Need MFP friends for daily encouragement



  • I would love to help motivate you! I have a very similar goal! I know we can do this. I will add you. :)
  • alishacupcake
    alishacupcake Posts: 419 Member
    I added you and anyone feel free to add me! I try to motivate!! <3
  • Hey I've lost 28 since June and like new friends. I log daily and am motivated I am not great at the daily, cheery "good job!" encouragement but I am there when I see a down in the dumps post from a pal
  • Add me as I am also fairly new (3 weeks in!)

    I want to lose 18lbs and 3lbs in 2 weeks and then added back a lb at this mornings weigh in!

    ARGHHHH! :mad:
  • You can add me as well. I am looking to lose 15lbs. I am logging daily!