Can husband motivate wife to lose lbs w/o being a jerk?



  • Not only is the answer NO!, but, in reality she needs you to be her #1 fan no matter what. What could you possibly say that she doesn't already know? Seriously. We KNOW!! And if you tell her anything other than positive things about her and her body (don't lie, but don't point out the negative) she will hear that EVERY time you see her -- especially every time you see her naked. That is if she will EVER let you see her naked again after that. She is her most vulnerable with you. Don't ever give her reason not to trust you. It will affect everything for her. From her own self-esteem to your sex life. And ultimately, in trying to deal with your comments it may take even longer for her to lose weight.

    It's been 24 years and I've never stopped hearing what my husband said ever so helpfully.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    I really appreciate the comments. I would never want to do anything that would hurt her. The truth is that she is pretty fit. She runs, cycles, lifts weights and generally probably works out 4-5 times a week. I know, the more I praise her wonderful qualities, the more I realize that I just need to count my blessings, appreciate the good things (not the least of which is peace in our relationship) and not say anything. She's talked about training to do a triathlon together. Maybe I should just focus on that.

    There are a *bunch* of responses to your post, and someone probably already pointed it out, but this (your quote) is *definitely* what you should focus on - with that training, she'll get closer to where you'd hope she'd be.

    Good luck and thank you for counting your blessings! :smile:
  • Honestly all these people saying "there's absolutely no way" must not have a great, open sense of communication. Either that, or they are already so self conscious that they couldn't handle anyone else pointing out the obvious.

    Now I'm definitely not saying it should be gone about in a blunt way, but if it's towards the betterment of both her health and physique, why not motivate both her and yourself to get more fit??

    I have plenty of weight to lose and know it. My fiance has always been mildly interested in weight lifting and toning up but never really pursued it. As I lost weight and became "addicted" to fitness, I started noticing certain aspects that I thought my significant other could improve on as well. This doesn't mean I dislike his current, wonderful body, it just means that I'd love for us to both become as healthy and ridiculously sexy as possible together lol

    I know talking to a guy about fitness can be easier in some respect, but I also wanted to approach the topic gently to ensure he understood I came from a place of love and happiness with him. To keep it simple, I asked him to workout with me. I LOVE it. It's probably one of the best decisions I've made, as we now push each other to keep up and laugh and have fun with fitness. I always joke about how amaaaazing my butt will look someday with repeated squatting and how his washboard abs are going to be sooo hot when we honeymoon in Hawaii next year.

    Keeping things fun and sexy is totally the way to go. At least in my case xD Now we both enjoy every bit of getting fit together. And we're both honest and open about the areas we'd like to see ourselves improve in. I think approaching it like this allowed himself to be honest with the areas he wanted to work on, regardless of how he may have kept quiet about/ignored them in the past.

    *Edited for a typo! lol there's always one..

    Totally agree. In a 20 year marriage, you should be able to say anything (nicely).

    Sure. You can say it. Just be prepared for the consequences.
  • Good luck.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I wouldn't say anything. She already knows so she doesn't need to have it pointed out no matter how well meaning you are. My husband once told me that he was bothered by my weight and that really affected me but didn't motivate me. I only lost weight when I was ready. Ironically he's gained what I've lost and the tables are turned.

    I thought your post was great though. You can tell how much you love your wife.
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    :glasses: Curious what the OP decided to do?...
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I get so sick of men (and yes, women too) putting unrealistic standards of what the perceive to be "attractive" on their spouses and partners. Also, if you lose weight for someone else, and NOT yourself, you'll resent the people you are losing weight for.

    This is a really old thread... I found it while searching for something's what I would say if someone asked me:

    I can't believe after a couple pages of this that this is the first post which even remotely comes CLOSE to acknowledging that nothing about this woman's situation sounds abnormal. She's middle age. She has a little more fat on her butt, thighs, and a little belly pooch. She works out 4-5 times a week.

    This is not gross "letting herself go." But her husband is upset because he's comparing her to some hotties who are totally flat (a standard that some of us at normal weight couldn't even attain in our teens)? Stop looking at other women and be thankful yours is at least normal instead of obese.

    And if it really bothers you, then find a way to talk to her about it in private before you burst and say it too mean. Don't do like someone I know whose husband got so frustrated he blurted out in front of a bunch of their mutual friends, "Stop buying new cloths and just lose weight to get into the ones you already have."

