Fit N' Fun-Sized - WEEK 5!



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Jzbaby: How do you go about drinking your water? I think I told you that I try to drink my first 4 glasses during my morning workouts. It's a lot easier for me to do when I'm at the gym b/c the machines (ellipitical & stairmaster) don't have built in fans and I CANT STAND being hot so I drink the water as a means of cooling my body down. I do have to work at it a bit more when at home b/c I usually have the heat off and the ceiling fan on. Anyway, I usually am successful w/having the first 4 glasses done by lunch time and then I aim to have the next 4 done by dinner and then I drink my flavored water at dinner. So I average about 10/11 glasses of water a day.

    The Blast Fat/Boost Metabolism dvd is no joke but I say don't be scared of it. Like any of the others that I do, I complete the exercises I can and modify when necessary. As long as you give it your all you should get a good workout in.

    Have a great day
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, my day has blown past me and I'm finally at a point where I can take a break and check in w/my girls. My day began w/an early morning workout. I completed the P90X "Shoulders and Arms"w/o the ab ripper portion of the dvd for a total of 45 minutes and then I practiced my lapdance routine for another 20 minutes. I am not counting the lapdance as part of my official exercise diary but I did get the heart rate up a little. Once the workout was complete I had to shower and get dressed so I could pick my car up from the mechanic. My baby was out of commission for a few days but she's purring nicely right now. Once the car was in my possession I had to head into the office to get some work done. I stayed there for a little bit and then met a friend for lunch. After lunch I returned to my home office and continued working and have FINALLY been able to take a break.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Today was a good day. I got my 40 minutes of aerobics in, stayed under my calories and my tummy is full and drank 8 glasses of water or hot herbal tea. If only everyday was like today!

    It is snowing again and I'm still glad for it. We usually don't get this much snow this time of year but snow is what ends up in our water table, so keep it coming! That also means I'm still shovelling snow on an almost daily basis.

    It looks like those of us still posting here are doing OK and that is great.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: today was a good day....we got the news that our cat's diabetes has gone into remission so no more insulin shots :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I stayed within my calories and went to line dance and the dog park and rode the exercise bike for awhile at home.

    the weather here is still nice so being outdoors is great........I guess all the snow we don't have has gone south or east.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies! Another day closer to the weekend, Woo Hoo! My workout is complete for today. I decided to do 40 minutes of the Cardio X dvd of the P90X series and 10 minutes of the "Melt It Off" dvd for a total of 50 minutes. I was going to head to the gym today but as always did not sleep well last night and was dragging a bit this morning. I meet w/my new primary care physician tomorrow and will tell her about my sleep issues and see what she thinks. No matter how tired or how late I go to bed I can't get more than 4/5 hours of sleep. Alot of times I'm able to get right up and begin my work day but by mid afternoon I find that I begin to drag. Anyway, the workout is done and I am happy about that.

    Happy Thursday all!
  • Hey guys. I wasnt feeling good yesterday so i didnt workout but i stayed within my cals. Today I exercised for 40 mins.
    Choco- I dont drink when i work out because i feel like if i do i am going to get cramps. But i was thinking about it and the workouts that i do dont have a lot of jumping in them so i could probably down 1-2 cups while working out. I think i am going to start doing that. Also, i think the cup i use is bigger than 8 oz. so that could be a part of the problem.Right now i have 1 after working out, 1 after my coffee, 3 in afternoon and 2 at/after dinner. If i add in some during workout i wouldnt have a problem getting in 8. A little nervous for the weigh in, i might push it back to sunday..i got on the scale this morning and it was at 142 again...its probably water weight -i hope. I'll weigh in tomorrow but if its still up im gonna wait for my "official" weight on sunday.

    Goals for today:
    -8 cups water
    -30 min exercise
    -dont eat all exercise cals
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Jzbaby: Good luck w/getting consuming that last cup of water and w/tomorrow's weigh in.
  • thanks :happy:
  • Didn't like the number i saw on the scale today, so i am waiting til sunday to weigh in. I'm mad at myself for eating so much last weekend cause now i wont be losing this week & trying to get back to where i was. Just a little set back but im not gonna let it ruin my motivation. I've been doing good since monday, so hopefully it's just water weight that hasnt come off yet. I've been stinking at drinking water the past couple days tho & havent been doing my 2nd workout this week. This morning i didnt work out :ohwell: dont really have a good reason why, just felt lazy. I wish i never gained this weight in the 1st place!! I never thought i would have this problem!! Damn sweets!!!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon my workout buddies and happy Friday! My day began w/ P90X "Legs & Back" dvd. Since completing more than 1 pull up is next to impossible for me I decided to do negative pull ups. I had been reading ppl discuss them in different threads and a friend of mine stated that's what they use in the military to help you build to an actual pull up. A negative pull up is when you lift hold yourself above the pull up bar and slowly let yourself down. I can honestly say I felt it working my back. Hopefully after a few weeks of completing these I will be able to do more than 1 standard pull up. Time will tell.

    I went to the dr today to discuss my insomnia and unfortunately the dr didn't have any immediate suggestions. Since I'm a new patient she had to run labs and things of that nature so she won't have options to discuss until the results are back. While I was hoping for a quick fix I can definitely appreciate her not arbitrarily writing a prescription for a sleep aide w/o doing a thorough workup.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I'm happy to report that the procrastination is over and the workout is complete. Everytime I thought about working out today I found something else to distract myself. Finally I said enough is enough, press play and BRING IT! I did just that and 58 minutes later Kenpo X is done. I usually attend a Saturday morning kickboxing class but since it snowed last night I decided to stay in today.

    I hope everyone else is having a wonderful Saturday and has completed or is about to complete their workout.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am having a quiet day. No running the kids around. We are just relaxing watching movies on TV. I did do my workout already for the day.

    Hubby and I are going to the movies tomorrow. I hope I don't get candy, but if I do I will share it out.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Valentine's ladies, I hope your weekend is coming along well!

    I've been up since 5 am b/c my best friend who have not spoken w/since X-mas gave me a call and we talked until about 7 am and then another good friend call right after and talked for another 2 hours. I told myself that before I got too comfortable I was going to get my workout complete and I have succeeded. As always, Sunday is my light day so I decided to complete the 58 minutes of the P90X stretching dvd. I know stretching is an essential piece of working out to help w/flexibility and preventing injuries but i'm not sure 58 minutes of it is necessary. I kept telling myself I was only going to do 30 minutes but then when 30 minutes passed I said 45 minutes and then here comes 45 minutes and I finally said just suck it up and do the entire thing and I did. Glad it's over and it was not as bad as I had anticipated although I still don't think I need 58 minutes of it.

    Now that the workout is complete I can spend the rest of the day relaxing.

    Hope everyone's valentines weekend was spend w/that special someone. Have a great day all!
  • Hey ladies...Hope you all had a good valentines day! My bf did get me chocolates, but he knows i am dieting so he got me a small box. Our son ended up eating most of them so that was good lol. I weighed in yesterday, stayed the same-no lose no gain. Didn't get to work out this morning because my bf is hogging the tv!! He needs to go back to work, messing up my routine lol. I am going to get some type of workout in today tho. I am 1 lb. away from my first mini goal so i really want to get there this friday!!

    *I am going to start a new thread since this one is getting long...i will put the link to it in my next post.*
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