I went from 270 to 125 within a year.



  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Take 60 seconds and look at the profile people.
  • shorview
    shorview Posts: 14 Member
  • That's great. You look great! Nice job. Truly inspiring
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    You look great and very trim. If you're seriously considering losing more weight, be prepared for people worrying about you being anorexic. When I was younger, and under stress, I dropped to 115 and, seeing old pictures, realize how bad I looked with my hip bones, every bone, sticking out. You might want to take some bikini pictures, now and then (if you go through with it), and compare the photos with the assistance of someone you trust.

    The hair loss is pretty common for people who lose a lot of weight. Get help to figure out what nutrients you need to stop the process and, hopefully, get your healthy hair back. Good luck!
  • fitambitious
    fitambitious Posts: 57 Member
    You are super awesome :)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Guys look at her profile. She's still looking to lose another 24 lbs. She says she's struggled with eating disorders in the past. Honestly it seems like she is still struggling.

    OP You're a beautiful girl. Talk to a dr and get to a registered dietician so they can help you continue to be beautiful and healthy as well. :-)
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    I really wish people would stop congratulating her. The more I look at her profile the more concerned I am for her health and well-being. Please, stop and look at what her food diary, profile, recent posts, and her goal weight is! Many people posting one off congratulations might be patting her on the back as she climbs into a hospital bed.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I really wish people would stop congratulating her. The more I look at her profile the more concerned I am for her health and well-being. Please, stop and look at what her food diary, profile, recent posts, and her goal weight is! Many people posting one off congratulations might be patting her on the back as she climbs into a hospital bed.
    Exactly. Am I the only one who thinks she was prettier heavy? I know that is so bad to say on a fitness board lol... But I can't help but ask.
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    I think she was a pretty girl both ways. People say that to everyone as like vague lip service, but I can definitely see how people would have found her attractive at any size. She really has great bone structure and coloring to kill for. Such gorgeous eyes. I think thin she looks a bit like Alona Tal, who is quite pretty. I don't think she sees how attractive she is because she's stuck in some intensely mental body issues.
  • aliciadpo
    aliciadpo Posts: 69 Member
    this is soooo inspirational...you look great! (before and after) So beautiful. You must be so proud !!!!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I really wish people would stop congratulating her. The more I look at her profile the more concerned I am for her health and well-being. Please, stop and look at what her food diary, profile, recent posts, and her goal weight is! Many people posting one off congratulations might be patting her on the back as she climbs into a hospital bed.
    Exactly. Am I the only one who thinks she was prettier heavy? I know that is so bad to say on a fitness board lol... But I can't help but ask.

    No, I agree.
  • Wow! U look great, great job and thanks for sharing!!
  • xraygrandma
    xraygrandma Posts: 11 Member
    You were a beauty at size 22 but you are gorgeous now!!! I am so happy for you. I am just starting out on this website and currently at 230. Can't even imagine what it would be like to weigh 140 again. You give me hope that I can do it. Thanks for sharing.
  • Csengure
    Csengure Posts: 40 Member
    Seems as though all of the focus on "omg you're so pretty!!!" might do more harm than good to a person with BDD and disordered eating when it comes to reinforcing unhealthy behavior with positive reactions. What really surprises me is how many people appear to read the OP, take it completely at face value, then blithely skip over the ensuing nine pages' worth of replies to leave fawning congratulations. Something is wrong with this picture!
  • Chrysopteron
    Chrysopteron Posts: 57 Member
    Don't go too far. You look lovely in your "before". Overweight, for sure, but nowhere near "obese". Since I read in your profile that your goal is to look "anorexic skinny" it seems that congratulations are in order - you do.
    First thing I thought from the full-body-after pic was "Wow, she has a huge head!" Maybe it's the angle you took the picture at, that can be a bit awkward in the mirror - but maybe it is that your figure as such is nice but doesn't correspond to your height and proportions...
    And I don't mean this in a mean way, but in a concerned way. Your BMI is currently 19.6, I checked. Below 19 is considered underweight, still you claim you want to lose 1-2 more sizes. Besides, honey, you say you yoyo. First thing to stop that would be to stop forcing the yoyo down as far as it will go.
    You are thin, you are pretty, once you quit dieting so forcefully you hair won't fall out anymore. Three issues solved with one change. And start learning to love the big girl you were without becoming her again. Try and see her as a good old friend who was unhappy and compensated by eating.

    Food for thought: Maybe if you (as her friend) had loved her more she wouldn't have needed to binge so much...

