Is this real life? (Exercise Database)



  • (username) burned 656 calories doing 175 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Music playing, piano, organ, violin, trumpet"

    haha if that's true, I should really learn how to play...

    If he/she was practicing with the marching band it is possible

    More than possible, probable- my boyfriend is in college marching band, its hard work!
  • After reading the title, I was expecting a queen sing a long..

    or is this just a fantasy
  • adietz12
    adietz12 Posts: 6 Member
    I wish Les Mills classes were listed. I work out in them all the time. I also feel the calorie counts listed here for exercise are way too high. The best sense of the reality is with a heart rate monitor.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Whatever the exercise is I only log half the time on here because I feel the amount of calories they suggest you've burned is way too much. For instance, I swim for 90 minutes and it is vigorous (I swim 4 sets of medley and then break for 2 mins and go again). If I put that into the exercise database it would suggest i have burned over 1500 cals. If I ate those back it would almost double my food intake...

    I usually go by the rule that no matter how much exercise I've done I only eat a max of an extra 15% calorie-wise.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I log 1000 calories burned every time I type a post.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    Who cares? Honestly there is so much whining about what others are and aren't doing to lose weight. If they want to log every single thing they do through out the day and attempt to give themselves credit they are only hurting themselves. It doesn't effect you and your weightloss journey.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I will iterate at this point that this bugs me because there are NO listings for many recognised forms of what is considered cardiovascular exercise.

    That and the calorie count for most is buggered, I do wish they'd put up resources for more accurate calorie counts for people who don't know. Or at least give their odd algorithms so people can tell it's likely quite off.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    (username) burned 656 calories doing 175 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Music playing, piano, organ, violin, trumpet"

    haha if that's true, I should really learn how to play...

    If he/she was practicing with the marching band it is possible

    Maybe they were playing all four instruments at once? I'd say that is log-able.
  • KRobertson36
    KRobertson36 Posts: 25 Member
    Just my thought I would add anything which is outside your norm. I know one of my friends bangs away on the drum and lost weight doing it. granted he did it for hrs at a time, but hey. I would say if you never cook and begin cooking go for it. I know before when I ran a restaurant I spent a good amount of cal cooking. Why should that be taken away from people?

    When I joined MFP I was under the impression this assisted people in a life change. From some people getting up and cleaning walking while shopping may be forms of exercise for those people. This site if to help people. If for you cooking or cleaning doesn't do it then don't log it. I know in my band geek days playing the trombone took some energy. I haven't played in many years "IF" I decided to play again for a little while I might log those. Again outside my normal daily activity.

    On another note....if you ride a exercise bike every day at what point do you stop logging it because it became a part of your normal routine? Just some food for thought.
    Just my thoughts
  • At first I was like, yeah that's strange to log playing the piano. But maybe playing piano is a chore to that person, so logging the calorie burn = motivation to practice. Might be the same for people who log cooking and cleaning. I log yoga and pilates even though MFP lists them as only 42 calories burned per 10 minutes. Not really worth logging from a calorie burn standpoint (I do work up a sweat though), but logging gives me extra motivation to keep doing exercises I don't particularly like.