read a weird thing about skim milk...



  • Drink whatever milk you prefer. I think skim milk is repulsive, but I have nothing against other people drinking it. It's fine. Stories like this are just designed to get attention to sell advertising. Don't play in to it.

    "Humans are the only animals that drink milk of another animal"
    "saturated fat gives you diabetes"
    "Cow's milk has too much sugar"
    "Humans don't have the enzymes to digest lactose"
    "Drink Raw milk"
    "Drink whole milk"
    "Drink whole raw milk"
    "Milk is full of pus"
    "Dairy farming is abusive"
    "Soy is evil, drink anything but soy milk!"
    "Milk makes you fat, it's designed to make a calf grow rapidly in to a cow"

    Just thought I'd head off all the stupid arguments bound to show up here....

    Saturated Fat gives you Diabetes?????????????

    Where did you get that nonsense from??????????
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Dairy fat can actually help us lose weight as it helps the transit of other fats out of our system.

    If you like milk, drink the kind you prefer. Too often we make food choices based on perceived health benefits and pseudo-science/anecdotal evidence - we forget about what really tastes good. Making food choices that we enjoy is important as it helps keep us satiated in mind/body/spirit and if we're happy in ourselves we are less likely to succumb to temptations and give up. I think the 80/20 rule (nutritious/naughty) is pretty good, although I probably practice the 70/30 rule more often :tongue:
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    "Soy is evil, drink anything but soy milk!"

    I actually agree with this.
    Surprised at how many people consume soy without realizing it's garbage.
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    serving size is 1 cup- 11 grams of sugar in skim milk and I was looking at the Poinsettia brand

    i drink whole milk...Friendly Farms (Aldi brand) says 1 cup serving size is 12g yes skim milk isn't any better for you then whole milk in regards to sugar content.
  • yeah...turns out it's not FAT that made me was sugar. i quit milk, except for some heavy cream in my coffee...and it's so wonderful:D

    Fat didn't make you fat, a caloric surplus did.
  • jllove871
    jllove871 Posts: 84 Member
    I also heard somewhere that soy milk is very fattening! I switch from regular milk because of lactose intolerance. I also enjoy almond milk and there is craze for coconut milk? Has anybody else heard this or have any ideas or suggestions, which is the right way to go for nutrition and weight? I am not a big milk drinker any way but once in a while I get the huge craving, do we really need to drink milk?
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    Skim milk has 12 gram of sugars, all milk sugars
    1% milk has 13 grams of sugar, all milk sugars
    2% milk has 12 grams of sugar, all milk sugars
    whole milk has 12 grams of sugar, all milk sugars

    I can not get past this. It is really bugging my brain. WHERE the extra 1 gram come from in the 1%?

    If you have 100ml of liquid, and take away the fat, then the 100ml without the fat will have a higher concentration of protein and sugars.

    Unless they added water to make up the difference. If it was really more concentrated then we'd expect to see the sugar content per serving increase.

    The extra 1 gr is probably just an input or labeling misnomer.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    I don't drink skim anymore because my endocrinologist advised me not to - it does have more sugar than regular milk & I am "pre-diabetic". Regular milk only has 8% fat anyway - not an problem unless of course you drink gallons a day!! I would if I could, but I actually only drink almond milk these days purely because it has a much lower calorie content than other forms of milk but without extra sugar. Personally, I'd say drink whatever milk allows you to maintain your health, lose weight, or whatever it is you want to do! :drinker:
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Skip meat. Skip dairy. Heal the Earth. Live long and prosper.

    live small and feeble........

    Vegan bodybuilding, google it.

    Meat is tasty. Google that.
  • My wife and I only drink raw whole milk. If you are afraid of raw milk, still get pasteurized but unhomogenized. If you don't want it so rich, take the cream off the top yourself instead of shaking it up (you're essentially making your own 1 or 2% milk that way without the homogenization craziness. Making homogenized milk involves putting it through insane amounts of pressure to break up fat molecules into standard sizes, which can do weird things to the milk, making protein encased fat molecules that some researchers think can increase allergic reactions in people. Making milk skim is even weirder as it involves dehydrating the milk and doing all sorts of chemical manipulations to remove fat before rehydrating it.

    The further benefit of whole milk is that the fat in it is GOOD fat. It's a slow to die myth that all fat is bad.

    I used to be severely lactose intolerant prior to consuming raw milk which I believe was a two fold benefit of getting the beneficial gut bacteria to break it down (these are killed off in the pasteurization process) and because of the above mentioned lack of homogenization.

