The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    I just started Power 90 and finished one week. Pretty tough for me but I plan on making it through. Not sure how many people on this post are just starting it seemed to me like most have been going a while. I just started a new thread under Motivation for P90 and will see if other brand new people jump in. Hope I can stick to it! :) It is wonderful that you have your boyfriend doing it with you..that will keep you motivated!

    I have just finished the first week of power 90 too! i'll friend you so we can keep each other on track :)
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    how's everyone doing!?
    i'm into my second week of Power 90. it's still fun!

    push-ups are getting a bit easier, and i'm lifting heavier weight than last week. i really pushed myself to exhaustion on most of the sets yesterday.
    cardio today!!

    although, i can't help but wonder if i should be doing a longer workout, especially on the sculpt days. does anyone double up Power 90 with any other workouts/activities?
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I'm starting Power 90 today, I'm pretty excited about it. Just wanted to get a post in so I don't lose the thread. :)
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    So, I did Day 1, but I have to use 3lb weights because my arms are so weak (it's laughable really lol) I really enjoyed this workout. It was simple, to the point and very informative. I'm glad I decided to start with P90 and not with any other 90+ day workout. I probably would have thrown in the towel.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Hi Clarissa!
    I'm on Day 34 and still loving it! I agree, P90 is totally simple, to the point and informative. I wouldn't say 3 pounds is so bad. I guarantee, if you stick with it, you will be moving up in no time! I started with 5 and quickly moved up to 8, although I still use 5 when Tony says, "You might want to lower your weight on this move." :laugh:
  • cindysimp
    cindysimp Posts: 23 Member
    Clarissa- Welcome! I am doing P90 as well and I am sooooo glad I did not do P90X because I think the P90 is tough. I have been doing it for 2 weeks now and I can honestly say it is getting easier. I started with 3 lbs as well and I use 5 lbs most of the time and every now and then will sneak in 8 lbs when I feel like I can. Week one is the tough week so hang in there. I still like the workout. I LOVE simplicity though!
  • mkcole
    mkcole Posts: 46
    Just started P90 today. :) Can't wait to see were 90 days takes me.
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    Today will be day 16 of power 90 for me.

    still enjoying it, and progressing with weights and reps. i am using 5lb, 8lb and 10lb weights... but i think i may have to invest in some 12lb-ers soon for the back exercises... i'm not feeling the burn as much as i think i should! still using the 5lb weights for shoulder flys though!!!

    i haven't been using the supplements that are meant to go with the workouts, but i'm wondering if i really need to? does anyone have any advice about whether or not to use them? or alternatives?
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Today will be day 16 of power 90 for me.

    still enjoying it, and progressing with weights and reps. i am using 5lb, 8lb and 10lb weights... but i think i may have to invest in some 12lb-ers soon for the back exercises... i'm not feeling the burn as much as i think i should! still using the 5lb weights for shoulder flys though!!!

    i haven't been using the supplements that are meant to go with the workouts, but i'm wondering if i really need to? does anyone have any advice about whether or not to use them? or alternatives?

    Neither am I!! I'm curious to see what others have to say. I wonder if they could help us see more dramatic results and in less time? Thanks for asking this.
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    How's everyone doing?!

    Power 90 - Day 23 for me!!

    Wow, it'll be time to check stats and take a picture again in a week. I'm not how much of a change I'll see... I've definitely lost a couple of lbs and the workouts are getting easier, so hopefully that'll be reflected in my measurements and the new photos!

    Still not bothering with the supplements, but I have made an effort to increase my protein intake a bit, it was always a bit lower than recommended by MFP.
  • mkcole
    mkcole Posts: 46
    Day 9 here.... feeling great...

    Keep pushing play!!!
  • cindysimp
    cindysimp Posts: 23 Member
    That is great that you are still going strong and even better that you met your goal sooner than anticipated! Way to go!!!
    How's everyone doing?!

    Power 90 - Day 23 for me!!

    Wow, it'll be time to check stats and take a picture again in a week. I'm not how much of a change I'll see... I've definitely lost a couple of lbs and the workouts are getting easier, so hopefully that'll be reflected in my measurements and the new photos!

    Still not bothering with the supplements, but I have made an effort to increase my protein intake a bit, it was always a bit lower than recommended by MFP.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I am ready to get back into it. After completing 120 days of power 90 and master series - I took a break of about three weeks of no structured exercise (this included my wedding and honeymoon) I am back with my walking and classes at the gym. So, I just order the Power Half Hour. I think I will try that for maintainance???? I can always switch in the power 90 and master series when needed. Just trying to get back into a everyday routine - an adjustment from time off. LOL I surely don't want to loose the muscle or gain back any weight.