    So maybe new you and old you can become friends and at one point merge emotionally?! I hope they will and wish you all the best for that! (Oh, and try not to give those two some more friends with balloony boobs and pouty lips!)

    This was unnecessary.

    What makes you say that?

    To the contrary. It was VERY necessary. I am really glad that other people have posted in this thread afterwards who are also concerned.
    The boobs and lips pun thing I added? Plans she made public in her profile for anyone who cared to look. I did - did you?

    To the congratulators: I am the first who finds people inspiring who lose weight by becoming more active and eat more healthily.
    Have you done the math, though?

    1) I refer to the BMI calculation in my earlier posting - and don't give me the crap about it not being cut out for muscular types, combine amount of exercise with the kind of food se eats and her weight and you can tell she's not so muscle-heavy to get BMI contortions...

    2) 145 lbs in one year. Have you troubled to consider why MFP won't allow you to set a more radical goal than 1 pound per week? BECAUSE IT'S BLOODY UNHEALTHY!!! And harder to maintain longterm. Especially with someone who says she has a penchant for yoyoing. Again: I am aware that people with a lot to lose may lose quickly in the beginning, much more than 1 pound a week. And I don't have problems with anyone doing a once-a-year fast or something like that to rid the body of toxins and things and I know that can knock off a lot in no time at all. As can certain illnesses (I hate tummy bugs...)
    But here, we are not talking about a few weeks - she lost close to 3 (!!!) pounds per week for a whole year (since a year has 52 weeks, if you need reminding), so three times the recommended maximum.

    If that makes you tell her it's wonderful and, even more absurd TO KEEP GOING at her current weight and frame of mind, then I am speechless for once. Have you lost weight or brains on your MFP journey? If the latter, I hope my disclaimer stops right where it's at.

    @ OP: I'm am not ranting at you. I am mad at people who don't think and don't take time to form an opinion. I believe you need help to become happy rather than more weightloss. You have shown so much strength by getting rid of your excess weight, I sincerely hope you find the strength and courage to accept and love who you are - who happens to be a pretty girl with self-esteem issues that can be resolved in cooperation with a professional. Good luck on your journey.
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    Her daily calorie total (while not the best foods) doesnt seem unhealthy. She stated she consumed far more calories prior. Is losing weight on strickly calorie limitation such a bad thing?
  • Chrysopteron
    Chrysopteron Posts: 57 Member
    Her daily calorie total (while not the best foods) doesnt seem unhealthy. She stated she consumed far more calories prior. Is losing weight on strickly calorie limitation such a bad thing?

    No, it's not and no one said that.
    This is what keeps me banging my head against the wall when people gush with admiration:


    Apparently the wish to look "anorexic skinny" was a joke. Fine.

    What remains fairly obvious is that here we have a girl who states herself that she is NOT naturally thin. She is currently at the bottom edge of healthy BMIs and wants to lose another 24 pounds. She yoyos (according to herself). She is already experiencing hairloss. And she wants fake tits, lips and botox as well as a tummy tuck. At her age. With her looks. After all she has achieved.
    That suggests a psychological problem to me. Add in posts about being scared to poison herself with vitamins if she eats anything but junk food, and I worry. And I worry the more when I get the impression that the majority of people on MFP think all of this is completely normal. Do you?
    Because in a case like this, people can actually do harm when they give feedback that encourages the OP to go on - straight into a hospital ward in the long run, if push comes to shove. Had a friend went that way, won't keep my mouth shut - it became deeply personal when that happened.
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    Her daily calorie total (while not the best foods) doesnt seem unhealthy. She stated she consumed far more calories prior. Is losing weight on strickly calorie limitation such a bad thing?

    My main cause of concern is that she's 5'7", weighs 125 pounds and has a goal to lose 24 more. When you add in how rapidly she lost the weight and the 'joke' about wanting to be anorexically thin it's all very concerning. She says in another thread she's afraid of eating healthy foods in combination with a vitamin because she might get toxic levels of a certain, but unspecified, nutrient so she sticks with junk and a vitamin. I think the blind encouragement is going to do her more harm than good in the long term.
  • jmapes9
    jmapes9 Posts: 144 Member
    I log in to the community section 4-5 times a week. I almost always just visit the success stories section, for inspiration. I've only been on this site since March, and your story is easily one of the five most remarkable ones I've read so far. As far as physical transformation goes, yours may the the most remarkable. You were a pretty girl before, but now you look sensational! Keep it up, beautiful, so you can continue to enjoy the life you've earned.
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