Bonjour folks

Hi all, ive just started using this, sort of looked at it but never used it properly. Im Gaz, 28 years old live in the UK.

But now i need to get my fat ar*e into gear again, weighing in at 181 pounds and it shows badly (use to weigh 154). I wouldnt mind i use to be well into my fitness (boxing and football) but struggle with my food as i do like a good Chinese or takeaways, and what makes it worse i work shifts so find it hard to eat at regular times or eat a decent meal due to this.(maybe an excuse i guess)

I have had a few friends of mine try the caveman diet, chicken and rice or a low carb diet and have recommend it to me but when i look at these i see floors in them either with not enough vitamins and nutrients or the fact it can get quite expensive to live on these diets.
I am however going to try a bit of them all, i am now taking a few maximuscle bits like promax and CLA1000 as well as Thermobol to try and help plus am going gym again.

im not the type of bloke who wants a ripped six pack (prob would if i could ever get there tho) but just want to feel and look good, and not feel like a fat slob, got some good mates who are into the training but there more for the weights side of it and not so much cardio, so trying to get a bit of both in.

I would like the support and advice of others especially on the type of diets used or can be used plus type of workouts or circuit, or if anyone uses any type of protein/muscle gain stuff or just that little push when i start to faultier.