"Natural Flavor" ingredient exposed?



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    There's a reason you didn't say it, it's because it's RUDE and uncalled for. My wife and I never fight. She accepts me for my flawedness as she is equally flawed. Thank you for pushing me further into my inferiority complex though, I appreciate your brutal honesty as much as I appreciated the kick in the nuts when I was getting ganged up on in football as a kid.
    hahahah I'm sorry the last line got me.
    Isn't that called a tackle?
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Your life is still what you make of it.

    I was read the same lies as a kid too, but I know the truth. We are all given a hand of cards. While some cards you can put back in the deck, shuffle and get new ones; there are some (like genetics) that remain in your hand and you just have to deal with the cards you're dealt.

    I do not try to play victim, but if you aren't going to try to learn how someone's life COULD be different than yours, why even bother socializing with other people?

    I'm not criticizing you here. 2 people can live through the exact same traumatic event. How they CHOOSE to deal with it, determines their outcome. It isn't a lie. If you don't want to be happy, you can't ever be. If you want to be happy DESPITE your genetics or other issues, you have a much better chance of being happy.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    ADHD doesn't typically make you unable to figure out if something is true or not.

    Not hating, but have you been tested for Aspbergers(spelling)? Cause you act more along the lines of having that.

    Hey, I know a guy with aspergers syndrome, and he is very argumentative and exhibits other symptoms similar to ED. That actually makes much more sense than autism.

    Asperger's is on the autism spectrum - it's not as severe or profound as what we know as autism, but it is a form of the disorder. And not everyone who has Asperger's is argumentative. Everyone has it in different ways. Some people become quite skilled at hiding the ways that Asperger's affects them by playing roles or 'acting' in a sense around others.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've been in a relationship with someone like this and I will tell you it was THE most exhausting relationship I've ever found myself in. I don't know how this guy's wife copes, I really don't. They will pick fights and argue vehemently for their ridiculous positions, then claim you are attacking and/or insulting them and when all else fails they crumble into a hot azz mess of self pity because they are such good people, just misunderstood and perhaps cognitively lacking and everyone just wants to kick them down. And they firmly believe this *kitten* so it never, ever ends. I couldn't deal and had to leave, Mrs. ED is far more tolerant than I am.

    I was going to say the same thing too but decided against it, glad someone else did.... he totally reminds me of my ex fiance...He's byebye now - I was too tolerant for too long...its a terrible kind of relationship/miserable.

    There's a reason you didn't say it, it's because it's RUDE and uncalled for. My wife and I never fight. She accepts me for my flawedness as she is equally flawed. Thank you for pushing me further into my inferiority complex though, I appreciate your brutal honesty as much as I appreciated the kick in the nuts when I was getting ganged up on in football as a kid.

    My boyfriend and I would never fight, either, if he just did everything I told him to.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Your life is still what you make of it.

    I was read the same lies as a kid too, but I know the truth. We are all given a hand of cards. While some cards you can put back in the deck, shuffle and get new ones; there are some (like genetics) that remain in your hand and you just have to deal with the cards you're dealt.

    I do not try to play victim, but if you aren't going to try to learn how someone's life COULD be different than yours, why even bother socializing with other people?

    I'm not criticizing you here. 2 people can live through the exact same traumatic event. How they CHOOSE to deal with it, determines their outcome. It isn't a lie. If you don't want to be happy, you can't ever be. If you want to be happy DESPITE your genetics or other issues, you have a much better chance of being happy.

    I never said I wasn't happy. I am just implying that other people treat me unfairly, even after they know what I am going through. It makes me feel like less of a person when they know what I'm struggling with and still expect things that I haven't been able to accomplish without help. It's like telling me to jump and them expecting me to say "how high" instead of jumping as high as I can and it being "enough". No one is ever happy with me and that's disappointing being a person who struggles for acceptance.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Your life is still what you make of it.

    I was read the same lies as a kid too, but I know the truth. We are all given a hand of cards. While some cards you can put back in the deck, shuffle and get new ones; there are some (like genetics) that remain in your hand and you just have to deal with the cards you're dealt.

    I do not try to play victim, but if you aren't going to try to learn how someone's life COULD be different than yours, why even bother socializing with other people?

    I'm not criticizing you here. 2 people can live through the exact same traumatic event. How they CHOOSE to deal with it, determines their outcome. It isn't a lie. If you don't want to be happy, you can't ever be. If you want to be happy DESPITE your genetics or other issues, you have a much better chance of being happy.

    Case: Stephen Hawking
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    My boyfriend and I would never fight, either, if he just did everything I told him to.

