No Labor Today?!?!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
I did this workout and thought you may appreciate it too! My goal is to do this once a week for the month of September.

Get some dumb-bells heavy enough that at the end of reps you are feeling the burn but not to heavy you can't complete the set.
Do 10-12 reps each for 3-4 sets.
Tricep overheard lift (keep elbows in!) always good form to get the most out of exercise.
Tricep push-ups
Tricep kickback with palms up (you will bend over back parallel (straight) with the floor arms bent at elbow and extend back palms up. Recommend a lighter weight with this one.
Tricep skull crushers-laying on back with db in each hand (palms facing each other) start arms overheard and straight bend only at the elbow and lower to your ears then lift w/o moving arms just at elbow. Amazingly you will use your abs too to brace self. So keep them tight!
Tricep bench dips.

YOU will feel this next day! YAAAAAAAAAAY! If can't visualize Google each one.

