For Those Who Believe in Heaven...



  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I used to worry that they were watching over me at all times. It made me nervous that they could see me poop and when I'm naked. Then I realized, they've got better things to do and more important people to look over. So I started pooping and taking showers again.
  • marthadztx
    marthadztx Posts: 337 Member
    No one really knows if our loved one are in heaven. If they can see us and watch us and protect us. It would be awesome to think that they are and they do. Some of these posts are completely beautiful, completely awesome. But, I believe purely and simply that we only know what God wants us to know. He doesn't want us to know everything, just enough. The rest is based on our belief that Jesus Christ is His only begotten Son who died for us on Calvary, and our Faith. - And it is that Faith that keeps us going. That belief in something you can not see, until God is ready for you to see!

  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    Or Arcadia, Canaan, Elysium, Shangri-la, Utopia, Zion, Valhalla, or Grandma's house... however you so choose to acknowledge...

    Just a couple of questions...

    Do you believe that all of your relatives and loved ones that have passed are there watching over you?

    And if they are, are they ALWAYS watching you? Like, do they "come down" and are "with" you at all times... guiding you throughout your day and throughout your life?

    And if they do... are you the only one they watch over? Or do they have a full dance card and must "schedule" time with you?

    Or... do they just watch... like on television? Do they have several channels that they "subscribe to" to keep tabs on their living folks? And what if it's for someone that wasn't family or a close friend... just someone they had a crush on or just really liked... or maybe someone you just know is gonna be drama, so they'll always have interesting stuff going on... would that be a "premium" channel that they would have to request permission to have? You think, even in heaven, they're flipping through channels thinking, "All these channels and there's never anything interesting to watch..."

    Just wonderin'...

    I believe in the Heaven that is described in Revelations 21 and 22 in the Bible...the streets of gold that look like transparent glass... the twelve darkness, only light, no sorrow, only joy and neverending worshipping God... As a follower of Christ, I believe that those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved and inherit eternal life in the Kingdom of God. I believe Heaven is for those who confess that Jesus is their Lord and Savior, and choose to put their faith in Him alone and no other and hold on to their faith and belief in Jesus Christ all the way to the very end.