Painful Conversation



  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    The guy mentioned in the OP has been texting me off and on about "I'd like to talk with you again." I've humored him, but not expected much to come of it.

    Well, tonight he actually did call (about 2 weeks later). He seems like a nice, confident, guy (just socially awkward in some areas). I did stop him at one point (after he'd mentioned my rank 4 times) and said, "wow you are really fixated on my rank, aren't you???" I enjoyed listening to his stories, but my attempt at being funny backfired when he said, "I'm probably boring you, aren't I?" I immediately said, "not at all, this is great!" Then I thought about it a second and added, "you know, if you really were boring me, it's not like I would tell you." So minus 1 for JJ with that.

    He lost major points when he said, "Well, I'm looking for the woman who is intelligent and will be attractive to ME even if she isn't attractive to most people." Call didn't last long after that. I know I'm not a perfect 10, but come on!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    He lost major points when he said, "Well, I'm looking for the woman who is intelligent and will be attractive to ME even if she isn't attractive to most people." Call didn't last long after that. I know I'm not a perfect 10, but come on!

    I don't see what's wrong with that statement? It sounds like a compliment - that he thinks you're exotic and beautiful even if society only like white toothpicks.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    He lost major points when he said, "Well, I'm looking for the woman who is intelligent and will be attractive to ME even if she isn't attractive to most people." Call didn't last long after that. I know I'm not a perfect 10, but come on!

    I don't see what's wrong with that statement? It sounds like a compliment - that he thinks you're exotic and beautiful even if society only like white toothpicks.

    He said the same thing several ways. I did not feel complimented. I felt like he was telling me I was unattractive but that's ok because *he* finds me cute.
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    yep painfull all that church talk..lmao
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    He lost major points when he said, "Well, I'm looking for the woman who is intelligent and will be attractive to ME even if she isn't attractive to most people." Call didn't last long after that. I know I'm not a perfect 10, but come on!

    I don't see what's wrong with that statement? It sounds like a compliment - that he thinks you're exotic and beautiful even if society only like white toothpicks.

    He said the same thing several ways. I did not feel complimented. I felt like he was telling me I was unattractive but that's ok because *he* finds me cute.

    Yeah that's exactly how I interpreted that.
  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
    The turning point in the conversation was Master's in Nuclear Engineering. BTW, I was unaware that you had a Master's in Nuclear Engineering.

    The next few thoughts that I am going to write are going to spark some discussion, but I seem to do that in here with some degree of regularity.

    Women with Master's Level degrees and jobs that are typically correlated with a Master's Degree see their dating pool shrink. Women prefer to date equal or upwards in education and salary. A typical guy with a Bachelor's of a similar age to a woman with a Master's isn't going to be interested. Guys with some college or just a high school education are even less likely to be interested. A guy with a Bachelor's and 15 years of post Bachelor's working experience might be interested in a newly minted female Master's Degree holder.

    When a guy has an in demand Master's Degree and good job prospects and/or history, his dating pool widens. Men with Master's have no problems with a woman with just a Bachelor's or even those who did not complete college.

    A man's career, education and earning capacity matter to a woman. A woman's education, career and earning capacity matter less to men. A guy who is more likely to appreciate a money making woman isn't a guy that the big money making woman wants because this is typically a guy with diminished earning power.

    That's a big part of why your conversation went off track.

    This. I have a Master's degree and it's exactly what you said. I'm not interested in guys who only have a high school diploma and only a little college. I don't mind just a Bachelor's but it's nice to be on equal footing with someone.