    Just be prepared to (depending on her psyche) deal with low self esteem and insecurity for years. Be prepared for pitch black "bedroom time" because if your relationship is "not open" enough that you have to come online and ask what you should do, then you already know that your wife is sensitive about this. More than likely, this comment will have her constantly thinking she's not good enough in your eyes.
  • Hi guys,

    My name is Kim and I work at the Dr Phil Show, We are doing a show on spouses and their transformations. If you believe you look great and worked your butt off but your significant other is yet to be on par with you. Please write me a message, I would love to get you in contact with our producer to review your story further.

    Happy Fitness to all!

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Hi guys,

    My name is Kim and I work at the Dr Phil Show, We are doing a show on spouses and their transformations. If you believe you look great and worked your butt off but your significant other is yet to be on par with you. Please write me a message, I would love to get you in contact with our producer to review your story further.

    Happy Fitness to all!


    o.O Seriously? He must be hurting for guests... if this is true....
  • Most women and some guys will find this offensive, but most guys want their wives to be slim. Most guys will be okay when their wives or girlfriends gain a few pounds, but there is a threshold. This will vary from guy to guy. Women will say, "He should just love me for who I am." Okay, I love you for who you are, but when you become obese I cannot love you because you do not respect yourself or your life. By becoming obese you are putting your health in danger. You are stigmatizing yourself, etc. etc. From my perspective, you embarrass me in public, you have disappointed me, you are no longer sexy to me.) Have some empathy for me (how do you think it makes me feel to come home to a fat wife; to have to live with someone who does not respect herself; to a wife I do not want to be seen in public with; who looks like she is pregnant; you have trapped me because I have children with you and I can't divorce you because of the impact on the children.) This creates anger and resentment. No? I would like to hear honest answers from men, not from the guy who has a wife with a few extra pounds, but from the guys who married a woman who has become obese.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Most women and some guys will find this offensive, but most guys want their wives to be slim. Most guys will be okay when their wives or girlfriends gain a few pounds, but there is a threshold. This will vary from guy to guy. Women will say, "He should just love me for who I am." Okay, I love you for who you are, but when you become obese I cannot love you because you do not respect yourself or your life. By becoming obese you are putting your health in danger. You are stigmatizing yourself, etc. etc. From my perspective, you embarrass me in public, you have disappointed me, you are no longer sexy to me.) Have some empathy for me (how do you think it makes me feel to come home to a fat wife; to have to live with someone who does not respect herself; to a wife I do not want to be seen in public with; who looks like she is pregnant; you have trapped me because I have children with you and I can't divorce you because of the impact on the children.) This creates anger and resentment. No? I would like to hear honest answers from men, not from the guy who has a wife with a few extra pounds, but from the guys who married a woman who has become obese.

    :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    I really appreciate the comments. I would never want to do anything that would hurt her. The truth is that she is pretty fit. She runs, cycles, lifts weights and generally probably works out 4-5 times a week. I know, the more I praise her wonderful qualities, the more I realize that I just need to count my blessings, appreciate the good things (not the least of which is peace in our relationship) and not say anything. She's talked about training to do a triathlon together. Maybe I should just focus on that.

    That's it.
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    Honestly, looking back, I really wish my significant other had said something before I got to the point I am. I was totally blind to it, and now I'm paying the price for everyone tiptoeing around the subject.

    There *are* nice, subtle ways of telling her. But really, if you guys can't be completely, 100% open and honest about every aspect of your life, then that's something else you need to work on. Not just the physical, but the emotional as well.

    I know I don't look like a model, but I have complete and utter confidence that my significant other loves me and is attracted to me, no matter what I look like. He can tell me what zones I need to work on next, or pressure me to workout when I'm feeling lazy, and I can point out when his belly is getting a little big, and it's no big deal. No feelings are hurt, no self esteem is ruined.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    I really appreciate the comments. I would never want to do anything that would hurt her. The truth is that she is pretty fit. She runs, cycles, lifts weights and generally probably works out 4-5 times a week. I know, the more I praise her wonderful qualities, the more I realize that I just need to count my blessings, appreciate the good things (not the least of which is peace in our relationship) and not say anything. She's talked about training to do a triathlon together. Maybe I should just focus on that.

    I think your wife just started another thread about how wonderful you are and how she knows she's lucky, and she doesn't want to hurt you, but there are just these one or two spots where you don't look quite as good as you did 20 years ago, and is there any way she can bring that up without being a jerk. She says she's tried dropping hints about training for a triathlon together, but you don't seem to want to focus on that....
  • I really appreciate the comments. I would never want to do anything that would hurt her. The truth is that she is pretty fit. She runs, cycles, lifts weights and generally probably works out 4-5 times a week. I know, the more I praise her wonderful qualities, the more I realize that I just need to count my blessings, appreciate the good things (not the least of which is peace in our relationship) and not say anything. She's talked about training to do a triathlon together. Maybe I should just focus on that.

