Chocolate whey protein recommendations?



  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    The VAT sucks, but most companies are still campaigning against it, and looking for ways around it, for example protein flapjacks don't seem to have VAT. I can't believe the gov did this, despite banging on about sport all summer, and the amount of signatures on the petitions against it. I even wrote to my MP back when the budget was announced, but just got a standard reply saying the treasury knew best.

    Anyway, enough of my rant, I really like the choc chip cookie flavour protein from Bulkpowders. I would also recommend Bulkpowders in general, much better service than MyProtein, and a no nonsense approach, just naming their products for what they are, rather than the "super power blaster 5000" nonsense loads of other places use.

    I'm not affiliated in any way, my glowing recommendation is just from experiences I have had with various companies.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    It's obvious, but a link might help!
  • adamlb
    adamlb Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    I bought some small sample sachets from Myprotein and then after taste testing settled on the chocolate mint and toffee flavours :smile:
  • USN is the best tasting and most reasonably priced, from GNC. Try Chocolate Cream Flavour. Banana and Strawberry are nice too!
  • rose_ruby
    rose_ruby Posts: 37 Member
    optimum nutrition extreme chocolate - amazon has the cheapest price. really delicious!