Do you count alcohol in your calorie goal?



  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    My calorie goal is 1200 a day, and I drink 2-3 standard drinks (355ml bottle beer) every day, which is about 300-400 calories. This means I can only eat about 800 calories a day , or be 400 calories over...

    I starve over 800 calories a day... any help pls?

    Quit drinking. Seriously. And if you can't, join AA. That's the best advice I can offer.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Like i said, some people can be dam right rude & not think before they speak.. too many people like to judge people & not give support..oh what a shame..

    I saw a proper medical person who declared me NOT an alcoholic, but drank out of habit.. like a person who smokes or eats food etc..
    I never once got drunk on the stuff it just chilled me, as the weight i was my body could take it, if i wanted to get drunk & be an alcoholic i would have seriously needed more than what i was drinking for myself

    I liked to chill with a bottle of wine (not a bottle of vodka/whisky/gin etc) I never skipped meals on purpose, i just at that time didnt care to scoff my face as others do with foods

    I now have 2 bottles of wine a week.. I guess i must still be an alcoholic,,some people really need to go onto courses before making bad judgements on others...

    Have a nice day :)

    The difference between an alcoholic and someone who enjoys a drink is that an alcoholic can't quit. The thought of doing so upsets them. Don't have a drink for two weeks. If you can't go that long without cheating, I'm sad to say that you have a drinking problem.

    Alcohol is alcohol whether it's beer, hard liquor, cordials, wine, or mouthwash. Don't kid yourself in thinking that you have to regularly drink liquor to the point of oblivion to be considered an alcoholic. Anyone who can't abstain from all alcohol for a couple of weeks has a problem.

    I'm not being judgmental--many of my dearest friends are in recovery and I'm incredibly supportive of them. I'm just telling you the cold, hard truth.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Like i said, some people can be dam right rude & not think before they speak.. too many people like to judge people & not give support..oh what a shame..

    I saw a proper medical person who declared me NOT an alcoholic, but drank out of habit.. like a person who smokes or eats food etc..
    I never once got drunk on the stuff it just chilled me, as the weight i was my body could take it, if i wanted to get drunk & be an alcoholic i would have seriously needed more than what i was drinking for myself

    I liked to chill with a bottle of wine (not a bottle of vodka/whisky/gin etc) I never skipped meals on purpose, i just at that time didnt care to scoff my face as others do with foods

    I now have 2 bottles of wine a week.. I guess i must still be an alcoholic,,some people really need to go onto courses before making bad judgements on others...

    Have a nice day :)

    You do realize that being drunk isn't what makes someone an alcoholic right? denial is a big part though.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    My calorie goal is 1200 a day, and I drink 2-3 standard drinks (355ml bottle beer) every day, which is about 300-400 calories. This means I can only eat about 800 calories a day , or be 400 calories over...

    I starve over 800 calories a day... any help pls?

    Yes, stop drinking so much alcohol.
  • Bsp120167
    Bsp120167 Posts: 68 Member
    I like to have a couple of drinks myself. I switched to drinking Gin and Soda water which has a far lower calorie count than wine and less sugar.. If I am eating good I have a hard time eating my calories anyway so I have a couple of hundred left over I can use for a drink or two.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i dont drinkl
    if u dont couunt it u are cheating. alcohol has lots of calories
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Eat more calories.
    Problem solved.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    1200 calories is way to low unles s u are 120 pounds
    u will gain w eight, go into starvation mode and possibly binge
  • Andrew_peter
    Andrew_peter Posts: 94 Member
    Yup I did for a while, but very quickly I realized I was much happier and more satisfied eating some decent food vs pounding back a few beers, and so my drinking in the last 4 months (outside of short vacation) has been almost non-existant.
  • Humanovation
    Humanovation Posts: 52 Member
    Try drinking even more alcohol so that you throw up all of those nasty calories afterward ... problem solved ;-)
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    1/3 of your daily caloric intake in beer?

    That's a bit silly for someone who's serious about... well, living.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Stop drinking 400 calories a day. Problem solved. Or do more cardio. Or more weights. Or stop drinking every day.

  • Katina3333
    Katina3333 Posts: 259 Member
    Hubby & I go out drinking once a week. I just make sure I have enough calories for that nights fun. I just make sure not to eat when we go out, just have a couple of drinks, shoot pool & dance.
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    Try drinking even more alcohol so that you throw up all of those nasty calories afterward ... problem solved ;-)

    i'm dying this is amazing lol
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Try drinking even more alcohol so that you throw up all of those nasty calories afterward ... problem solved ;-)

  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I count everything. My calorie goal is 1694. I try to eat at least 1500 of actual food.

    I log my beverages in a separate section on my diary so I can see how many calories I'm drinking. This includes alcohol, coffee, etc.

    I generally drink beer or wine a few times a week, and often go over because of the alcohol, but usually not by much (couple hundred maybe, sometimes more), but it hasn't hindered my weight loss.

    I say up your calories a bit and stay active. 1200 seems too low. MFP will starve you to death. Have you calculated your TDEE?
  • Andrew_peter
    Andrew_peter Posts: 94 Member
    Try drinking even more alcohol so that you throw up all of those nasty calories afterward ... problem solved ;-)

    Have to share... As ugly as this is I've been there lol!! Got loaded on a crazy friday a while back with friends after dinner at the bar, barf/passout, wake up and start thinking about if I can fit a greasy breakfast into my plan for the day seeing as how I lost at least half my dinner from the night before. Ultimatly decided to go for the gold and the eggs/bacon were awesome that day!!
  • I had an issue with this as well. I have gained over 30 pounds in nearly 2 years and I had several contributing factors. One of them being alcohol which I used to not consume. I started eating the 1200 calories a day several months ago and continued my drinking habits. I got NO results and after a few months realized that although I was dieting, I still was drinking too many calories to actually lose weight. All my dieting was doing was maintaining rather than gaining as I had the 2 years prior...So, I finally decided to give a shot and cut out the alcohol as bad as i hated to and BOOM...what do ya know?! Lost several in the first week and several the next. I knew it was the main problem, but just tried to deny it thinking a diet alone would have to help, but it did NOT, lol. I am so happy that I found my groove and the pounds are starting to come off. I have cut my drinks down to only once a week and I choose really low calorie meals that day such as a salad and some protein. Good luck to you!
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Of course I count them, they're still calories, and enough of it can make you gain weight just like a greasy hamburger would. If I'm going to drink, I make room for it and don't drink anymore than I log.
  • AmberLee2012
    AmberLee2012 Posts: 540
    Yes! I rarely drink M-F but I will have a couple on Fridays and Saturdays. It has been tougher to do this since I started logging everything. One Mike's Hard Lemonade has 220 calories! If you want to see a loss on the scale, you have to track everything you eat AND drink. Also, that's a lot of beer.