1200 calorie diet



  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Jillian Michaels has some good foods in her meal plan. It adds up to about 12-1300 I think - not looked at it for a while though.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I think that the minimum per diem requirement to avoid your body believing it is starving is 1200 calories. Perhaps a second opinion would be appropriate. Weight loss is like everything else in life. It is best done gradually and it is best done together with exercise. Exercise can mean just walking fast enough to make you sweat or puff. Gradually you will do more and get fitter and go faster. If you start fast you will almost certainly injure yourself.
    Best practice is to set a long term goal and see yourself in your imagination as you want to look. Then work steadily towards it using very short term goals and intermediate goals. S, for example. I have a long term goal to weigh just below 80kg. I started at 95.5. I have set intermediate goals to lose just under 1 kg (actually 1 lb) per fortnight. I have daily goals to live within the goals set by "myfitnesspal". I am succeeding. I have a vivid image of how I want to look when I am 79.6kg. It is a clear motivator for me.

    ^^^^^This!! 1200 is below most people's BMR. And sometimes Doctors are idiots. Wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion.

    You have NO idea what the OP's health issues are, so please be supportive and give them the advice they ask for, or lay off. They need support, not people telling them they are wrong. Im on 800-1200 calories and im just fine.

    Chill out. I'm just SUGGESTING a second opinion. I would never advise someone not follow doctors orders especially if there is a underlying medical condition.
  • sharamia
    sharamia Posts: 34 Member
    In a word: Fiber. Eat foods with high fiber. I don't eat much processed food except cereals and grains. You can get Double fiber bread and make yourself a sandwich, toast and jam (not butter) I like cucumber sandwiches. BTW, I'm a pescetarian which means I don't eat beef, pork, or chicken. I get my proteins from beans, lentils, (both high in fiber too) nuts, and fish. Hope that helps.
  • It's known as "brose" in the highlands of Scotland.
  • this will sound horrible, but some porridge made with water and a sprinkle of cinnamon always fills me up. 140g is aboout 155 calories (using water) And now its cold (in Ireland anyway) its a nice snack to make you feel warmer

    It's known as "brose" in the highlands of Scotland.