Cheat days...



  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I just have one cheat meal a week when dieting. One starter, main and desert of my choosing. Don't worry about cals, protein, fat or carbs. Just enjoy it.

    I eat 56 meals a week. 1 bad meal won't do anything.
  • I think I am one of the few that doesn't "cheat" or "re-feed" or whatever you want to call it. I can see the potential benefits physically and mentally though. The reason I personally don't is because I am very satisfied with my daily diet. It could be due to the fact that there's a whole pint of ice cream at the end of every day for me. :)

    wait, a whole pint of ice cream? YOU CAN EAT THAT? REALLY? HOW COME?!
  • Yes
    Once or twice a week
    Junk - biscuits, chocolate, crisps, white bread if I'm brave. ;)
    The only negative effect is my dreaded junk food hangover that I suffer from the day after! It's one of few things that help me stay on track with my diet so all is good. :) As long as I'm burning 4375+ calories a week and eating within my macros, I'm fine with the cheat days. I've only got about 10lbs to lose so I'm pretty lenient on myself whilst being strict.
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Also if your goals are to get 'toned' your body will actually look better after a cheat day, Which with help psychologically, but looking at the scales won't, but it balances out lol