisd928 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey, I just joined MFP yesterday and just joined the group moments ago... I am 23 (days from 24) and married for just a year... I've been stuck around 220 since my second year of college where I had some anxiety/depression issues and never really fixed it. At one point I got down to 189, but then gained it all back just before my wedding. I grew up being the outcast kid, I got bullied, I just wasn't quite the same as other kids and so I always looked down on myself. I constantly called myself fat and ugly until I met my husband. My friends and family always told me how I was wrong, but I never really believed them. By the time I started dating my husband I was at about 185 at the age of 19, having gained about 65 lbs since I was 14. When he told me I was cute or pretty or beautiful or anything like that, I was so broken about it that I would cry. It took months for me to believe that he meant it. He has been fantastic and loves me no matter what I look like and he just wants me to be happy. About a year ago, I started looking at some old pics of myself and realized that I wasn't fat in reality, just in my warped perspective, but that because I believed I was fat, I allowed myself to get out of hand. So, I am going to start working now to become the person I want to be and part of that is being healthier and more active. So, I'm at 218ish right now and waiting for my new scale to arrive to have a consistent measurement... My super end goal is 135, but for now, I want to make it to 200lbs ^_^