Beginning to Panic.



  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    You can concentrate on your upper body. Using hand weights at home or at the gym you can do the seated stuff. Don't give up and do nothing. Watch everything you eat.:happy:
  • pigote
    pigote Posts: 615 Member
    Look up chair exercises. There are plenty of things you can do while sitting to help burn calories.

    This! You can still do it :-)
  • I echo the posts suggesting upper body workouts. Strict diet. 9 pounds in 5 months, no problem. I was sidelined with in injury, a couple months back, for about 8 weeks -- still lost just the same amount as when I was working out because I adjusted my calories.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Walk a bit (with crutches obv)
    You will have that arms of a goddess by wedding time lol
  • There are plenty of exercise that you can do while seated. Shadow boxing is great for getting your heart rate up. Keep up on toning exercises with light weight/resistance. Doing toning causes your body to eat up cals for muscle reapir. Yeah you will have to keep your cals in check since you will not be able to do much by way of lower body, but there are many alternatives. I wish you luck and have faith that you can reach your goal!
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    I currently have a hairline fracture in my right ankle ..has been there for 8 weeks, At 1st I didn't lower my calories enough and I gained a couple pounds at 1st..then I wised up and set my goal to the recommended MFP settings and I have already lost all I gained and a couple extra.. I do a lot of floor work and weight lifting now. I also use an exercise bike.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I wonder if you are put in a hard boot or something that protects your foot if you could still do the recumbant bike or something that doesn't have impact? I doubt you'll be able to swim right after surgery....because I was considering the same and doc said it would be weeks until I could get in the pool post -surgery (too much bacterial in pool near open/healing/taped wound). Good luck to you.
    This is what I was going to say. Or put your casted foot up and use one leg on a recumbent bike. That sound silly, but that's what I would do to burn some calories. Or, I had a piece of equipment that I think was called the Red Exerciser; it was a disc you sat on and used your core to pivot from side to side. It came with a video workout...anyway, you didn't need to be on your feet to do it (obviously, because you're sitting on it...I'm really off my game today).
  • Thanks everyone for your replies, will have my foot in plaster so no swimming which is just as well as I can't swim. :laugh:

    Have weights and a resistance band and have made a promise to myself that I will do 2 lots of 30 minutes exercise everyday but am still worried. x

    Try to relax, because the anxiety can prohibit your weight loss. I know you will be a beautiful bride! Get as much rest as possible so that your body can heal as fast as it can. And healing can can use up energy - so you'll need more rest if you are working out & healing at the same time. Lots of water!!!!