How much child support do you get?



  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    One child, $500.00/mo plus insurance. I also spend money on her besides that for clothes and whatnot. I love my girl, so it's still a bargain.

    Why can't my ex be like you?????

    When my ex and I married, she had 2 kids from a previous marriage. Their father was a deadbeat and never paid a dime support. After a few years, he volunteered to give up parental rights to stay out of jail for failure to pay child support. So I was able to adopt them after that. They are both responsible adults now. I think seeing their biological father like he was made me even more detrmined to do the right thing when we divorced. I don't aways get it right, but it's not from lack of trying.

    Your awesome! My ex does pay.....but he complains about it every step of the way.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I have a daughter with special needs (seizures every week), hosptial bills out my *kitten*, can't afford day care although she's 13 and I will get $0. Well, to be honest I just filed last week, Child Support office said they won't be able to do anything because I don't have an address, a middle name or a SSN. I gave them his work mailing address and phone number but they won't do anything with it. He gets to live the high road and my daughter and I get to struggle with bankrupcy around the corner. :)
    My son Down syndrome, and because of his diagnosis he gets SSI (Supplemental Security Income for those who don't know). And I was told that if your child gets even a dollar of SSI, they automatically qualify for Medicaid (called Montana Healthy Kids here). It's a lifesaver. As the name would imply, it supplements our (my) income. I would not be able to pay all the bills without it, and I certainly never would have been able to go to college.
  • ShellBell4281
    ShellBell4281 Posts: 127 Member
    $200 usually. $250 last month. $0 this month.
    We're not going thru the state, doing it privately.
  • You guys need to move to PA!!!

    You get a percentage of his -potential- income.
    Marry a doctor who now works at McD's to spite you? Your child support is on a doctor's salary. Keeps idiots from doing this. Even if you terminate your rights, you still have to pay.

    Being obligated to pay and actually paying is two different things. I also live in PA and unfortunately know of several deadbeat dads.
  • rooster70460
    rooster70460 Posts: 206 Member
    I am in Louisiana and I receive $350.00 for my daughter from her father... BUT I have to pay the state $110.00 for my 17 yo son who is in juvenile jail til he is 18 yo. They have the same father.

    But dad has to pay the state OVER $400.00 for the same said son!! Talk about a F@^%& up situation!!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    You guys need to move to PA!!!

    You get a percentage of his -potential- income.
    Marry a doctor who now works at McD's to spite you? Your child support is on a doctor's salary. Keeps idiots from doing this. Even if you terminate your rights, you still have to pay.

    Being obligated to pay and actually paying is two different things. I also live in PA and unfortunately know of several deadbeat dads.

    I also live in PA and know alot of losers that do anything to not pay any child support.
  • I get about $2470 per month for three kids (all under the age of 7) and more than half of that is half of our daycare/after school costs. I work full time, their dad does too, he makes twice as much as I do. He has 38% custody and we had an agreement that he paid less than the state mandated amount for the first three years because I was laid off for over a year so I didn't want him to have to pick up the slack because the company I worked for closed. Once I got a job making decent money I had the amount changed, it only affected him to the tune of about $400 a month. We are currently in a custody battle, which sucks, our son has special medical needs which he refuses to attend to so I really don't want to increase his time share, I don't want to take away what's set up our kids are well adjusted to our schedule and they are with him at a minimum of twice a week. I just wish he would grow the eff up and take care of our son the way he needs to, it's so minimal really. i hate being divorced, in some ways it sucks more than being in an abusive marriage with someone who cheated. At least I was used to managing "crazy" this is just painful.
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    My hubby pays $450 per month child support for one daughter, plus a percent of out of pocket medical bills. I provide health insurance for her. We also spend quite a bit of money on her, buy her clothes, pitched in for a laptop, sent her to overnight camp she wanted to go to, take her on vacation, buy her shoes. He's a very good dad.
  • karawRN
    karawRN Posts: 311
    well i was SUPPOSED to get 50 dollars a month. (1 child)

    but i terminated his rights, he was unwilling to do it so took him to court, long process, but i terminated them.

    and now he has to pay all the child support that he never paid me HAHAHAHA

    if the idiot wouldnt have contested it, i would have called it even and not made him pay it back.
  • I have a daughter with special needs (seizures every week), hosptial bills out my *kitten*, can't afford day care although she's 13 and I will get $0. Well, to be honest I just filed last week, Child Support office said they won't be able to do anything because I don't have an address, a middle name or a SSN. I gave them his work mailing address and phone number but they won't do anything with it. He gets to live the high road and my daughter and I get to struggle with bankrupcy around the corner. :)
    My son Down syndrome, and because of his diagnosis he gets SSI (Supplemental Security Income for those who don't know). And I was told that if your child gets even a dollar of SSI, they automatically qualify for Medicaid (called Montana Healthy Kids here). It's a lifesaver. As the name would imply, it supplements our (my) income. I would not be able to pay all the bills without it, and I certainly never would have been able to go to college.

    Gingerjen7, I've applied several times for SSI and they either tell me that she's not sick enough or I make too much money...too bad it's not enough to take care of her.