trying to loose, under calorie goal but not loosing



  • Derek_K
    Derek_K Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks Rubybelle - Yes I guess that fact that you are actually watching your calorie intake makes you think twice about having a piece of that chocolate cake or being tempted by a side of fries. Until I started this program I didnt realise how much extra I was eating. Being aware is part of the journey.
    So to - jlg759 - the fact that you are here now and you have lost 4 pounds says you are on the right track. Well done to you!
  • One other thing I have found that has really helped me is to eat something small every 2-3 hours. It keeps the metabolism going through the day and seems to have worked really well for me. I keep to about 1500 calories a day with this method and have dropped nearly 30 pounds in 6 weeks. I've also cut out most soda, including diet. Diet Soda i have found can mess with my blood sugar levels, because my body thinks it is taking in sugar and reacts that way.

    Congrats on the loss already gained though. Its hard work. Keep it up!