    I can't tell if this is a comment about how bossy you are or a comment about how passive and "whipped" I am. Expecting you to say it's intentions was to insinuate I'm not a man for letting my wife boss me around. But wouldn't be surprised if it was a confession that you are a bossy woman who thinks she knows best....
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I've been in a relationship with someone like this and I will tell you it was THE most exhausting relationship I've ever found myself in. I don't know how this guy's wife copes, I really don't. They will pick fights and argue vehemently for their ridiculous positions, then claim you are attacking and/or insulting them and when all else fails they crumble into a hot azz mess of self pity because they are such good people, just misunderstood and perhaps cognitively lacking and everyone just wants to kick them down. And they firmly believe this *kitten* so it never, ever ends. I couldn't deal and had to leave, Mrs. ED is far more tolerant than I am.

    I was going to say the same thing too but decided against it, glad someone else did.... he totally reminds me of my ex fiance...He's byebye now - I was too tolerant for too long...its a terrible kind of relationship/miserable.

    There's a reason you didn't say it, it's because it's RUDE and uncalled for. My wife and I never fight. She accepts me for my flawedness as she is equally flawed. Thank you for pushing me further into my inferiority complex though, I appreciate your brutal honesty as much as I appreciated the kick in the nuts when I was getting ganged up on in football as a kid.

    That's weird because didn't you start a topic last week about how you and your wife fight about the whole foods you want to buy for the family, but she is in charge of finances, so you stole her credit card so you could buy what you wanted to buy? Plus you bashed her all over the place there and here?

    Plus, every couple fights occasionally simply because both people are, as you yourself state "flawed". I would call a couple unhealthy if they didn't really ever fight, it means someone is getting taken advantage of or stamping their feelings down.
  • holliehhobbie
    holliehhobbie Posts: 17 Member
    People need food to survive. Our body craves food based on what nutrients our body needs. (if you do not over eat).
    Does artificial flavoring hinder that natural process...probably if you are craving cheese and you eat cheese flavored chips. If you are craving yogurt for the calcium and it's artificially flavored with vanilla...probably not. Does artificial flavoring confuse our bodies on what tastes and smells go with what nutrients...maybe.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    There's a reason you didn't say it, it's because it's RUDE and uncalled for. My wife and I never fight. She accepts me for my flawedness as she is equally flawed. Thank you for pushing me further into my inferiority complex though, I appreciate your brutal honesty as much as I appreciated the kick in the nuts when I was getting ganged up on in football as a kid.
    hahahah I'm sorry the last line got me.
    Isn't that called a tackle?

    Yeah, I glossed over that one at first too. I'm pretty sure that happens to everyone that plays football, from what I understand of how the game is played.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    ADHD doesn't typically make you unable to figure out if something is true or not.

    Not hating, but have you been tested for Aspbergers(spelling)? Cause you act more along the lines of having that.

    Hey, I know a guy with aspergers syndrome, and he is very argumentative and exhibits other symptoms similar to ED. That actually makes much more sense than autism.

    Asperger's is on the autism spectrum - it's not as severe or profound as what we know as autism, but it is a form of the disorder. And not everyone who has Asperger's is argumentative. Everyone has it in different ways. Some people become quite skilled at hiding the ways that Asperger's affects them by playing roles or 'acting' in a sense around others.

    I think it really depends on if the person is aware of the cognitive difficulties.

    Even at 30 years old I'm still learning new ways my "ADHD" has me impaired. Clearly I am having a hard time distinguishing between fact/opinion as well as friendly/troll. I used to value being naive, but I am starting to see how being naive is a huge disadvantage and I'd be better off not talking to anyone or reading anything. I got this from my mother. She recently bought a new pill she saw in a magazine because she read that it was supposed to boost her metabolism; she actually got sick from the pill and when I looked at the "scientific study" that she found the pills in it said "this is an advertisement"... A prime example of the world preying on the mentally impaired.... :(
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    There's a reason you didn't say it, it's because it's RUDE and uncalled for. My wife and I never fight. She accepts me for my flawedness as she is equally flawed. Thank you for pushing me further into my inferiority complex though, I appreciate your brutal honesty as much as I appreciated the kick in the nuts when I was getting ganged up on in football as a kid.
    hahahah I'm sorry the last line got me.
    Isn't that called a tackle?

    Yeah, I glossed over that one at first too. I'm pretty sure that happens to everyone that plays football, from what I understand of how the game is played.

    Yeah, if we were running a play that's one thing. But I was in the lockerroom after practice... So.... Yeah.... That's "tough love" apparently and it's acceptable (no one got suspended)_.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I've been in a relationship with someone like this and I will tell you it was THE most exhausting relationship I've ever found myself in. I don't know how this guy's wife copes, I really don't. They will pick fights and argue vehemently for their ridiculous positions, then claim you are attacking and/or insulting them and when all else fails they crumble into a hot azz mess of self pity because they are such good people, just misunderstood and perhaps cognitively lacking and everyone just wants to kick them down. And they firmly believe this *kitten* so it never, ever ends. I couldn't deal and had to leave, Mrs. ED is far more tolerant than I am.

