Anyone who was or is a Binge Eater?



  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    Like everyone else suggested...see someone for it. I have suffered from Anorexia, Binge Eating, Bulimia since I was like 14. Over eating has ALWAYS been a problem. I saw someone for it and realized it just wasn't for me. But I did realize I had to stop my unhealthy relationship with food. Ive recently gained weight from a weird battle with over eating and bulimia. My doctor said my blood pressure is way too bad and if it doesn't go down ill be on mess. Either way I have to do an overhaul starting with not eating trigger foods...unhealthy foods. When I'm hungry ill chug water to test if its hunger or not.
  • What did you do to overcome this!? I need help. I eat to live. Once i start i can not stop. (so i feel i can't) I know i can but how can i overcome this problem.
    What steps or actions did you take to stop binge eating? Please help!


    Hi Karen,

    I do this off an on. I believe it is a mental thing.

    What I have done to take control when this feeling comes on is only eat/buy "healthy" things...Apples, veggies, low or non-fat greek yogurt, etc. because then if you chow down, you don't have to feel as guilty. Greek yogurt is sooooo filling though so it might do the trick to make you feel satisfied.

    No snack packs, 100 calorie packs or anything along those lines. If you can't overcome a craving, it's hard to eat just one pack.

    Never eat sugar. Sugar only makes cravings worse. I enjoy "Sweet Leaf" stevia as my sweetener of choice and it is lovely. I do understand that sugar is in pretty much everything, but still, you can stay away from too much of it when you really try.

    Even if this is mostly a mental thing, it is difficult to ignore. Sometimes I just drink a liter of water to make me feel full and then get busy doing something whether it's a craft project, reading, or exercising. I feel like when I'm bored, I eat...A LOT. So staying busy helps tremendously.

    Also, try telling yourself "log first, eat second" then you can see if the food you are about to consume will keep you within your calories/goals or not.

    I hope this helps you! Message me if you have questions or anything.
  • SavvyCake
    SavvyCake Posts: 150 Member
    I've struggled in the past with binge eating, and as a person with a lot of mental struggles also, I wouldn't be surprised if at times it qualified as a disorder. I don't really have any advice about actually overcoming the disorder, I haven't talked to any therapist about it. I can say, for me, something that helps when I find myself at home thinking that I really want something, even though I've already eaten all my meals and snacks for the day, I go brush my teeth. I buy one of the strongest, minty-est, powerful toothpastes I can find, and any time I fear I'm wanting to eat for the wrong reasons, I go brush my teeth. The taste of the toothpaste in my mouth makes it so that whatever I wanted to eat wouldn't taste good anyway, so it helps me get through the craving. I know this is only a band-aid, and not a solution though, so good luck!
  • lolaluv4
    lolaluv4 Posts: 36 Member
    once I start i can't stop. The biggest thing for me is I am not one of those people who can just have one. i plan my days. If it's not on my plan i do not eat it.
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Yes! I used to more or less eat the contents of my entire fridge, cupboards etc and then take loads and loads of laxatives. Then when the laxatives stopped working I started starving myself and only eating half a sandwich a day, until I kept passing out.

    I still have tendencies to want to never stop eating (which is why I have weight to lose now).

    I have only stopped doing it because of things I have read on here from people. Drinking lots of water makes your kidneys happy, eating fatty food puts a strain on your organs etc etc.

    I would never ever go out without at least trying to look nice. I buy nice clothes, wear nice shoes, take time to apply make up, make plans for the future. So why would I not worry and try and look after my insides too?
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    I am currently in an out of control binge period, and have suffered with Binge Eating Disorder for a very long time. What I have done in the past is sought professional help (CBT), also was in Overeater's Anonymous for a while. There are above other good suggestions. I am convinced that simply logging my food and exercise on MFP, while a very effective tool, is only a temporary solution, unless I address what is truly causing the binges. So I am dipping my toe back in the water of seeking more intensive help. I wish you all the best in tackling this.
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    Just saw this on Dr. Oz and then on - you should check out her blog from either Wednesday or Thursday. It is great.

    Basically the best advice I have is to keep the foods you tend to binge on out of the house. I keep individual dark chocolates in the freezer so that I have something sweet if I really really want it. I also suggest saving 100-200 calories per day for a treat of your choosing. It could be a piece of chocolate, a glass of wine, and handful of chips. Whatever it is you want. I find that treating myself can prevent any serious binging.

    Good luck to you. Keep focused on your goals!
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    I've had problems with this too. As counter-intuitive as it sounds I have found that Intermittant Fasting (specifically 16:8) has helped me enormously. I am an all or nothing type so during the 8 hours where I am "allowed" to eat I can have 2 bigs meals and a couple of snacks and fit it in my goals. Once the fasting hours roll around (usually 9pm to 1pm the next day) because I can't eat anything, food usually isn't on my mind. No more thinking, "oh I can still fit one more piece of chocolate in my calories" and then eating 50 of them.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I didnt stop until i reached the point where my liver was turning into fat and I was faced with the possibility of death. A little extreme i know but until that point (and having kids) I was just wreckless.

    Its hard to listen to other people when you're in that position but believe me continuing this habit could kill you just as much as chain smoking or drinking.
  • Itfiguresx
    Itfiguresx Posts: 31 Member
    hi, im becky im a binge eater.

    i have been for 8 years. it took control of my life. i got up to 18.5 stone! in jan of 11 i desided to have a gastric band, which ended up with me being with the nhs for aftercare. they dont know about ym binge eating i guess they suspect my slow loss. a lot of people have educated me about it and said a band isnt for binge eaters. but that doesnt change the fact i have one!

    its like a disease. luckily with the band ive managed to loose 4 stones in a year n half. i know if i werent a bine eater i could have lot a hel of a lot more.

    i still have 4 stones to go. its very very hard getting by with it all. i will go for a week with eating good then 2 weeks bad eating, i eat until im physically ill. im not hungry at al when i do it. its chaos and really really hard to control. evening is my worst time. im hoping to get back on track today, im devistated on my past 2 week binge, as i dont think i will be loosing a stone before xmas now. but i try not to set too many goals. a loss is a loss no matter how long it takes. just fingers crossed for me. i can get rid of the rest of the weight before end of next year which i would be very very pleased indeed :)
  • I've been like this for some years. I think mine was due to the way I used to think of food as either being bad or good. For around 4-6 months I would eat nothing but very small amounts of 'good food'. I'd lose a fair amount of weight and get slim and feel good about myself but then there came a point when I just couldn't do it anymore and would crave junk food like mad. Then for 4-6 months I'd eat really bad food. All the worst kind of junk food you could think of and just eat that, no fruit or vegetables of any kind at all and gain all the weight back.

    Now, I buy junk food and allow myself a small treat every day. It could be a small chocolate, or a biscuit or two, or some dark chocolate (usually something around 100-140 calories). If I really badly want something, then I'll have it and most importantly I won't feel really guilty about it.

    Guilt about ruining all my hard work when I've had just one day of eating badly, makes me think I've ruined everything and to just give up and eat. This is something I've been working on and I think (and hope) it's working this time!