    Cows evolved to produce the perfect type of milk. All the human manipulations of it, and any other food (thinking we can improve on nature) is hubris. Another perfect example of this would be the invention of Crisco in place of the demonized lard. Turns out, lard was better for you all along! No trans fats!

    The more processed a food is, the less likely it is to be good for you. Skim and even homogenized milk are way more processed than most people imagine.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member

    The more processed a food is, the less likely it is to be good for you. Skim and even homogenized milk are way more processed than most people imagine.

    While I think you are mostly correct in this statement, I must point out that my protein shake is completely processed but it is far from being unhealthy.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Drink whatever milk you prefer. I think skim milk is repulsive, but I have nothing against other people drinking it. It's fine. Stories like this are just designed to get attention to sell advertising. Don't play in to it.

    "Humans are the only animals that drink milk of another animal"
    "saturated fat gives you diabetes"
    "Cow's milk has too much sugar"
    "Humans don't have the enzymes to digest lactose"
    "Drink Raw milk"
    "Drink whole milk"
    "Drink whole raw milk"
    "Milk is full of pus"
    "Dairy farming is abusive"
    "Soy is evil, drink anything but soy milk!"
    "Milk makes you fat, it's designed to make a calf grow rapidly in to a cow"

    Just thought I'd head off all the stupid arguments bound to show up here....

    Saturated Fat gives you Diabetes?????????????

    Where did you get that nonsense from??????????

    I'll let MoreBean speak for herself but these were all statements make by various posters on recent threads regarding milk. They were not made by MoreBean but by others and yes, they were made in dead earnest.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Skim milk has 12 gram of sugars, all milk sugars
    1% milk has 13 grams of sugar, all milk sugars
    2% milk has 12 grams of sugar, all milk sugars
    whole milk has 12 grams of sugar, all milk sugars

    I can not get past this. It is really bugging my brain. WHERE the extra 1 gram come from in the 1%?

    If you have 100ml of liquid, and take away the fat, then the 100ml without the fat will have a higher concentration of protein and sugars.

    then why would skim have less than 1% and with that same thinking wouldn't whole have less? The increase should be incremental with that theory.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    Skim milk has 12 gram of sugars, all milk sugars
    1% milk has 13 grams of sugar, all milk sugars
    2% milk has 12 grams of sugar, all milk sugars
    whole milk has 12 grams of sugar, all milk sugars

    I can not get past this. It is really bugging my brain. WHERE the extra 1 gram come from in the 1%?

    If you have 100ml of liquid, and take away the fat, then the 100ml without the fat will have a higher concentration of protein and sugars.

    Milk is be different in different countries I guess - the skim milk I used to buy has 14g of sugar per 100g compared to the full cream milk which has 12g per 100g. Not a massive difference but when you have to watch your sugar it is significant...
  • tessavonhagen
    tessavonhagen Posts: 94 Member
    serving size is 1 cup- 11 grams of sugar in skim milk and I was looking at the Poinsettia brand

    wow thats about as much as in my ice cream. i drink almond milk much better for you.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    i like milk but i've also switched me and my bf to almond milk. i buy vanilla unsweetened and it has about 40 calories per cup and less than 2gs of sugar!
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    For me, I drank milk (skim) like it was pop (I don't drink pop at all) for most people, I cut it OUT and it has made all the difference for me....We are talking 6-8 cups a day CUT out...that is 600-800 calories a day cut out!
  • I think Dr. Oz just promotes items because companies reach out to the producers to promote their products.

    I just heard on the news that sale of Whole Milk is at its lowest ever. So, how do you raise the sale of whole milk? Have a daytime show, which plenty of stay at home moms watch, and make up a story about how Whole Milk is better than Skim milk.

    I know there are some benefits to drinking whole milk, but don't knock down skim milk?

    See article below:
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    I just compared Sainsbury's milks:

    Skimmed Milk: 5g sugar per 100ml
    Semi Skimmed: 5g sugar per 100ml
    Whole: 4.2g per 100ml

    So there is a slight truth in it but not enough to make me go and buy super fatty 4% whole milk which would make me feel sick anyway.

    Its just media bull****, something tiny and insignificant to write a story on.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Dr. Oz isn't what I'd call a quack. Most (but not all) of the stuff he says does is actually supported by research. However, like all talking heads on TV, he sensationalizes things. Dr. Oz overstated how bad skim milk is because right now people are under a strange misconception that it's the healthier alternative when it's not.

    I spent years drinking crappy tasting skim milk because I thought it was healthy. So I was pretty annoyed to find out that the research shows whole milk is actually healthier for you. Although it's great to be drinking good tasting whole milk again! There's a good literate review on for those interested in comparing full fat dairy to skim dairy.