    I was going to say the same thing too but decided against it, glad someone else did.... he totally reminds me of my ex fiance...He's byebye now - I was too tolerant for too long...its a terrible kind of relationship/miserable.

    There's a reason you didn't say it, it's because it's RUDE and uncalled for. My wife and I never fight. She accepts me for my flawedness as she is equally flawed. Thank you for pushing me further into my inferiority complex though, I appreciate your brutal honesty as much as I appreciated the kick in the nuts when I was getting ganged up on in football as a kid.

    That's weird because didn't you start a topic last week about how you and your wife fight about the whole foods you want to buy for the family, but she is in charge of finances, so you stole her credit card so you could buy what you wanted to buy? Plus you bashed her all over the place there and here?

    Plus, every couple fights occasionally simply because both people are, as you yourself state "flawed". I would call a couple unhealthy if they didn't really ever fight, it means someone is getting taken advantage of or stamping their feelings down.

    Other than money my wife and I are fine and appreciate each other. Why are you bringing up old news? Are you trying to pick a new fight with me?
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I would quit putting limits on myself based on a medical diagnosis if I were you.

    People who lump themselves into a category based on their hardships are rarely successful.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You want cheap whole foods in your area, start off at Randazzo's. Totally cheap, awesome food. Cheaper than any supermarket.
  • Your life is still what you make of it.

    I was read the same lies as a kid too, but I know the truth. We are all given a hand of cards. While some cards you can put back in the deck, shuffle and get new ones; there are some (like genetics) that remain in your hand and you just have to deal with the cards you're dealt.

    I do not try to play victim, but if you aren't going to try to learn how someone's life COULD be different than yours, why even bother socializing with other people?

    I'm new here, but I wanted to give my 2cents. I truly believe your intentions are good, the links you provide hold some merit, but your defensive nature is off putting. Trust me when I say I understand being dealt a crap hand, but I don't let let define me, or make me a bitter person.
    Also, I'm not one for a pile on, so I don't agree with kicking a person while down. You've apologized, you've tried to make people understand your point of view- please try to be as receptive to the people who are genuinely coming from a good place.
    For the rest- just don't respond. You teach people how to treat you.
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    Your life is still what you make of it.

    I was read the same lies as a kid too, but I know the truth. We are all given a hand of cards. While some cards you can put back in the deck, shuffle and get new ones; there are some (like genetics) that remain in your hand and you just have to deal with the cards you're dealt.

    I do not try to play victim, but if you aren't going to try to learn how someone's life COULD be different than yours, why even bother socializing with other people?

    I'm not criticizing you here. 2 people can live through the exact same traumatic event. How they CHOOSE to deal with it, determines their outcome. It isn't a lie. If you don't want to be happy, you can't ever be. If you want to be happy DESPITE your genetics or other issues, you have a much better chance of being happy.

    I never said I wasn't happy. I am just implying that other people treat me unfairly, even after they know what I am going through. It makes me feel like less of a person when they know what I'm struggling with and still expect things that I haven't been able to accomplish without help. It's like telling me to jump and them expecting me to say "how high" instead of jumping as high as I can and it being "enough". No one is ever happy with me and that's disappointing being a person who struggles for acceptance.
    they really need a smily playing the violin..."violin playing for you"

    You do realize you are depending on a bunch of people in an online forum - people you have never met - to make you feel better about yourself, and only have nice things to say...so basically you want everyone to walk on egg shells and make you feel pretty ?

    Maybe you should have approached this site differently instead of coming in airing your dirty laundry. We all have to deal with no so wonderful things too, get off the pity party.

    No one can make you feel anyway, you choose how you feel, only YOU are in control of your feelings. If your not then you dont control your mind it controls you.
  • I would quit putting limits on myself based on a medical diagnosis if I were you.

    People who lump themselves into a category based on their hardships are rarely successful.

    I'm loving your posts!
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I would quit putting limits on myself based on a medical diagnosis if I were you.

    People who lump themselves into a category based on their hardships are rarely successful.

    I didn't associate with ADHD from 11 years old until I lost my job 2 years ago. As a matter of fact, I treated myself like everyone else and just tried to be the best person I can be. But truthfully, you can't ignore a REAL mental health condition. You MUST live within your means and your limitations. And I was convinced I was good at things that I was clearly not capable of doing. Believe it or not, the last 2 years of my life acting as an ADHD person has been the best years of my life. It's not a label when you truly have some mental impairments going on. It's what they call an "invisible disability". Though admittedly, if imagination was valued as much as knowledge, I would not be disabled at all. It's really a culturally created disability. Too much preference in the sciences and not enough on the concepts.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Yeah, if we were running a play that's one thing. But I was in the lockerroom after practice... So.... Yeah.... That's "tough love" apparently and it's acceptable (no one got suspended)_.
    hahahah still funny. Sorry.

    I think most 'hazing' is just part of growing up. Sink or swim. It doesn't change later in life, it just gets more personal and less physical.
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