Here comes Honey Boo Boo



  • If you take all the comments from this thread written by people who think the show is great, then put it through an online writing analyzer (like the ones they use for the RNC and DNC speeches. Blue Centauri is the one I used), it comes out to a 2.7th grade level.

    According to Blue Centauri, your post comes out to a 5th grade level. You should analyze your own intelligence before attempting to insult the intelligence of others.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    The TV network gave them a show because this little girl generated a lot of buzz from Toddlers in Tiaras. Edith Wood, also from that show (Toddlers in Tiaras), has a TV show too. No one commented on her neurotic mother or the use of the sugar on that show. Is it because the family in Honey Boo Boo is poor and overweight, rather than skinny and rich? Seriously? You people are incredibly judgmental, and have obviously never behaved in a manner deemed unfit by others. Your clear perfection and copious amounts of knowledge are far too superior for the rest of us. I would rather watch Honey Boo Boo than a show full of pretentious, anorexic women flaunting themselves and their money everywhere.

    Yea, those shows suck too. ALL of "reality" TV is horrible. There are about 5-7 shows on TV worth watching other than sports.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    If you take all the comments from this thread written by people who think the show is great, then put it through an online writing analyzer (like the ones they use for the RNC and DNC speeches. Blue Centauri is the one I used), it comes out to a 2.7th grade level.

    So uncalled for. And I don't even like the show. This is an internet forum, not a college course.

    last i checked, under 3rd grade was elementary school.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    According to Blue Centauri, your post comes out to a 5th grade level.

    Sweet. That's twice as high as the Honey Boo Boo Brigade. I appreciate you lending further evidence to my point by pointing this out.

    What does it say if you take all my posts and run it through? That's what I did for the original post. Seems pretty dumb to take a statistical sample size of about 7 words, but you probably know that already.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    I got the sixth grade. Woooohooo.

    Thank god college or my job don't require much of me (sarcasm folks)
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Wow, this conversation deteriorated fast...

    I have seen a couple of episodes of the show, and I agree that the pageant thing for little girls is really creepy and I see no redeeming value in it. They give out trophies for the "most beautiful"...what message does that send to the girls who don't get one? That they aren't beautiful, or at the very least not beautiful enough? And they're only beautiful because their hair is done up and they're made up like dolls? Where's the message about internal beauty that comes from having good character? I'd rather my daughter find her value in the person she is rather than in her looks. I think of Aimee Copeland...a beautiful girl, yes, but her appearance is drastically altered due to the amputations she went through. She is still beautiful, though, not because of her looks, but because of her courage, her strength, and her positive spirit in the midst of such awful circumstances. That's the beauty I want my daughter to seek to develop in herself.

    That being said, I do agree that this family loves each other very much, and they sacrifice a lot for Alana. I do think they are teetering on the precipice of spoiling her rotten, but it's evident they love her. It would be great if they'd demonstrate their love by getting her to eat healthier foods and lay off go-go juice (what parent in their right mind gives their 6 year old Mountain Dew mixed with Red Bull...that's ASKING for trouble!). They are uncouth and ill-mannered, but they do love each other. I wouldn't want to live the way they do, but they seem happy. If they are happy the way they are, and they can make some money to help their children, who am I to judge that? I highly doubt I'll watch the show again, though, because I find the constant slaughter of the English language to be like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    You better redneck-ognize...
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I got the sixth grade. Woooohooo.

    Thank god college or my job don't require much of me (sarcasm folks)

    it doesn't require much of anybody :) that's why nobody's got no jobs, yo (PGoP >> poor grammar on purpose, for all the acronym lovers of the states!)
  • According to Blue Centauri, your post comes out to a 5th grade level. You should analyze your own intelligence before attempting to insult the intelligence of others.

    Sweet. That's twice as high as the Honey Boo Boo Brigade. What does it say if you take all my posts and run it through? That's what I did for the original post. Seems pretty dumb to take a statistical sample size of about 7 words, but you probably know that already.

