Perception of Body During Weight Loss



  • I'm halfway to goal, sometimes I think I look great and sometimes I think I look gross. I was like that before I lost any weight too. I think its a girl thing!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    The human brain is an amazing thing... it finds what we are looking for. So, when we are so focused on getting rid of "fat" or being "big" -- we can look in the mirror and see the "fat" and the "big." For me? I hear people say things all the time about that I look better - and it usually comes on the days that I need it most, because I see it least. And yeah... I KNOW that I've lost... but I see myself in the mirror and just seem to get focused/stuck on how much further there is to go. But, when I'm feeling pretty great? And thinking - I look good today? I can look in the mirror and see the things that are changing -- collarbones actually exist, I do have a neck after all, etc.

    What I'm trying to say is that you are not alone... and, maybe try to focus on all the good steps you've made before looking in the mirror, it will change what the brain processes when you actually look into the mirror.

    And celebrate your accomplishments so far... Going from a 14 to a 10... JUST since February? That's not slow... that's wonderful! :)
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! I know I'm on the right track, and I'm pleased with my progress, but I'm also happy to hear that I'm not the only one who feels like they have this weird fun-house mirror thing going on!!! :)
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member

    Yea, I've lost weight. I can see it. Others have seen it and commented.
    I've dropped several sizes in clothing.
    I still look in the mirror and don't like what is still there.

    I concentrate on the fact I am being healthy and my body will eventually look better.
    Something else I do is find the good spots on my body.
    Look at how good those spots are looking, take joy from that.
    For me I look at my shoulders, some muscles in the arms, feel certain muscle groups feeling harder instead of mushy.
    Look for the positives and build from there.

    Hope this makes sense.
  • I am 47 years old and have been on so many diets, I have learned that the last person that really sees any difference is the person on the diet. That used to be a major problem. Now, I just focus on the small things. The fact that after 6 months of this diet, I can walk farther than I have in a long time without getting short of breath or serious back pain. I am also walking faster. I am wearing clothes that were too small for me before and I have more energy than I have in a long time as well. I keep trying to stay focused on the small changes I see and feel to keep going.
  • SaraBiston1
    SaraBiston1 Posts: 45 Member
    Congrates that you lose weight. Take your time dear. Doesn't feel that you are heavy or what. Sometime someone wont able to lose weight. You are the one who are in progress. Take ti positively dear
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I've noticed that whenever I plateau I feel uncomfortable with my body, even though I was happy with what I saw when I got there. Or like I recently gained back about 10 lb due to a health prob and I hate the way I look at this weight even though I was perfectly happy when I was here in January. I really think it just has to do with the discontent of "I could do better" and I would guess yours is kinda the same in that you are looking at how far you have to go and not how far you've come?

    Anyways, you're doing great, so I hope you start feeling great about it!
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hated having my photo taken 74lbs ago, still hate having photo taken cos last time I was this size I was younger. Now all I see is a slimmer older lady (43). It like I've woken up from a coma 20yrs has passed me by! Also...I was the fat person that used to snort when someone would say they needed to lose 10 - 20 lbs and say to them what are you worried about?. Now I've still got 30ish lbs to go and I don't c what I've lost in mirror but what I've still got to lose so I get it now. It's like I've traded one type of dislike about myself with another.