    So how is everyone doing??? Still pushing play I hope!!!!

    I will be back pushing play real soon!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good morning all,

    Managed to get in 30 min on the eliptical last night. I also got up this morning and did level 1 sculpt power 90. Figured I better start my routine now so that when my Power 1/2 hour comes in I will be ready!! Felt really good. I plan on going to step class tonight. My routine has changed so much.... my new married life. But, I already preapred a healthy dinner that he just has to pop in the oven about 30 before I will get home. That way I can still go to my class...and we won't be eating too late. His schedule changes all the time ... so I will just adjust when necessary. So my first plan of action is to do the power 1/2 hour for 30 days. Then I will switch in my other power 90 and master series tapes. That's my plan...

    So, how is everyone doing??? Let me know...

    Just push play!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good morning all. Had a great weekend. I actually eat pretty good and healthy and that's good because I didn't get in any formal exercise. Really busty from morning till night runnign errands, cleaning and attended a horse show.

    But got up this morning, (pretty easy becaise of time change) and di the fat burn express of Power 90 . I should be getting my Power 1/2 in any day now. So now trying to eat healthy today. I made my lunch a nice shrimp salad and two healthy snack. Some mixed nuts and a banana. I had a nice dinner fixed but I may have to eat on the run.... my son needs me to run something up to school for him - either I eat on the run or eat really late... not sure yet. But other than that doing really well. I feel like I am back into the swing of exercise, so just have to keep at it.

    How is everyone else doing? Still pressing play???
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Where are all my power 90 peeps??? Hey, are you all going to let me talk to myself again???

    Well, Ok - I got my power 1/2 hour in yesterday - so this morning it was the Ab burner !!! It was a great workout - really felt it. So tomorrow may be bum burner - not sure. There is 4 workouts and a strech workout. I think the strech will be good for days off - like Sunday's when I do something light.

    Hope everyone is doing good!!!

    Would like to hear from someone...anyone....someone...anyone????
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Power 90 1/2 hour - arms this morning. So, I thinking that I really like the Power 1/2 hour. Each dvd is sort of spot specific - arms, thighs, butt, arms and strech! So, I can target specific spots!!! If I continue to do my cardio three times a week and then do these DVD's in the morning - that should keep in good shape. I am pretty satified with my fitness and weight right now - but I don't want to loose it or gain any weight back!! I need to stay motivated !!!!! Ialso have a really good library of Tony, Julian Michaels and the Biggest loser so I can also switch up and add in!!!!

    So has anyone else done the power 1/2 hour????

    Hope everyone is have a happy healthy day.

    I am still talking to myself huh?? Oh well it works for me LOL
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    i'm still here!

    am on ~ day 38 of power 90. we switched over to the sculpt and cardio 3-4 workouts and there's definitely a jump-up in intensity. i like it! but all hte push-ups are TOUGH (getting a bit easier).

    i'm not a big fan of the cardio, so sometimes i substitute in something else, mostly cycling, but i always do the abs... (200 reps, OMG!!)
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    had a bit of an off week last week, so started again today... i think we're calling it day 35 or thereabouts.

    am wondering if doing the same set of exerciese for 90 days is really a good idea. i hear a lot about muscle confusion and mixing up your workouts, so i'm going to mix up my cardio a bit. tomorrow i'm going to substitute a spinning class for the sweat 3-4 session, and maybe do the same this weekend.

    don't worry, i won't forget my 200 reps of ab exercises!

    how is everyone getting along? still pushing play?!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey guys, I am still here - kinda sort of. Been through a lot in th last two month..sickness and death in the family, holiday drama etc. - . but anyhoo, I am doing a running program trying to prepared for a 10K in April. ( my son's friend ask me to run it with her. He is running it - but with his fireman group so she wants me run with her.) So I haven't been doing Power 90. When I settle back into my routine...I will start doing the Power 1/2 on the days that I am not running, so 3-4 days a week. I am still do my classes at the gym and walking with my walk group at night.

    I will still check in and give encouragement if anybody needs it. I love the power 90 - master series - power 1/2 hour. It is really a good program and I loved the results. I am stronger and more fit . I am just switching things up - I will be back in the future.

    to everyone out there keep pushing play - it is worth it!!!
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