    It shows a whopping 2.91 grade level after running this through.
    "Sweet. That's twice as high as the Honey Boo Boo Brigade. What does it say if you take all my posts and run it through? That's what I did for the original post. If you take all the comments from this thread written by people who think the show is great, then put it through an online writing analyzer (like the ones they use for the RNC and DNC speeches. Blue Centauri is the one I used), it comes out to a 2.7th grade level. No need to apologize. I'm just impressed that you were able to form a three-syllable word. Enjoy the show. I was just pointing out a fact. You can try it yourself here:
    You have to admit, it's pretty telling and hilarious that you consider > 2.7th grade to be pretentious genius level."
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    Wow, this conversation deteriorated fast...

    I have seen a couple of episodes of the show, and I agree that the pageant thing for little girls is really creepy and I see no redeeming value in it. They give out trophies for the "most beautiful"...what message does that send to the girls who don't get one? That they aren't beautiful, or at the very least not beautiful enough? And they're only beautiful because their hair is done up and they're made up like dolls? Where's the message about internal beauty that comes from having good character? I'd rather my daughter find her value in the person she is rather than in her looks. I think of Aimee Copeland...a beautiful girl, yes, but her appearance is drastically altered due to the amputations she went through. She is still beautiful, though, not because of her looks, but because of her courage, her strength, and her positive spirit in the midst of such awful circumstances. That's the beauty I want my daughter to seek to develop in herself.

    That being said, I do agree that this family loves each other very much, and they sacrifice a lot for Alana. I do think they are teetering on the precipice of spoiling her rotten, but it's evident they love her. It would be great if they'd demonstrate their love by getting her to eat healthier foods and lay off go-go juice (what parent in their right mind gives their 6 year old Mountain Dew mixed with Red Bull...that's ASKING for trouble!). They are uncouth and ill-mannered, but they do love each other. I wouldn't want to live the way they do, but they seem happy. If they are happy the way they are, and they can make some money to help their children, who am I to judge that? I highly doubt I'll watch the show again, though, because I find the constant slaughter of the English language to be like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.

    ^^well said. i like it.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Delaney just proved why you should never resort to insults when trying to debate/prove a point.

    Because BOOM goes the dynamite when it turns out you aren't any better.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    Saw the show for the first time. I think it's sad and a commentary on gross TV. I will never watch it or its likes again. American TV has hit another low.

    This. Only difference is I have not, nor will I ever watch it. The commercials alone disgust me enough.

    Me too!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Saw the show for the first time. I think it's sad and a commentary on gross TV. I will never watch it or its likes again. American TV has hit another low.

    This. Only difference is I have not, nor will I ever watch it. The commercials alone disgust me enough.

    Me too!

    i saw a youtube clip and was horrified. i don't have a tv (though if i really wanted to watch it, i could probably find it online). i would rather spend my time arguing about it on the internet. hahah.. no, really, i'd rather work on making myself a new dress or figure out h ow to extend my tomato season. these kinds of things are, by far, more important to me.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    You can sow?

    Now that makes me jealous! I'd save so much money if I knew how to!!
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Is this another damn American beauty pageant mom show?

    As a parent of two young daughters, the concept absolutely disgusts me. I don't normally have such strong opinions on things, but this is child abuse, plain and simple!

    There was one episode of some child beauty pageant (don't know the name, I just saw the commercial) where one of the little girls dressed up as Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman. I was absolutely disgusted by that! I like Julia Roberts, and I like Pretty Woman, but I would not let my child dress up as a prostitute and parade around the stage on national TV. There's something seriously wrong with that.

    As for Honey Boo Boo, I've also only seen the commercials, but I never want to watch the show.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    Delaney just proved why you should never resort to insults when trying to debate/prove a point

    On the other hand, what does it say when a simple, unarguable fact is laid out, and the readers take it as an insult? There's no opinion there. There is no malice. There is the simple statement, "When I enter input X into the link provided here, it gives me output Y." The interpretation of the results are more interesting than the results themselves, in my opinion.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    On the other hand, what does it say when a simple, unarguable point is laid out, and the readers take it as an insult? There's no opinion there. There is no malice. There is the simple statement, "When I enter input X, it gives me output Y." The interpretation of the results are more interesting than the results themselves, in my opinion.

  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
This discussion has been closed.