Rules about CHEAT meals!



  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    theres no cheat meals! what is it with people wanting to do cheat meals... its not that hard to stop eating crap if your serious about losing the weight! get with the program pull your finger and eat properly otherwise you'll post next "why am i not losing weight"

    In my view, this type of attitude is why people give up. Food tastes good. Deprive yourself too much and make losing weight miserable, and it's far less likely to be sustainable.

    I have "cheat" meals though I do not call them that, and I've never once posted "why am I not losing weight?" because I HAVE lost weight, steadily and consistently.

    My goal is to live the healthiest life I can ENJOY.

    And sometimes enjoying my life means eating birthday cake, indulging in craft beer and amazing food at a restaurant, or eating what I like at a family reunion. The rest of the time I eat healthfully and clean. This is how it's sustainable.