    That's it.

  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    The truth is that she is pretty fit. She runs, cycles, lifts weights and generally probably works out 4-5 times a week. I know, the more I praise her wonderful qualities, the more I realize that I just need to count my blessings, appreciate the good things (not the least of which is peace in our relationship) and not say anything. She's talked about training to do a triathlon together. Maybe I should just focus on that.

    If she is already that active, you sound a bit contradictory. Like you have already said, you folks are in a different season in your lives. If she has talked about training for a triathlon - you are on the right track. Focus on doing that together. Focus on developing a healthy nutritional plan and training regimen and let things develop as they will. Offer to do the cooking a few nights a week where you can try fit and healthy recipes together. Be the model of good health and if you are doing this together, it will happen on its own. No sense stating the obvious and making her mad or self-conscious ... Maybe suggest meeting with a trainer and actually empower her to establish HER own individual fitness goals as a part of your training plan. With Christmas around the corner, maybe build in gift ideas that support this commitment to good health. Invite her to join you in exercise outings that will help her accomplish those goals (spin class, HIIT sessions, etc.) The physical changes will happen as she increases the intensity of her training program. Other than that, cut her some slack, appreciate what you have, and tell her how much you love her!!!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    As a woman who has been married for 26 years, let me give you a bit of advice: don't tell her anything except that you love her and find her sexy as he!!. But feel free to suggest things nicely like "I'd love to not only do this marathon, but do it with you. How about we train together?" or "let's go for a walk after dinner".

    Pretty much, this! /\ Things that have kept me motivated to keep going was that my hubby keeps telling me that he has always liked how I looked-but expresses how much he appreciates that I am working towards getting back into the shape I was in when he married me almost 28 years ago (one pound away!) and makes the appropriate remarks about what precisely he is appreciating at that moment... It helps me (as one who is not a big fan of exercising) to get up early each morning and spend time exercising and make that investment in my marriage (and myself!) :)

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  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    Most women and some guys will find this offensive, but most guys want their wives to be slim. Most guys will be okay when their wives or girlfriends gain a few pounds, but there is a threshold. This will vary from guy to guy. Women will say, "He should just love me for who I am." Okay, I love you for who you are, but when you become obese I cannot love you because you do not respect yourself or your life. By becoming obese you are putting your health in danger. You are stigmatizing yourself, etc. etc. From my perspective, you embarrass me in public, you have disappointed me, you are no longer sexy to me.) Have some empathy for me (how do you think it makes me feel to come home to a fat wife; to have to live with someone who does not respect herself; to a wife I do not want to be seen in public with; who looks like she is pregnant; you have trapped me because I have children with you and I can't divorce you because of the impact on the children.) This creates anger and resentment. No? I would like to hear honest answers from men, not from the guy who has a wife with a few extra pounds, but from the guys who married a woman who has become obese.

    I'm also interested in hearing those responses! (Guys, you may want to sign up for a fake MFP account to do this!)

    When I was growing up as the only daughter of a woman of the 40s and 50s (who I might add kept herself impeccably) my dear mum used to say "Don't ever let yourself go. It is easier for a woman to have a husband who is a bit heavier than it is for a man to have a heavy wife." My dear mum has been gone for years-but I still hear that advice in my head, and as she was married for 40+ years to a man who appreciated her self-control and respect for herself, I think she may have been on to something.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    I really appreciate the comments. I would never want to do anything that would hurt her. The truth is that she is pretty fit. She runs, cycles, lifts weights and generally probably works out 4-5 times a week. I know, the more I praise her wonderful qualities, the more I realize that I just need to count my blessings, appreciate the good things (not the least of which is peace in our relationship) and not say anything. She's talked about training to do a triathlon together. Maybe I should just focus on that.
    Be a team in everything to do with fitness, being healthy eating, exercise support or whatever. I was in the exact same situation you were at one time until my wife and I ended up having it out and all the truths came out about how we use to be a team and now it was more like... At each others throats. When all the dust settled we were on a new path as a team once again.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    My boyfriend went about it in a really great way - he bought me a bike so I could ride with him! I didn't know this was his agenda at the time, but now I figure he was hinting that I needed to lose weight. I am so grateful!