Words/phrases you hate...



  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    "it is what it is." or "swag"
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    never been

    please add the word 'there'. please?
  • cindyj7
    cindyj7 Posts: 339 Member
    The "F" bomb. It's the only word that I know of that can be used in just about any part of speech, verb, noun. adjective. Although I've never seen it with an ly on the end or even said that way either.

    ^^Awww, this is my FAVORITE word!!
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member

    What the HELL is that supposed to mean?! :explode:
  • treesloth
    treesloth Posts: 162 Member
    I want to defend the expression "it is what it is", but only for certain uses. It sounds uselessly redundant; of course "it is what it is"! What else would it be? But the expression has some meaning of value. I use it pretty much for a single purpose: to remind someone not to read more (or less) into something than there really is. A moderate problem is just that-- not a tiny bump in the road, and not a catastrophe. It is what it is, not more and not less. The expression is just a concise way of saying that.

    That said, I recognize that most uses of the expression are not of the sort I just described.
  • AlissaFL
    AlissaFL Posts: 80 Member
    I've been working on my fitness.
  • "Having fun yet?" Usually when the person knows you're doing something incredibly BORING.

    VietMAnese - It's VietNAmese, from Vietnam. Get it?

    Being called Hun, Kiddo, Sweetie ESPECIALLY when they're younger than me.

    Expecially - It's especially, as stated above.

    "I know, right?" or as of late "Right?" when they agree.

    Uber - For example, when someone says something is uber exciting. I get it, you're excited.

    Also, when people talk like they think they're thugs... Instant punch in the throat.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    When people use the word "retard" as an insult. Being a mother of an intellectually disabled child it makes me want to SCREAM!

    This was a message I tried to get through to my kids while they were growing up - 'retard' is so commonly used as an insult that it was difficult for them not to adopt the term just because they heard it so often at school.

    When she was about 13-14, my daughter started to be an occasional weekend carer (with my supervision) of a young intellectually disabled woman and the message finally hit home for both my children.

    That's why the term for it changes every couple of years. Every time they have a new term for it, it turns into an insult and they have to change it.
    It used to be called "imbecile" or "retard", then it changed to "mental retardation", then it had a couple of other names and now the medical term is "intellectually challenged" or "intellectually disabled".
    I've had to look into this, because I had to develop a game for intellectually disabled people and so had to talk to them and help out on a daycare centre a couple of days, to learn about them and what they can or can't do. Obviously you'll want to use the right term, to not insult them.
    If we'd stop giving up our words to bullies, we wouldn't have to change it all the time. My son is mentally retarded. That's a fact. I'm not going to NOT say so just because a bunch of a-holes decided to make it a bad word. Let them find something else to say; we weren't doing anything wrong, so we shouldn't have to change.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
  • I absolutely hate when I am speaking to someone and they come back and reply “ Or said in a better way” no, I said it exactly how I meant it~
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Anywhoo.. and the other crap that goes with it. We will finger it out bleh bleh. In my opinion makes you sound like a complete imbecile.

    Blood.. just like the way its said... lol i know silly and hard to explain
    Ah, that reminds me of two phrases that have always sounded ridiculously dirty to me:
    "Rub off on" and "Beat around the bush."

    Maybe he'll rub off on me? No thank you! But really, don't beat around the bush...move it along to the good stuff.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    It is what it is

    THIS! I nearly killed my husband when we were buying our house because he kept saying this!!!

    I have to leave the room when I hear this....it is a mantra in the office I work in. People use it to end a conversation when they can't think of anything else intelligent to say. Grrrrr :explode:

    No, people use it to end a conversation when they can't think of ANYTHING intelligent to say.
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    my son uses YOLO... I'm not too keen on it..
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Swag...has to be the most ridiculous word I have ever heard. I'm guessing it was coined by some no talent rapper? Or deodorant company.

    I see young guys, maybe early teens, wearing flat bill hats, black socks and sandals, of course sagging shorts, a lanyard hanging from their pocket, and a bright neon shirt with the word SWAG across the front. Makes me laugh. Then I look at pictures from when I was that age and think, "Yea...I looked pretty dumb too!"

    Me at 12: Short black Nike shorts, any overly large UNC t-shirt, white socks, and don't forget the Reebok Shaqnosis shoes!!! Stylin' and pro.... you know the rest.
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    i know right? statement and a question all rolled into one???

    holla, hella



    cray cray....

    totes...amaze...presh - No one says totally amazing precious!

    broheim (sp?) HATE this one Bro, brah and other variations.
  • Amanda21202
    Amanda21202 Posts: 210 Member
    People in this area tend to mix up "borrow" and "lend."

    They say "I borrowed it to you" instead of "I lent it to you."

    Snap! I cannot stand this!
  • rodarthe
    rodarthe Posts: 5 Member
    The use of "prolly" rather than 'probably.
  • I thought of another one:

    Adorbs (instead of adorable)
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    What on earth does it mean??
    Absolutely nothing!!

    :) Way to go!!
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    you go girl
    puter (for computer)
    togs (photographers)
    all things work together for good
    if it is meant to be it will happen

    already getting irritated...stopping now